IZLETJELI IZ 'ĐAVOLJEG ZAVOJA' NA AUTOCESTI PA SE SURVALI NIZ LITICU RAVNO U MORE U strašnoj nesreći autobusa na mjestu poginulo najmanje 36 ljudi

 Guadalupe Pardo / REUTERS

Najmanje 36 osoba poginulo je u utorak u Peruu kada je autobus sletio sa 100 metara visoke stjenovite obale, nakon što ga je na autocesti udario kamion, izjavio je ministar zdravstva te zemlje.

Nesreća se dogodila na autocesti Panamericana Norte u blizini područja Pasamayo na pacifičkoj obali, priopćilo je ministarstvo zdravstva na Twitteru. Šest osoba preživjelo je sudar i prevezeno u bolnicu na liječenje, a vlada je požurila poslati hitnu medicinsku pomoć na mjesto nesreće.

Autobus koji se iz grada Huacho, u središtu zemlje, kretao prema glavnom gradu, prevozio je 53 putnika. Nesreća se dogodila tijekom jutra na opasnom zavoju, 45 kilometara sjeverno od Lime. Riječ je o dijelu autoceste poznatom po nazivu 'Đavolji zavoj'.

- To je opasno zavojito područje, izjavio je šef odjela za kontrolu autoceste u Limi pukovnik Dino Escudero lokalnoj radijskoj postaji RPP.

U Peruu su uobičajene prometne nesreće zbog nesigurnih autocesta, a policija istražuje uzrok nesreće.

Rescue workers carry victims after a bus crashed with a truck and careened off a cliff along a sharply curving highway north of Lima, Peru, January 2, 2018. REUTERS/Guadalupe Pardo
Guadalupe Pardo / REUTERS
People react at the scene after a bus crashed with a truck and careened off a cliff along a sharply curving highway north of Lima, Peru, January 2, 2018. REUTERS/Guadalupe Pardo
Guadalupe Pardo / REUTERS
Rescue workers and police work at the scene after a bus crashed with a truck and careened off a cliff along a sharply curving highway north of Lima, Peru, January 2, 2018. REUTERS/Guadalupe Pardo
Guadalupe Pardo / REUTERS
ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUALS COVERAGE OF SCENES OF DEATH AND INJURY Rescue workers stand at the scene after a bus crashed with a truck and careened off a cliff along a sharply curving highway north of Lima, Peru, January 2, 2018. REUTERS/Guadalupe Pardo TEMPLATE OUT.
Guadalupe Pardo / REUTERS
ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUALS COVERAGE OF SCENES OF DEATH AND INJURY Rescue workers and police work at the scene after a bus crashed with a truck and careened off a cliff along a sharply curving highway north of Lima, Peru, January 2, 2018. REUTERS/Guadalupe Pardo TEMPLATE OUT.
Guadalupe Pardo / REUTERS
ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUALS COVERAGE OF SCENES OF DEATH AND INJURY Rescue workers carry victims after a bus crashed with a truck and careened off a cliff along a sharply curving highway north of Lima, Peru, January 2, 2018. REUTERS/Guadalupe Pardo
Guadalupe Pardo / REUTERS
ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUALS COVERAGE OF SCENES OF DEATH AND INJURY Rescue workers carry victims after a bus crashed with a truck and careened off a cliff along a sharply curving highway north of Lima, Peru, January 2, 2018. REUTERS/Guadalupe Pardo
Guadalupe Pardo / REUTERS
ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUALS COVERAGE OF SCENES OF DEATH AND INJURY Rescue workers and police work at the scene after a bus crashed with a truck and careened off a cliff along a sharply curving highway north of Lima, Peru, January 2, 2018. REUTERS/Guadalupe Pardo TEMPLATE OUT.
Guadalupe Pardo / REUTERS
ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUAL COVERAGE OF SCENES OF INJURY OR DEATH    Rescue workers transport a victim after a bus crashed with a truck and careened off a cliff along a sharply curving highway north of Lima, Peru, January 2, 2018. REUTERS/Guadalupe Pardo TEMPLATE OUT.
Guadalupe Pardo / REUTERS

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