Mještani Lezbosa prosvjeduju protiv novog centra za migrante


Policajci na grčkom otoku Lezbosu upotrijebili su u srijedu suzavac da rastjeraju stotine ljudi koji su prosvjedovali protiv izgradnje novog centra za migrante zatvorenog tipa.

Grčka vlada razbjesnila je stanovnike pet egejskih otoka objavivši prije dva tjedna da će ubrzati izgradnju prihvatnih centara zatvorenog tipa koji će zamijeniti prenapučene kampove.

Mještani strahuju da bi to moglo postati trajno rješenje.

Greek anti-riot police clash with as demonstrators protesting against the construction of a new controversial migrant camp near the town of Mantamados on the northeastern Aegean island of Lesbos, on February 26, 2020. - The Greek islands of Lesbos, Chios and Samos staged a general strike on February 26, as protests against the construction of new migrant camps intensified. For a second day, protesters on Lesbos faced off against riot police near the town of Mantamados, close to the site of a planned camp for up to 7,000 people. Small groups of protesters threw stones and firebombs at the police, who responded with tear gas and flash grenades. (Photo by ARIS MESSINIS / AFP)

Drugi dan prosvjeda prosvjednici su se pokušali približiti lokaciji predviđenoj za novi centar, sukobivši se s policijom na cesti.

"Više od tisuću ljudi prosvjedovalo je kod novog centra... bacali su kamenje na policajce, razbivši im kacige. Policajci su bili prisiljeni upotrijebiti kemikalije", rekao je glasnogovornik policije, misleći na suzavac.

Ranije tijekom dana, stotine ljudi okupile su se u gradu Mytileni na Lezbosu u sklopu općeg štrajka protiv vladinog plana da otvori novi centar za migrante.

Mještani su u utorak vozilima i kamionima za smeće pokušali blokirati policijska pojačanja i teške strojeve u luci.

Demonstrators run during a protest against the construction of a new controversial migrant camp near the town of Mantamados on the northeastern Aegean island of Lesbos, on February 26, 2020. - The Greek islands of Lesbos, Chios and Samos staged a general strike on February 26, as protests against the construction of new migrant camps intensified. For a second day, protesters on Lesbos faced off against riot police near the town of Mantamados, close to the site of a planned camp for up to 7,000 people. Small groups of protesters threw stones and firebombs at the police, who responded with tear gas and flash grenades. (Photo by Manolis LAGOUTARIS / AFP)

Vlada ističe da će novi centri biti sigurniji i za migrante i za mještane i planira ih izgraditi na Samosu, Kosu, Lerosu i Hiosu, uz Lezbos.

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20. rujan 2024 15:33