U sudaru autobusa 27 poginulih

Indian rescue workers carry a survivor (C) pulled from the wreckage of a collapsed apartment building in Chennai on June 30, 2014. Rescuers plucked two survivors from the ruins of a collapsed apartment block in southern India as they raced against the clock to find dozens more people feared trapped in the rubble. The confirmed death toll from the disaster on the outskirts of Chennai rose to 18 as authorities blamed shoddy construction for what was the second deadly building collapse in India within a matter of hours. Reports said that the two people rescued morning included a 35-year-old female construction worker who was one of several dozen entombed by a mass of concrete.

KAIRO - U sudaru dvaju autobusa u petak rano ujutro na egipatskom poluotoku Sinaju poginulo je najmanje 27 ljudi, a više od 40 ih je ozlijeđeno, objavila je egipatska novinska agencija MENA.

Izvlačenje stradalih putnika još traje pa bi broj poginulih mogao porasti. Ozlijeđeni putnici prevezeni su u dvije obližnje bolnice, a među ozlijeđenima ima državljana Rusije, Jemena i Saudjske Arabije. Jedan od autobusa vraćao se iz poznatog turističkog središta Sharm el-Sheikh na Crvenom moru.

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18. rujan 2024 17:43