VIDEO, FOTO: ZGRADE SE URUŠAVAJU JEDNA ZA DRUGOM Ispod ruševina nebodera našli 44 leša

Indian rescue workers carry a survivor (C) pulled from the wreckage of a collapsed apartment building in Chennai on June 30, 2014. Rescuers plucked two survivors from the ruins of a collapsed apartment block in southern India as they raced against the clock to find dozens more people feared trapped in the rubble. The confirmed death toll from the disaster on the outskirts of Chennai rose to 18 as authorities blamed shoddy construction for what was the second deadly building collapse in India within a matter of hours. Reports said that the two people rescued morning included a 35-year-old female construction worker who was one of several dozen entombed by a mass of concrete.

NEW DELHI - Broj mrtvih pod urušenom zgradom u indijskome gradu Chennaiju narastao je u ponedjeljak na 17 jer su spasilačke ekipe noću izvukle tijela još sedam žrtava, a sa žrtvama iz New Delhija od subote je zbog urušavanja poginulo 27 osoba, prenose mediji.

Zgrada od 11 katova srušila se u subotu i pod njezinim su ruševinama stradali radnici i prolaznici.

Spasilačke ekipe izvukle su 22 preživjele osobe, a 40 se još smatra nestalima, objavila je mreža NDTV.

Indian rescue workers clear rubble from the wreckage of a collapsed apartment building in Chennai on June 30, 2014. Rescuers plucked two survivors from the ruins of a collapsed apartment block in southern India as they raced against the clock to find dozens more people feared trapped in the rubble. The confirmed death toll from the disaster on the outskirts of Chennai rose to 18 as authorities blamed shoddy construction for what was the second deadly building collapse in India within a matter of hours. Reports said that the two people rescued morning included a 35-year-old female construction worker who was one of several dozen entombed by a mass of concrete.

Sedam mrtvih tijela izvučeno je noću kada su ispod ruševina izvučene i dvije preživjele osobe.

Raščišćavanje će se nastaviti dva do tri dana jer je to osjetljiv posao, rekao je predstavnik spasilačkih ekipa.

Uhićeno je pet osoba među kojima i izvođač gradnje.

Urušavanje zgrada u Indiji nije rijetkost zbog loše gradnje i loše kakvoće građevinskog materijala.

Indian rescue workers carry a survivor pulled from the wreckage of a collapsed apartment building in Chennai on June 30, 2014. Rescuers plucked two survivors from the ruins of a collapsed apartment block in southern India as they raced against the clock to find dozens more people feared trapped in the rubble. The confirmed death toll from the disaster on the outskirts of Chennai rose to 18 as authorities blamed shoddy construction for what was the second deadly building collapse in India within a matter of hours. Reports said that the two people rescued morning included a 35-year-old female construction worker who was one of several dozen entombed by a mass of concrete.

Ranije u subotu srušila se trokatnica u indijskome glavnome gradu New Delhiju i usmrtila 10 osoba, od kojih su petero bila djeca.

Više od 60 ljudi poginulo je u rujnu kada se srušila zgrada u financijskom sjedištu Mumbaiju.

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20. rujan 2024 15:44