PREDAO SE NARKOBOS KOJI SE NEDAVNO U VIDEO SPOTU RUGAO POLICIJI Krijumčar se u spotu zabavljao s oskudno odjevenim djevojkama i pio šampanjac

 Profimedia, SOLARPIX

Jedan od najtraženijih španjolskih zločinaca, osumnjičeni krijumčar hašiša i navodni vođa bande Castañas Francisco "Isco" Tejón (39) predao se policiji nekoliko dana nakon što se pojavio u video spotu reggaeton izvođača Clase-A, piše The Guardian.

Kako Tejónova banda Castañas navodno dominira trgovinom hašiša između Maroka i južne Španjolske, njegovo će uhićenje zasigurno pomoći policiji u borbi protiv nasilja u gradu La Línea de la Concepción, mjestu koje je postalo sinonim za španjolske probleme s trgovinom drogom.

**UK ONLINE USAGE FEE PER PIC 1st £40.00,2nd £20,00 & £10.00 after INCLUDING VIDEO GRABS. - NO PRICE CAP - VIDEO £50** 
JOB REF:20996     ASA/NPZ/SM  DATE: 06.10.18                                                                        
ONE of Spain’s most wanted men has taunted police by starring in a YouTube Reggeaton video alongside a string of scantily-clad women.
Francisco Tejon put two fingers up to detectives by re-appearing surrounded by brunettes twerking in G-strings nearly two years after disappearing off the radar.
The X-rated clip, which has already been viewed nearly 120,000 times since it was posted on YouTube, features a song by Cuban-born Reggeaton singer Clase A who is now based in Spain.
Tejon, considered to be one of the leaders of a prolific drug trafficking gang based in La Linea near Gibraltar, is filmed getting out of a Bentley with the artist before being greeted by nearly a dozen semi-naked women waiting for the pair with champagnes on sofas and in a jacuzzi.
The name of the track - Candela - is plastered across the backsides of several of the females that appear in the video.
Police have confirmed Tejon, known as Isco like the famous Real Madrid midfielder, is the man accompanying Clase A who is filmed grinning like a Cheshire Cat as he parties with the attractive brunettes.

This pic:Drug trafficker Antonio Tejon
Profimedia, SOLARPIX
U krugu: Francisco Tejon

Prije nego što se u srijedu predao policiji, Tejón je policiji uspješno bježao dvije godine. Tejónovo uhićenje dolazi otprilike četiri mjeseca nakon što je u velikoj policijskoj operaciji u gradu La Línea de la Concepción uhićen njegov mlađi brat Antonio. Policija kaže da su Tejóna uhitili nakon što im je njegov odvjetnik rekao gdje se nalazi osumnjičeni krijumčar droge.

"Uhitivši Francisca Tejóna, policija je razmontirala vodstvo najveće bande koja se bavi krijumčarenjem hašiša u okrugu Campo de Gibraltar na samom jugu Španjolske", stoji u izjavi policije. "Istražitelji su ga počeli intenzivno pratiti nakon što je u lipnju uhićen njegov brat. Policija je radila neumorno da bi mu se približila."

Tejón se početkom listopada pojavio u video spotu reggaeton izvođača Clase-A te se navodno u tom spotu rugao policijskim službenicima. U spotu se moglo vidjeti kako Tejón i Clase-A izlaze iz Bentleyja i ulaze u kuću gdje ih u jacuzziju čekaju oskudno odjevene djevojke. S istim su djevojkama potom plesali i pili šampanjac.

**UK ONLINE USAGE FEE PER PIC 1st £40.00,2nd £20,00 & £10.00 after INCLUDING VIDEO GRABS. - NO PRICE CAP - VIDEO £50** 
JOB REF:20996     ASA/NPZ/SM  DATE: 06.10.18                                                                        
ONE of Spain’s most wanted men has taunted police by starring in a YouTube Reggeaton video alongside a string of scantily-clad women.
Francisco Tejon put two fingers up to detectives by re-appearing surrounded by brunettes twerking in G-strings nearly two years after disappearing off the radar.
The X-rated clip, which has already been viewed nearly 120,000 times since it was posted on YouTube, features a song by Cuban-born Reggeaton singer Clase A who is now based in Spain.
Tejon, considered to be one of the leaders of a prolific drug trafficking gang based in La Linea near Gibraltar, is filmed getting out of a Bentley with the artist before being greeted by nearly a dozen semi-naked women waiting for the pair with champagnes on sofas and in a jacuzzi.
The name of the track - Candela - is plastered across the backsides of several of the females that appear in the video.
Police have confirmed Tejon, known as Isco like the famous Real Madrid midfielder, is the man accompanying Clase A who is filmed grinning like a Cheshire Cat as he parties with the attractive brunettes.

This pic:Drug trafficker Antonio Tejon
Profimedia, SOLARPIX
Scene iz spota
**UK ONLINE USAGE FEE PER PIC 1st £40.00,2nd £20,00 & £10.00 after INCLUDING VIDEO GRABS. - NO PRICE CAP - VIDEO £50** 
JOB REF:20996     ASA/NPZ/SM  DATE: 06.10.18                                                                        
ONE of Spain’s most wanted men has taunted police by starring in a YouTube Reggeaton video alongside a string of scantily-clad women.
Francisco Tejon put two fingers up to detectives by re-appearing surrounded by brunettes twerking in G-strings nearly two years after disappearing off the radar.
The X-rated clip, which has already been viewed nearly 120,000 times since it was posted on YouTube, features a song by Cuban-born Reggeaton singer Clase A who is now based in Spain.
Tejon, considered to be one of the leaders of a prolific drug trafficking gang based in La Linea near Gibraltar, is filmed getting out of a Bentley with the artist before being greeted by nearly a dozen semi-naked women waiting for the pair with champagnes on sofas and in a jacuzzi.
The name of the track - Candela - is plastered across the backsides of several of the females that appear in the video.
Police have confirmed Tejon, known as Isco like the famous Real Madrid midfielder, is the man accompanying Clase A who is filmed grinning like a Cheshire Cat as he parties with the attractive brunettes.

This pic:Drug trafficker Antonio Tejon
Profimedia, SOLARPIX
Scene iz spota

Premda La Línea de la Concepción više stoljeća slovi kao poznato krijumčarsko čvorište, krijumčarske su se aktivnosti posljednjih godina intenzivirale. Taj porast kriminala doveo je i povećanja okršaja zločinaca i policije. Ovakvom razvoju situacije u gradu kumovala je gospodarska kriza koja je 2008. godine pogodila Španjolsku. U nekim gradskim četvrtima čak 80 posto mlađe populacije ne radi, a smatra se da tri tisuće stanovnika mjesta koje ih ima ukupno 64 tisuće sudjeluje u ilegalnim aktivnostima koje poduzima otprilike 30-tak različitih bandi.

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12. rujan 2024 23:20