HEROJ SPASIO KUPCE OD TERORISTA Strpao ih u hladnjaču, pa kao nagradu dobio francusko državljanstvo

Lassana Bathily, a man of Malian origin described as a "hero" after he helped hostages at a Jewish supermarket hide during the recent Paris attacks (C) , is congratulated by French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve (L) and Prime Minister Manuel Valls (C) during a ceremony at which Bathily was awarded French nationality in Paris on January 20, 2015. Lassana Bathily, who has lived in France since 2006, was awarded French nationality for his bravery during the attacks. AFP PHOTO / ERIC FEFERBERG

Zaposlenik košer trgovine u Parizu, u kojoj se prošlog tjedna odigrao brutalni teroristički napad, kao nagradu za dobro djelo dobio je francusko državljanstvo.

Naime, musliman rodom iz Malija, 24-godišnji Lassana Bathily, sakrio je kupce u skladištu u trenutku kada je islamski napadač Amedy Coulibaly upao u trgovinu i ubio četvero ljudi.

Lassana Bathily (C), a man of Malian origin described as a "hero" after he helped hostages at a Jewish supermarket hide during last week's Paris attacks holds his French Passport following a ceremony at which was awarded French nationality in Paris on January 20, 2015. Lassana Bathily, who has lived in France since 2006, was awarded French nationality for his bravery during the attacks. At Left French junior miniser for Women's Rights Pascale Boistard AFP PHOTO / ERIC FEFERBERG

Na ceremoniji na kojoj su sudjelovali najviši francuski dužnosnici koji su mu zahvalili na hrabrosti, a Bathily je kazao kako je ponosan i dirnut što je napokon postao državljanin Francuske.

U terorističkom napadu u Parizu ubijeno je 17-ero ljudi, od kojih je većina stradala u redakciji satiričnog magazina Charlie Hebdo.

Lassana Bathily, a man of Malian origin described as a "hero" after he helped hostages at a Jewish supermarket hide during the recent Paris attacks (L) speaks as French Prime Minister Manuel Valls (R) and Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve applaud during a ceremony at which Bathily was awarded French nationality in Paris on January 20, 2015. Lassana Bathily, who has lived in France since 2006, was awarded French nationality for his bravery during the attacks. AFP PHOTO / ERIC FEFERBERG

Za zasluge mladog Bathilyja saznalo se kad se iskrao iz dućana i ispričao da je sakrio ljude u hladnjači.

- Ljudi govore da sam heroj, no ja nisam heroj. Ja sam samo Lassana. Ostat ću isti kakav sam i dosad bio. I ponovno bih učinio istu stvar, jer sam slijedio svoje srce - kazao je na ceremoniji Bathily koji je u Francuskoj živio devet godina, a prošle je godine aplicirao za državljanstvo.

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21. rujan 2024 07:34