VIDEO, FOTO: GUSTA MAGLA OKOVALA ZRAČNU LUKU Airbus 330 izletio s piste i završio u polju

Passengers walk away from a Turkish Airlines plane after it skidded off the runway while landing at Kathmandu airport in the Nepalese capital Kathmandu on March 4, 2015. Aviation officials said no one on board was injured, although one witness described how terrified passengers leapt from their seats as the cabin filled with smoke after the plane skidded to a halt. AFP PHOTO / Dikesh Malhotra
 Dikesh Malhotra

Pilot zrakoplova Turkish Airlinesa uspio je u Nepalu izbjeći veliku tragediju nakon što je izletio s piste i sletio na nos u polje.

Airbus A330 koji je letio iz Istanbula za Katmandu imao je u srijedu rano ujutro problema s slijetanjem zbog guste magle i skliske piste u zračnoj luci Tribhuvan.

Slijetna staza bila je izuzetno skliska jer je kiša pada dva dana bez prestanka.

Oštećen je prednji dio Airbusa 330, a zrakoplovni dužnosnici izvijestili su da nije bilo poginulih niti teško ozlijeđenih u zrakoplovu koji je prevozio 238 ljudi. Putnici su zadobili tek ogrebotine.

Kao glavni uzrok nesreće navode se loši vremenski uvjeti i slaba vidljivost.

Dikesh Malhotra
Military personnel and passengers surround a Turkish Airlines plane after it was evacuated after skidding off the runway on landing at Kathmandu airport in the Nepalese capital Kathmandu on March 4, 2015. Aviation officials said no one on board was injured, although one witness described how terrified passengers leapt from their seats as the cabin filled with smoke after the plane skidded to a halt. AFP PHOTO / Dikesh Malhotra

Dikesh Malhotra
Passengers walk away from a Turkish Airlines plane after it skidded off the runway while landing at Kathmandu airport in the Nepalese capital Kathmandu on March 4, 2015. Aviation officials said no one on board was injured, although one witness described how terrified passengers leapt from their seats as the cabin filled with smoke after the plane skidded to a halt. AFP PHOTO / Dikesh Malhotra

Dikesh Malhotra
Passengers walk away from a Turkish Airlines plane after it skidded off the runway while landing at Kathmandu airport in the Nepalese capital Kathmandu on March 4, 2015. Aviation officials said no one on board was injured, although one witness described how terrified passengers leapt from their seats as the cabin filled with smoke after the plane skidded to a halt. AFP PHOTO / Dikesh Malhotra

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21. rujan 2024 02:15