NATO JAČA SNAGE IZ GRANICU S RUSIJOM 150 američkih tenkova stiže na istok Europe

This November 21, 2014 US Army handout photo shows M2A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicles from Company A, 2nd Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, preparing to start a live-fire training exercise at Adazi Training Area, Latvia as part of the US Army Europe-led Operation Atlantic Resolve land force assurance training exercise. The US Army plans to deploy about 150 tanks and armored vehicles to NATO countries next year and some of the heavy armor may be stationed in Eastern Europe, a top American general said November 25, 2014. The move is part of a US effort dubbed "Operation Atlantic Resolve" in the Baltic states and Poland to reassure allies anxious about a resurgent Russia, with American troops deploying for several months at a time to conduct joint exercises. Nearly 50 armored vehicles are already in place and another 100 M1 Abrams tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles will be "pre-positioned" in Germany and possibly elsewhere for the US troops conducting drills with NATO partners, Lieutenant General Ben Hodges told AFP in a phone interview from Estonia. AFP PHOTO / Handout / US Army Army / Staff Sgt. Kenneth C. Upsall == RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE / MANDATORY CREDIT: "AFP PHOTO / HANDOUT / US Army Army / Staff Sgt. Kenneth C. Upsa "/ NO MARKETING / NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS / NO A LA CARTE SALES / DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS ==
 Staff Sgt. Kenneth Upsall

WASHINGTON - Američka vojska predviđa razmjestiti oko 150 tenkova i oklopnih vozila u više europskih zemalja članica NATO-a, od kojih će neki biti smješteni u istočnoj Europi kako bi sudjelovali u vježbama, rekao je američki general u utorak.

Taj plan dio je operacije "Atlantic Resolve", čiji je cilj uvjeriti baltičke zemlje i Poljsku, zabrinute zbog ruskih manevara u Ukrajini, da je NATO uz njih.

Osim razmještanja tih vozila, kopnene snage bit će slane redovito na nekoliko mjeseci kako bi sudjelovale u zajedničkih vježbama u tim zemljama.

"Pritom će snage dolaziti i odlaziti, a oprema će ostati na licu mjesta", rekao je general Ben Hodges.

To će biti puno ekonomičnije nego da se prije svake vježba transportiraju tenkovi i vozila preko Atlantika.

Staff Sgt. Kenneth Upsall
This November 21, 2014 US Army handout photo shows two M1A2 Abrams Tanks from Company C, 2nd Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, providing security for Latvian and US troops during a live-fire training exercise at Adazi Training Area, Latvia as part of the US Army Europe-led Operation Atlantic Resolve land force assurance training exercise. The US Army plans to deploy about 150 tanks and armored vehicles to NATO countries next year and some of the heavy armor may be stationed in Eastern Europe, a top American general said November 25, 2014. The move is part of a US effort dubbed "Operation Atlantic Resolve" in the Baltic states and Poland to reassure allies anxious about a resurgent Russia, with American troops deploying for several months at a time to conduct joint exercises. Nearly 50 armored vehicles are already in place and another 100 M1 Abrams tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles will be "pre-positioned" in Germany and possibly elsewhere for the US troops conducting drills with NATO partners, Lieutenant General Ben Hodges told AFP in a phone interview from Estonia. AFP PHOTO / Handout / US Army Army / Staff Sgt. Kenneth C. Upsall == RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE / MANDATORY CREDIT: "AFP PHOTO / HANDOUT / US Army Army / Staff Sgt. Kenneth C. Upsa "/ NO MARKETING / NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS / NO A LA CARTE SALES / DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS ==

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