KRVAVI NAPAD BRITVOM Pomahnitali Kim po licu i zapešću isjekao ambasadora SAD-a u Južnoj Koreji

This handout photo taken and released on March 5, 2015 by South Korean local newspaper the Asia Economy Daily shows US ambassador to South Korea Mark Lippert (R) covering a wound to his face as he leaves the Sejong Cultural Institute in Seoul, after he was injured in an attack by an armed assailant. Lippert was slashed on his face and arm by a blade-wielding assailant shouting anti-war slogans in an attack in Seoul on March 5, police and reports said. REPUBLIC OF KOREA OUT ---- EDITORS NOTE ---- RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / The Asia Economy Daily" NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS AFP PHOTO / the Asia Economy Daily
 The Asia Economy Daily

Pomahnitali muškarac naoružan britvom nasrnuo je u četvrtak u centru Seula na američkog veleposlanika u Južnoj Koreji Marka Lipperta (42).

Prema prvim informacijama, napadač je mašući britvom urlikao kako bi se Južna i Sjeverna Koreja morale ujediniti, a zatim je oštricom napao diplomata i posjekao ga po licu i zapešću.

Ambasadoru je odmah niz lice potekla krv, no ubrzo je prebačen u bolnicu i čini se da nije životno ugrožen.

Napadač, koji je zasad identificiran samo kao 'Kim', uhićen je na mjestu događaja u blizini zgrade u kojoj je Lippert trebao sudjelovati na radnom doručku u sklopu jednog foruma.

On je, inače, na dužnost veleposlanika stupio lani, a prije toga bio je pomoćnik američkog ministra obrane.

The Asia Economy Daily
This handout photo taken and released on March 5, 2015 by South Korean local newspaper the Asia Economy Daily shows a man (bottom C) who attacked US ambassador to South Korea Mark Lippert, being detained by police at the Sejong Cultural Institute in Seoul. Lippert was slashed on his face and arm by a blade-wielding assailant shouting anti-war slogans in an attack in Seoul on March 5, police and reports said. REPUBLIC OF KOREA OUT ---- EDITORS NOTE ---- RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / The Asia Economy Daily" NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS AFP PHOTO / the Asia Economy Daily

This handout photo taken and released on March 5, 2015 by South Korean local newspaper Munhwa Ilbo shows US ambassador to South Korea Mark Lippert (C) with a wound on his face as he leaves the Sejong Cultural Institute in Seoul, after being injured in an attack by an armed assailant. The US ambassador to South Korea, Mark Lippert, was slashed on his face and arm by a blade-wielding assailant shouting anti-war slogans in an attack in Seoul on March 5, police and reports said. REPUBLIC OF KOREA OUT ---- EDITORS NOTE ---- RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / Munhwa Ilbo" NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS AFP PHOTO / Munhwa Ilbo

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20. rujan 2024 18:42