'UBIJ SE!' Ubojica koji je likvidirao trudnu suprugu i dvije kćeri u zatvoru pod posebnim nadzorom, stražari ga moraju provjeravati svakih 15 minuta

 Profimedia, Facebook

Chris Watts je navodno pod posebnom prismotrom u zatvoru zbog sumnje da bi mogao počiniti samoubojstvo nakon njegovog šokantnog priznanja o ubojstvu svoje žene, dvije kćeri i nerođenog sina.

Izvor iz zatvora u Wisconsinu je rekao da je Watts na 'kliničkom promatranju', javlja Daily mail. Stražari ga navodno moraju provjeravati svakih 15 minuta. 33-godišnji Watts je rekao agentima FBI-ja prošlog mjeseca kako su drugi zatvorenici na njega vršili pritisak da učini samoubojstvo.

Evil Chris Watts is seen here being strip searched by investigators just hours before he was arrested for the murders of his pregnant wife and their two young daughters back in August. 
Agents photographed Wattss chest, hands, torso, back, neck, head and legs for the purpose of the investigation.
The shirtless images reveal the Colorado killers collection of tattoos, including a huge Metallica inking on his upper back  in tribute to his favorite band.
Just two hours later Watts, 33, was formally arrested and cuffed in the same room. 
The images have been released by investigators in the shocking Colorado case following an open records request.
Last month Watts had his sentences handed down, including three consecutive life terms without the possibility of parole for the murder of his pregnant wife Shanann, 34  who was carrying their unborn son  and daughters Bella, aged four, and Celeste, aged three.
Prosecutors say Watts strangled his wife for two minutes, before suffocating their two children.
The bodies had been dumped by Watts and were discovered on August 16 at the Anadarko oil and gas drilling site where he worked near their home in Frederick on the northern outskirts of Denver, Colorado.
According to authorities Watts was having an affair with a female coworker and had told her he and his wife were separating.
06 Dec 2018, Image: 400964662, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

'Svi bi zatvorenici noću vikali na njega i objašnjavali mu na koje se sve načine može ubiti u svojoj ćeliji', rekao je jedan od agenata koji je razgovarao s Wattsom.

Ovo je već drugi put kako je Watts zbog straha od toga da će počiniti samoubojstvo stavljen na kliničko promatranje. On je u studenom osuđen na doživotnu zatvorsku kaznu, a zbog sigurnosnih je prijetnji premješten iz Colorada u Wisconsin.

Vijesti o promatranju zbog mogućeg samoubojstva dolaze samo nekoliko dana nakon što je u javnost izašla vijest o njegovom šokantnom priznanju zločina.

Ubojica je prošlog mjeseca rekao istražiteljima da je zadavio svoju trudnu ženu Shannan kad se sukobila s njim zbog njegove afere s ljubavnicom Nichol Kessinger.

Otkrio je i da je samo nekoliko sati prije ubojstva imao seksualni odnos sa svojom ženom, a to se dogodilo kad se ona vratila s poslovnog puta u Arizoni.

Watts sada žali zbog svojih djela, a u jednom je trenutku rekao da bi, da to nije učinio, sada imao dvije kćeri od 5 i 3 godine i jednomjesečnog sina, kao i prekrasnu ženu.

Facebook Shannan Watts

'A sada sam tu samo ja...', rekao je.

Nadzorna kamera njegovog susjeda je snimila Wattsa u šetnji s jednom od njegovih kćeri, samo nekoliko sati prije nego što je okončao njezin život.

Supruga mu je, nakon što je doznala da ju vara, navodno rekla da nikad više neće vidjeti djecu.

'Makni se od mene, nemoj ozlijediti bebu', rekla mu je kad je nasrnuo na nju. Isprva je ona mislila da je nasrnuo na nju zbog seksa, no zapravo ju je namjeravao zadaviti.

'Sve što se dogodilo toga jutra mi nije jasno. Pokušavam se sjetiti svega. Nisam to htio učiniti, ali učinio sam to. Osjećao sam se kao da je nešto bilo ugrađeno u moj mozak i da sam se toga jutra probudio s mišlju da ću to učiniti, a nisam imao nikakvu kontrolu nad time', rekao je i zatim dodao da je pročitao stih iz Biblije nakon što je Shannan prestala disati kad ju je zadavio.

These photographs show tragic Shanann Watts and her two daughters in picture perfect moments with her family, including her parents and brother.
The images depict the murdered mother and young daughters Bella and Celeste in happy family scenes with Shananns brother Frankie Rzucek and their parents Sandra and Frank.
The photos have been released by investigators in the shocking Colorado case following an open records request.
Pregnant Shanann, 34, was strangled to death by husband Chris Watts, who also suffocated their daughters Bella, aged four, and Celeste, aged three.
Last month Watts had his sentences handed down, including three consecutive life terms without the possibility of parole for the murder of his pregnant wife Shanann, 34  who was carrying their unborn son  and their two daughters.
Prosecutors say Watts strangled his wife for two minutes, before suffocating their two children.
The bodies had been dumped by Watts and were discovered on August 16 at the Anadarko oil and gas drilling site where he worked near their home in Frederick on the northern outskirts of Denver, Colorado.
According to authorities Watts was having an affair with a female coworker and had told her he and his wife were separating.
10 Dec 2018, Image: 401843164, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

'Oprosti ovim ljudima jer ne znaju što čine.'

Priznao je i da je bacio posteljinu s kreveta na kojem je ubio ženu. Rekao je i da nije razgovarao sa članovima obitelji otkako je osuđen, a to vjerojatno objašnjava i činjenicu da njegov otac i dalje misli da mu je sin nevin.

Watts je istaknuo da mu je za ubojstvo supruge trebalo oko četiri minute, a zatim je njegova kći Bella došla u sobu.

'Upravo sam bio skidao plahte s kreveta kad je ona došla sa svojom malom rozom dekicom. Počela je plakati i pitala me što nije u redu s mamom', ispričao je.

These evidence photos show the interior of the seemingly idyllic family home where Chris Watts murdered his wife Shanann and their two young daughters.
Investigators photographed the entire house, including the couples bedroom and those of children Bella, aged four, and Celeste, aged three.
Watts, 33, strangled his pregnant wife Shanann, 34, to death before suffocating their two girls, and then loading their bodies into his truck and dumping them at the Anadarko oil and gas drilling site where he worked near their home in Frederick on the northern outskirts of Denver, Colorado.
Investigators discovered the bodies on August 16, days after Watts made an emotional TV appeal claiming his wife and children were missing.
The house was duly searched, and investigators captured family photographs on the wall, including one of Chris kissing the bump of pregnant Shanann which was mounted on the wall of toddler Bellas purple-themed bedroom.
Other wall decorations include a plaque with all of the familys brith dates and the date of the couples wedding, while another frame is from a magazine which featured a photoshoot of the entire family for a business profile article about Shanann, who was a successful brand promoter for a nutritional supplement company.
In other photos released, as part of an open records request, clothes are seen strewn on the bed and the beds in the girls rooms have been stripped of sheets.
Last month Watts had his sentences handed down, including three consecutive life terms without the possibility of parole for the murder of Shanann  who was carrying their unborn son  and their two daughters.
Watts was having an affair with a coworker Nichol Kessinger in the months leading up to the murders, but told her his marriage was over at the start of their affair.
11 Dec 2018, Image: 402157690, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

These evidence photos show the interior of the seemingly idyllic family home where Chris Watts murdered his wife Shanann and their two young daughters.
Investigators photographed the entire house, including the couples bedroom and those of children Bella, aged four, and Celeste, aged three.
Watts, 33, strangled his pregnant wife Shanann, 34, to death before suffocating their two girls, and then loading their bodies into his truck and dumping them at the Anadarko oil and gas drilling site where he worked near their home in Frederick on the northern outskirts of Denver, Colorado.
Investigators discovered the bodies on August 16, days after Watts made an emotional TV appeal claiming his wife and children were missing.
The house was duly searched, and investigators captured family photographs on the wall, including one of Chris kissing the bump of pregnant Shanann which was mounted on the wall of toddler Bellas purple-themed bedroom.
Other wall decorations include a plaque with all of the familys brith dates and the date of the couples wedding, while another frame is from a magazine which featured a photoshoot of the entire family for a business profile article about Shanann, who was a successful brand promoter for a nutritional supplement company.
In other photos released, as part of an open records request, clothes are seen strewn on the bed and the beds in the girls rooms have been stripped of sheets.
Last month Watts had his sentences handed down, including three consecutive life terms without the possibility of parole for the murder of Shanann  who was carrying their unborn son  and their two daughters.
Watts was having an affair with a coworker Nichol Kessinger in the months leading up to the murders, but told her his marriage was over at the start of their affair.
11 Dec 2018, Image: 402157143, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

Belli je rekao da je mama zaspala, a zatim je njezino tijelo dovukao niz stepenice njihove obiteljske kuće.

Tad se probudila i najmlađa kći Celeste i počela trčati po kući sa sestrom. Watts ih je obje stavio u kamion zajedno s tijelom ubijene supruge. Curice su čak sat vremena provele u vozilo s tijelom svoje mrtve majke.

Watts se prisjetio da mu je kći tijekom vožnje rekla da nešto jako smrdi.

Kasnije je izvadio Shannanino tijelo iz vozila pa se vratio ubiti kći Celeste. Zadavio ju je s dekom, a tijelo joj je bacio u spremnik za ulje. Bella je tiho sjedila i gledala kako joj otac ubija mlađu sestru.

Kad se vratio nakon što je bacio Celesteino tijelo, Bella ga je tiho upitala hoće li se to i njoj dogoditi. Watts kaže da se ne sjeća što joj je tada odgovorio.

Bella se pokušala oduprijeti dok ju je gušio na isti način kao i njezinu sestru. I njezino je tijelo stavio u isti spremnik, a tijelo svoje trudne supruge je zakopao.

These grim photos show the plot where killer dad Chris Watts dumped the bodies of his pregnant wife and their two young girls and murdering them at their suburban Colorado home.
The 33-year-old dug an eight-inch hole in the ground and buried Shanann, wrapped in a bed sheet, after driving out to a remote field at the Anadarko oil and gas drilling site where he worked near their home in Frederick on the northern outskirts of Denver.
He submerged his daughters bodies  Bella, aged four, and Celeste, aged three  in an oil tank.
It was previously revealed by the coroner in the case that Shanann, aged 34, was found with the fetus of her son in her underwear after her body was exhumed on August 16 after suffering a prolapsed uterus as a result of her gruesome death by strangulation.
After disposing of the bodies, Watts was seen on surveillance footage looking calm and collected as he grabbed breakfast. 
The images have been released by investigators in the shocking Colorado case following an open records request.
Last month Watts had his sentences handed down, including three consecutive life terms without the possibility of parole for the murders of his wife and daughters Bella.
Prosecutors say Watts strangled his wife for two minutes, before suffocating their two children.
According to authorities Watts was having an affair with a female coworker and had told her he and his wife were separating.
07 Dec 2018, Image: 401237147, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

Zatim je otišao kući i tamo u obližnji kontejner bacio dekicu kojom je zadavio kćer, kao i svoju odjeću. Rekao je da nije bilo plana i da još nije siguran kako se nakon tog čina mogao normalno ponašati s ljudima. Sve se dogodilo još u kolovozu.

Watts nije ni pokušao smisliti alibi, no kasnije je rekao da je jedan od razloga zbog kojih je ubio ženu bio i taj što se nekoliko tjedana prije toga dogodio incident nakon kojeg je ona odlučila da će prekinuti sve veze s njegovim roditeljima.

Shannan je odlučila da njegovi roditelji više ne mogu viđati djevojčice nakon što im je baka dala sladoled s kikirikijem, a curice su navodno bile alergične na kikiriki.

Dodao je da mu je uvijek biložao zbog načina na koji se odnosio prema svojoj obitelji nakon što je počeo hodati sa Shannan. Navodno je na njihovo vjenčanje od njegove obitelji došla samo baka, piše Daily mail.

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21. rujan 2024 01:14