FOTO: MISLILA JE DA IMA AKNE, NO DIJAGNOZA JE PUNO OZBILJNIJA 'Krenulo je s prištićem, ali život mi se poslije toga pretvorio u pravu noćnu moru'

 Profimedia, Caters News

Kad je Marisha Dotson (28) iz Tennesseeja u SAD-u uočila promjene oko nosa, bila je uvjerena da se radi o nekoj vrsti akni i nije se previše uzrujavala. Zabrinula se tek nakon što su se ‘akne’ udvostručile i proširile, no ni tad nije ni sanjala što će proživjeti.

Liječnici su 2014. godine pregledom utvrdili da boluje od planocelularnog karcinoma, tipu raka kože koji ima dobre prognoze i ne metastazira u okolne limfne čvorove i udaljene organe osim ako se jako dugo ne liječi.

- Mrlja na nosu mi je izgledala kao običan prišt. Bio je prilično crven i poput mrlje, ali nakon što je počeo rasti i širiti se, bilo mi je jasno da nije obična mrlja. Počelo me boljeti i oticati, a ja sam znala dobiti visoku temperaturu. Zbog toga sam potražila pomoć kod dermatologa koji mi je i službeno dijagnosticirao karcinom, ispričala je Dotson za britanski Metro.

Obzirom da se Dotson dosta kasno zabrinula, liječnici su joj dali 20 posto šanse za preživljavanje i morala je proći operaciju koja je trajala čak 15 sati, a kojom su joj uklonili gotovo većinu nosa. Nažalost, prvi tretmani nisu djelovali, a rak se vratio i izbio na drugim dijelovima lica. Liječnici su tad morali donijeti tešku odluku. Odrezali su joj dio vilice, a većinu tkiva i kože na nosu uklonili.

- (PICTURED: Marisha before the cancer took a hold and ravaged her face, she initially dismissed it as a spot or pimple - but it could have easily killed her) - An orphan who confused deadly cancer for spots has used selfies to document her battle from face ravaging disease to smiling with a mouth implant. Marisha Dotson, 28, from Knoxville in Tennessee, USA, first noticed a small red pimple-like dot on her nose double in size, began to hurt and started to make her ill three years. Scans revealed it was squamous cell carcinoma, an aggressive form of skin cancer and needing a 15-hour surgery to remove layers of the cancerous tissue and most of her nose. It was hoped she was in the clear, while undergoing reconstruction, but cancer struck a second time after more deadly spots appeared on her lip, cheek and nose. After radiation and more surgery, it was discovered the jellyfish-shaped tumour had spread, requiring parts of her jaw, eight teeth, nose tissue and skin to be cut away. Last year, the student had a temporary dental implant fitted to fill the void left in her face, enabling her to smile, eat and talk. She received her second all-clear report three months ago and now to empower others is sharing the selfies she took documenting her three years battling cancer. -, Image: 344056566, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: MARISHA DOTSON / CATERS NEWS, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News
Marisha prije nego što joj je dijagnosticiran rak

- (PICTURED: Here is the initial spot that would drastically develop into the dangerous form of cancer - she believed it was a pimple or spot not a deadly cancer, she documented her journey) - An orphan who confused deadly cancer for spots has used selfies to document her battle from face ravaging disease to smiling with a mouth implant. Marisha Dotson, 28, from Knoxville in Tennessee, USA, first noticed a small red pimple-like dot on her nose double in size, began to hurt and started to make her ill three years. Scans revealed it was squamous cell carcinoma, an aggressive form of skin cancer and needing a 15-hour surgery to remove layers of the cancerous tissue and most of her nose. It was hoped she was in the clear, while undergoing reconstruction, but cancer struck a second time after more deadly spots appeared on her lip, cheek and nose. After radiation and more surgery, it was discovered the jellyfish-shaped tumour had spread, requiring parts of her jaw, eight teeth, nose tissue and skin to be cut away. Last year, the student had a temporary dental implant fitted to fill the void left in her face, enabling her to smile, eat and talk. She received her second all-clear report three months ago and now to empower others is sharing the selfies she took documenting her three years battling cancer. -, Image: 344056559, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: MARISHA DOTSON / CATERS NEWS, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News
Mrlja za koju je Marisha mislila da je akna, no kad je naraslo, shvatila je da je ozbiljnije

- Kirurzi su mi uklonili kost iz nepca, izgubila sam osam zuba, sinusnu šupljinu i tkivo ispod oka, a imam veliku prazninu na lijevoj strani lica. Koristim zubne implantate, bez njih ne mogu jesti niti govoriti jer mi previše kostiju na licu nedostaje, dodala je.

Prije tri mjeseca Dotson liječnici su zaključili da je dobro i da je (zasad) izliječena. Stoga je odlučila podijeliti selfieje koje je snimala kroz tri godine bitke s karcinomom kako bi inspirirala druge, ali ih i potaknula da brinu o sebi.

Prošla je 30 operacija kako bi uklonila sve tumore i rekonstrukciju lica. - Zaradila sam ove ožiljke i ponosna sam na njih jer svjedoče o mojoj volji za životom, o znoju i suzama koje sam prolila da bih ostala živa. S ovom ću štetom živjeti ostatak života, no nije me briga za kozmetički dio priče, sretna sam što sam živa.

- (PICTURED: Marisha had to have layers of her nose and tissue and bone removed and burned twice in a bed to stop the deadly form of cancer from killing her) - An orphan who confused deadly cancer for spots has used selfies to document her battle from face ravaging disease to smiling with a mouth implant. Marisha Dotson, 28, from Knoxville in Tennessee, USA, first noticed a small red pimple-like dot on her nose double in size, began to hurt and started to make her ill three years. Scans revealed it was squamous cell carcinoma, an aggressive form of skin cancer and needing a 15-hour surgery to remove layers of the cancerous tissue and most of her nose. It was hoped she was in the clear, while undergoing reconstruction, but cancer struck a second time after more deadly spots appeared on her lip, cheek and nose. After radiation and more surgery, it was discovered the jellyfish-shaped tumour had spread, requiring parts of her jaw, eight teeth, nose tissue and skin to be cut away. Last year, the student had a temporary dental implant fitted to fill the void left in her face, enabling her to smile, eat and talk. She received her second all-clear report three months ago and now to empower others is sharing the selfies she took documenting her three years battling cancer. -, Image: 344056572, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: MARISHA DOTSON / CATERS NEWS, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News
Marishi su operacijama uklonili dijelove nosa

- (PICTURED: Here is Marisha recently, shes now able to smile, eat and talk thanks to a dental implant - after having parts of her jaw, numerous teeth, bone and tissue removed as it was infected by the deadly cnacer) - An orphan who confused deadly cancer for spots has used selfies to document her battle from face ravaging disease to smiling with a mouth implant. Marisha Dotson, 28, from Knoxville in Tennessee, USA, first noticed a small red pimple-like dot on her nose double in size, began to hurt and started to make her ill three years. Scans revealed it was squamous cell carcinoma, an aggressive form of skin cancer and needing a 15-hour surgery to remove layers of the cancerous tissue and most of her nose. It was hoped she was in the clear, while undergoing reconstruction, but cancer struck a second time after more deadly spots appeared on her lip, cheek and nose. After radiation and more surgery, it was discovered the jellyfish-shaped tumour had spread, requiring parts of her jaw, eight teeth, nose tissue and skin to be cut away. Last year, the student had a temporary dental implant fitted to fill the void left in her face, enabling her to smile, eat and talk. She received her second all-clear report three months ago and now to empower others is sharing the selfies she took documenting her three years battling cancer. -, Image: 344057120, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: MARISHA DOTSON / CATERS NEWS, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News
Marisha nedavno, nakon operacija

- (PICTURED: Marisha now, she is a proud cancer survivor and encourages others to love themselfs ) - An orphan who confused deadly cancer for spots has used selfies to document her battle from face ravaging disease to smiling with a mouth implant. Marisha Dotson, 28, from Knoxville in Tennessee, USA, first noticed a small red pimple-like dot on her nose double in size, began to hurt and started to make her ill three years. Scans revealed it was squamous cell carcinoma, an aggressive form of skin cancer and needing a 15-hour surgery to remove layers of the cancerous tissue and most of her nose. It was hoped she was in the clear, while undergoing reconstruction, but cancer struck a second time after more deadly spots appeared on her lip, cheek and nose. After radiation and more surgery, it was discovered the jellyfish-shaped tumour had spread, requiring parts of her jaw, eight teeth, nose tissue and skin to be cut away. Last year, the student had a temporary dental implant fitted to fill the void left in her face, enabling her to smile, eat and talk. She received her second all-clear report three months ago and now to empower others is sharing the selfies she took documenting her three years battling cancer. -, Image: 344056983, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: MARISHA DOTSON / CATERS NEWS, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News
Marisha nakon operacija

Zahvalila je liječnicima koji su brinuli za njezino zdravlje, no unatoč nastojanju da što više radi, bolnički su računi jednostavno preveliki. Marisha je sa 16 godina ostala bez mame, ostala je sama i već dugo sama zarađuje za život. No, ovo je bio prevelik zalogaj. Zato je pokrenula stranicu za prikupljanje financijskih sredstava od čega bi, između ostalog, kupila zaštitu za usta koju ne pokriva osiguranje, a koja će joj pomoći da ne oboljeva od konstantnih infekcija.

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21. rujan 2024 02:35