STOTINE VOJNIKA NAPUSTILO AFGANISTAN Najveća baza predana afganistanskoj vojsci

British soldiers (L) and US Marines lower the Union Jack and NATO flag during a handover ceremony before their military withdrawal from the Camp Bastion-Leatherneck complex at Lashkar Gah in Helmand province on October 26, 2014. British forces October 26 handed over formal control of their last base in Afghanistan to Afghan forces, ending combat operations in the country after 13 years which cost hundreds of lives. The Union Jack was lowered at Camp Bastion in the southern province of Helmand, while the Stars and Stripes came down at the adjacent Camp Leatherneck -- the last US Marine base in the country. AFP PHOTO/Wakil kohsar

KANDAHAR - Flota zrakoplova i helikoptera s američkim i britanskim vojnicima poletjela je u ponedjeljak iz baze na jugu Afganistana, dan nakon što ju je međunarodna koalicija zatvorila i predala afganistanskoj vojsci.

Povlačenje vojnika i zatvaranje baze u provinciji Helmand jedna je od najsloženijih operacija u sklopu gašenja međunarodne borbene misije u Afganistanu, 13 godina nakon svrgavanja radikalnog talibanskog režima.

US Marines walk in line after arriving in Kandahar on October 27, 2014, as British and US forces withdraw from the Camp Bastion-Leatherneck complex in Helmand province. British forces October 26 handed over formal control of their last base in Afghanistan to Afghan forces, ending combat operations in the country after 13 years which cost hundreds of lives. The Union Jack was lowered at Camp Bastion in the southern province of Helmand, while the Stars and Stripes came down at the adjacent Camp Leatherneck -- the last US Marine base in the country. AFP PHOTO/WAKIL KOHSAR

NATO-ovu misiju ISAF zamijenit će operacija uvježbavanja afganistanske vojske i policije za nastavak gušenja talibanske pobune.

"Bilo je nestvarno", rekao je mornarički časnik Anthony Nguyen (33) iz Houstona. "Mi nismo izbjeglice ili nešto slično, ali sve me ovo podsjeća na scene iz Vijetnama, na prizore ljudi kako trče prema helikopterima i jure prema zrakoplovima", dodao je.

US Marines roll their national flag during a handover ceremony before the British and US military withdrawal from the Camp Bastion-Leatherneck complex at Lashkar Gah in Helmand province on October 26, 2014. British forces October 26 handed over formal control of their last base in Afghanistan to Afghan forces, ending combat operations in the country after 13 years which cost hundreds of lives. The Union Jack was lowered at Camp Bastion in the southern province of Helmand, while the Stars and Stripes came down at the adjacent Camp Leatherneck -- the last US Marine base in the country. AFP PHOTO/Wakil kohsar
US Marines roll their national flag during a handover ceremony before the British and US military withdrawal from the Camp Bastion-Leatherneck complex at Lashkar Gah in Helmand province on October 26, 2014. British forces October 26 handed over formal control of their last base in Afghanistan to Afghan forces, ending combat operations in the country after 13 years which cost hundreds of lives. The Union Jack was lowered at Camp Bastion in the southern province of Helmand, while the Stars and Stripes came down at the adjacent Camp Leatherneck -- the last US Marine base in the country. AFP PHOTO/Wakil kohsar

Kombinirana baza Bastion i Leatherneck predana je u nedjelju pod kontrolu afganistanskim sigurnosnim snagama i samo se čekao odlazak stotina britanskih i američkih vojnika.

Golema baza podignuta u pustinji blizu pokrajinskog središta Laškar Gaha bila je najvažnije uporište ISAF-a, i 2010.-2011., u trenutku najvećeg broja postrojbi NATO-a u Afganistanu, imala je više od 40.000 stranaca.

British soldiers (L) and US Marines lower the Union Jack and NATO flag during a handover ceremony before their military withdrawal from the Camp Bastion-Leatherneck complex at Lashkar Gah in Helmand province on October 26, 2014. British forces October 26 handed over formal control of their last base in Afghanistan to Afghan forces, ending combat operations in the country after 13 years which cost hundreds of lives. The Union Jack was lowered at Camp Bastion in the southern province of Helmand, while the Stars and Stripes came down at the adjacent Camp Leatherneck -- the last US Marine base in the country. AFP PHOTO/Wakil kohsar

Na simboličnoj svečanosti u nedjelju, Afganistanci već djelomično prisutni u bazi u prostoru nazvanom Šorabank, preuzeli su upravu nad svim postrojenjima. Nad bazom se vijori jedino afganistanska zastava, a povučene su britanska, američka i zastava NATO-a.

Afganistancima ostaju postrojenja poput kanalizacije, zgrada, cesta ili uredskog namještaja, prema američkim procjenama vrijedna 230 milijuna dolara.

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20. rujan 2024 11:11