ZAPANJUJUĆA TRANSFORMACIJA 'S 20 godina imala sam samo 25 kila, a dvije i pol godine poslije ja sam živi dokaz da se i najveće zlo može prebroditi'


Annalise Mishler (22) iz Kalifornije prije dvije i pol godine bila je na rubu smrti - težila je samo 25 kilograma i imala svega tri posto masnoga tkiva u tijelu - bila je sama kost i koža, a od umiranja su je, kaže, doslovce i bez pretjerivanja, dijelili sati.

- Mučila me nesanica, imala sam problema sa srcem, a menstruaciju nisam dobila pune dvije godine, koliko je trajala moja najgora faza mršavosti. Živjela sam u nezamislivom paklu. Takvo nešto ne bih poželjela ni najgorem neprijatelju - prisjetila se Annalise, a prenosi The Mirror.

Kad se napokon suočila s bolnom istinom da će je anoreksija ubiti, Amerikanka je odlučila boriti se za sebe, za vlastiti život. Danas je, kaže, potpuno zdrava - udebljala se skoro 23 kilograma, redovito vježba i jede zdravo, a postala je i fitness instruktorica. Njezin profil na Instagramu prati čak 44 tisuće ljudi.

- Nakon svega što sam prošla, tek sad shvaćam da riječi 'mršavost' i 'zadovoljstvo/sreća' jednostavno ne idu jedna uz drugu. Drago mi je što iz vlastita iskustva mogu pomoći drugima koji se posramljeni i sami bore s anoreksijom. Želim im biti uzor i nadahnuće - na kraju krajeva, ja sam čisti dokaz da se i najveće zlo može prebroditi - zaključila je Mishler.

same shorts, same human; happier soul. except i can't wear these shorts in public now bc they are basically underwear and there's a whole vegan pizza in my belly on the right daily reminder that you can and will do anything and everything that you manifest. to God, the Universe, Buddha, yourself--whatever you believe in. when you have a vision or a goal for yourself it is absolutely without a doubt possible. i wasn't taking those left photos because i thought i looked cute. lol. no. i took those photos because i knew there would be a time where i could see how far i've come. and how cool that it's now!!! like i am one proud, accomplished human and i've been through the absolute darkest hell imaginable and i stand here today (ok tbh i'm sitting on the toilet not standing) with a smile on my face, flesh on my bones and light in my eyes. life is such a miracle you guys. i'm so grateful for it all. just for everything. inb4 OMG R U COLD HAHAHA no my nipples are always like that i swear on my life i could be in a sauna and they would be showing

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(Nov 2016-June 2017) it may not be #transformationtuesday but it is #humpday and despite the obvious physical change is an incredible mental change. i used to be scared to wear crop tops even tho i had an EIGHT pack because i worried that if i sat down my stomach would have rolls. (???) now, i weigh 60 pounds more and i wear a crop top more days than not and give zero fux. not only do i love my body more than ever and feel so much gratitude that i was able to live through 5 years of weighing less than half of what i should have, but i am determined to help anyone and everyone that is in the place that i was in the left photo and the second 2 photos. it's why i do what i do--why i put myself out there online on youtube and why i am transparent and vulnerable with countless strangers. i want to help as many people as i can. i was given a second (and third and fourth) chance at life because i have a purpose; that purpose is to spread awareness and help those who can't help themselves at the moment. my transformation video will be up on my youtube tonight. make sure to subscribe annie mishler

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OH MY GAHHH MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT TIME! You guys know i love my @coconutscove swimsuits and that i literally wear them all the time as a sports bra, bandeau...literally anything. i would wear it as a hat if i could. Well we have officially teamed up and are offering these suits to you guys as my OWN PERSONAL MERCH!! I get asked a lot if i would consider doing merch and I'm like well i dunno what the hell i would sell like can baby goats count as merch?? Anyway I'm so excited that I have merch finally for you guys AND the coolest part is that when I'm filming 2 shows in the next 2 months I'll be rocking these bad boys on TV so you better jump on it so we can all match Guys, get one for your girl. Girls, get one for YOSELF cause you deserve it and i love that i can wear it as a sports bra lmao. So pictured are 2/3 colors--it also comes in black (but i wore that yesterday sooo it's being washed) and i think they are literally the perfect colors and the material is so thick and amazing and just ahhh SUCH QUALITY!! If you're a follower of mine you can use the code "ANNALISE" for 10% off...BUUUT...if you're a member of my patreon you guys get your own special code for 25% off Im so stoked. Like what I have merch what is life? Catch me on TV real soon rocking my new merch

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