PENDREČENJE NA LEZBOSU Grčka policija brutalno napala gomilu sirijskih izbjeglica jer nisu imali dokumente

Imigranti na Lesbosu žale se da im lokalne vlasti ne nude nikakvu pomoć i da im brzo ponestaje novac
Policemen try to disperse migrants who wait to be registered by the police at the Lesbos Port on September 5, 2015. More than 230,000 refugees and migrants arrived in Greece by sea this year, a huge rise from 17,500 in the same period in 2014, Greek deputy shipping minister Nikos Zois said on September 3, 2015. AFP PHOTO / ANGELOS TZORTZINIS

Policija na grčkom otoku Lezbosu palicama je pokušala rastjerati oko 300 izbjeglica koji su se u subotu navečer pokušali ukrcati na trajekt za luku Pirej, objavila je grčka televizija.

Migrants wait to be registered by the police at the Lesbos Port on September 5, 2015. More than 230,000 refugees and migrants have arrived in Greece by sea this year, a huge rise from 17,500 in the same period in 2014, deputy shipping minister Nikos Zois said on Thursday. AFP PHOTO / ANGELOS TZORTZINIS

Foto: AFP

Policija je kazala da migranti, među kojima su neki ozlijeđeni u sukobu, nisu imali dokumente da bi brodom napustili Lezbos. Na brodu je već bilo oko 1.700 ljudi.

Lezbos je glavni ulaz u Europu za desetke tisuća izbjeglica, uglavnom Sirijaca.

Policemen try to disperse migrants who wait to be registered by the police at the Lesbos Port on September 5, 2015. More than 230,000 refugees and migrants arrived in Greece by sea this year, a huge rise from 17,500 in the same period in 2014, Greek deputy shipping minister Nikos Zois said on September 3, 2015. AFP PHOTO / ANGELOS TZORTZINIS

Foto: AFP

Trajekt s oko 2.500 ljudi trebao bi s Lezbosa krenuti za Pirej tijekom dana.

Imigranti na Lezbosu žale se da im lokalne vlasti ne nude nikakvu pomoć i da im brzo ponestaje novac.

Migrants try to protect themselves from stones as Afghans and Syrian migrants scuffle over priority at a registration queue at the port of Mytilene on the Greek Aegean island of Lesbos on September 6, 2015. More than 230,000 refugees and migrants arrived in Greece by sea this year, a huge rise from 17,500 in the same period in 2014, deputy shipping minister Nikos Zois said on September 3. AFP PHOTO / ANGELOS TZORTZINIS

Foto: AFP

Ovi su sukobi već treći u posljednjih nekoliko dana između izbjeglica i grčke policije.

A man migrant collapses as police officers try to disperse migrants who wait to be registered by the police at the Lesbos Port on September 5, 2015. More than 230,000 refugees and migrants arrived in Greece by sea this year, a huge rise from 17,500 in the same period in 2014, deputy shipping minister Nikos Zois said on September 3, 2015. AFP PHOTO / ANGELOS TZORTZINIS

Foto: AFP

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