Trideset i sedam osoba poginulo je u požaru u noći na petak u psihijatrijskog bolnici, drvenoj zgradi koja je u potpunosti izgorila na sjeverozapadu Rusije, priopćio je ruski istražni odbor za oblast Novgoroda na svojoj internetskoj stranici.
Među poginulima je i 46-godišnja medicinska sestra koja je spašavala pacijente kada je izbio požar. Dosad je izvučeno deset tijela.
Po preliminarnim podacima, uzrok požara je neoprezno rukovanje vatrom jednog od pacijenata.
Zgrada se nalazila izvan Velikog Novgoroda, oko 220 kilometara jugoistočno od Sankt Peterburga, a za godinu dana je trebala biti zatvorena "zbog niske sigurnosti u slučaju mogućeg požara".
Residents collect salvageable materials from their destroyed house gutted by fire at the height of firefight between government forces and Muslim rebels are seen in Zamboanga City in southern island of Mindanao on September 13, 2013, as the stand-off enter its fifth day. Philippine President Benigno Aquino September 13, visited the southern city of Zamboanga where government troops are battling followers of a Muslim rebel leader opposed to peace talks. AFP PHOTO/TED ALJIBE
An overview of destroyed houses gutted by fire at the height of firefight between government forces and Muslim rebels in Zamboanga City on the southern island of Mindanao on September 13, 2013, as the stand-off entered its fifth day. Philippine President Benigno Aquino on September 13 visited the southern city of Zamboanga where government troops are battling followers of a Muslim rebel leader opposed to peace talks. AFP PHOTO/TED ALJIBE
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