FOTO: HOROR U NIGERIJI Više od 200 zatočenica Boko Harama trudno: 'Na pregledima su za infekcije i HIV'

BEST QUALITY AVAILABLEThis handout picture released by the Nigerian army on April 30, 2015 and taken this week in an undisclosed location in the Sambisa Forest, Borno state, purportedly shows a member of the Nigerian Army standing next to a group of women and children rescued in an operation against the Islamist group Boko Haram. Boko Haram hostages were held in atrocious conditions in the group's Sambisa Forest stronghold, Nigeria's military said on April 30 after nearly 500 women and girls were released this week. AFP PHOTO / NIGERIAN ARMY-- RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT " AFP PHOTO / NIGERIAN ARMY " - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS --

ABUJA - Najmanje 214 mladih žena i djevojaka oslobođenih proteklih dana iz ruku islamističke terorističke skupine Boko Haram na sjeveroistoku Nigerije trudno je, objavio je u ponedjeljak Populacijski fond Ujedinjenih naroda (UNFPA).

Nigerijska je vojska prošlog tjedna oslobodila gotovo 7.000 žena iz različitih logora Boko Harama.

"Većina njih sad prolazi preglede na različite zaraze, infekcije, uključujući i HIV/AIDS", izjavio je izvršni direktor UNFPA za Nigeriju Babatunde Oshotimenih za nigerijsku novinsku agenciju.

This handout picture released by the Nigerian army on April 30, 2015 and taken this week in an undisclosed location in the Sambisa Forest, Borno state, purportedly shows a group of women and children rescued in an operation against the Islamist group Boko Haram. Boko Haram hostages were held in atrocious conditions in the group's Sambisa Forest stronghold, Nigeria's military said on April 30 after nearly 500 women and girls were released this week. AFP PHOTO / NIGERIAN ARMY-- RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT " AFP PHOTO / NIGERIAN ARMY " - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS --

Boko Haram otima mlade djevojke kako bi ih prisilio da prijeđu na islam i da se vjenčaju i drži ih kao roblje.

Ni za jednu od oslobođenih nije ustanovljeno da je pripadnica skupine od više od 200 djevojaka otetih iz škole u mjestu Chibok u travnju 2014. godine.

BEST QUALITY AVAILABLEThis handout picture released by the Nigerian army on April 30, 2015 and taken this week in an undisclosed location in the Sambisa Forest, Borno state, purportedly shows a member of the Nigerian Army standing next to a group of girls rescued in an operation against the Islamist group Boko Haram. Boko Haram hostages were held in atrocious conditions in the group's Sambisa Forest stronghold, Nigeria's military said on April 30 after nearly 500 women and girls were released this week. AFP PHOTO / NIGERIAN ARMY-- RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT " AFP PHOTO / NIGERIAN ARMY " - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS --

Vojnici su u ponedjeljak pronašli još 260 žena na rubu mjesta Chalava u državi Adamawa. One su pobjegle teroristima, rekao je vojni glasnogovornik Chris Olukolade.

BEST QUALITY AVAILABLEThis handout picture released by the Nigerian army on April 30, 2015 and taken this week in an undisclosed location in the Sambisa Forest, Borno state, purportedly shows one of the children rescued in an operation against the Islamist group Boko Haram. Boko Haram hostages were held in atrocious conditions in the group's Sambisa Forest stronghold, Nigeria's military said on April 30 after nearly 500 women and girls were released this week. AFP PHOTO / NIGERIAN ARMY-- RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT " AFP PHOTO / NIGERIAN ARMY " - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS --

Većina njih potječe iz obližnjeg mjest Madagali i susjednih sela, rekao je glasnogovornik. Neke od njih otete su pa su pobjegle iz logora Boko Harama, dok su druge u bijegu pred pobunjenicima koje su prije nekoliko tjedana napale Madagali.

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20. rujan 2024 21:23