VIDEO, FOTO: ŠOK U AUSTRALIJI Policija uhitila majku koja je nasmrt izbola osmero djece

CORRECTION: CREDITPolice comfort a distressed woman at the scene where eight children aged between 18 months and 15 years were found dead at a home in the northern Australian city of Cairns, police said on December 19, 2014, reportedly after a gruesome mass stabbing. A woman, 34, was injured in the incident in the suburb of Manoora, 10 minutes from the city centre. She is in a stable condition in hospital and assisting detectives with their inquiries, police said. AFP PHOTO/COURTESY OF ABC FAR NORTH /ISAAC EGAN ----EDITORS NOTE ----RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE MANDATORY CREDIT " AFP PHOTO / COURTESY OF ABC FAR NORTH / ISAAC EGAN " NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS

Australska policija uhitila je 37-godišnju majku zbog ubojstva osmero djece u svojoj kući u gradu Cairnsu.

Ispostavilo se da je žena, koja je s teškim ozljedama primljena u bolnicu, majka sedmero djece, dok je jedno dijete bila njezina nećakinja.

Policijski inspektor Bruno Asnicar izjavio je da je 37-godišnja osumnjičenica pri svijesti i da razgovara s policijom.

Flowers and stuffed toys are laid opposite the scene where eight children ranging from babies to teenagers were found dead in a house in the northern Australian city of Cairns early on December 20, 2014. Prime Minister Tony Abbott called the Cairns tragedy heartbreaking, coming with Australia already in an outpouring of national grief overlast weeks dramatic standoff in Sydney, which left two hostages and the gunman dead. AFP PHOTO/Peter PARKS

Foto: AFP

Policija je pozvana u petak nakon što je u svom domu pronađena brutalno izbodena žena. Tijekom pretrage kuće, policija je otkrila tijela mrtve djece. Nakon daljnje istrage, u kući je pronađeno brojno oružje, kao i noževi, javlja Sky News.

Djeca su bila stara od 18 mjeseci do 15 godina, a pronašao ih je njihov 20-godišnji brat kada se vratio kući te je on pozvao policiju.

Flowers and stuffed toys are laid opposite the scene where eight children ranging from babies to teenagers were found dead in a house in the northern Australian city of Cairns early on December 20, 2014. Prime Minister Tony Abbott called the Cairns tragedy heartbreaking, coming with Australia already in an outpouring of national grief overlast weeks dramatic standoff in Sydney, which left two hostages and the gunman dead. AFP PHOTO/Peter PARKS

Foto: AFP

Premijer Tony Abbott osvrnuo se na krvavo ubojstvo.

- Radi se o neviđenom zločinu. Ovo su teški dani za našu zemlju - poručio je Abbott.

Naime, Australija je još uvijek u stanju šoka nakon što je policija u utorak ujutro pokušala okončati 16-satnu talačku krizu u jednom baru u Sydneyu pri čemu su ubijene tri osobe, među kojima i otmičar.

Žena se još uvijek nalazi u bolnici te je pod policijskom nadzorom.

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20. rujan 2024 22:34