An image grab taken from a propaganda video uploaded on June 11, 2014 by jihadist group the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) allegedly shows ISIL militants gathering at an undisclosed location in Iraq's Nineveh province. Militants took control of the Iraqi city of Tikrit and freed hundreds of prisoners today, police said, the second provincial capital to fall in two days. AFP PHOTO / HO / ISIL

Militanti iz skupine ISIL koji su se odvojili od al-Qaide, u utorak su osvojili grad Mosul, u srijedu preuzeli kontrolu nad Tikritom, rodnim gradom bivšeg iračkog diktatora Sadama Huseina, a sada nemilosrdno gaze prema Bagdadu.

Teroristi su jučer izdali ekstremno nasilan poziv na oružani ustanak dok jurišaju na glavni iranski grad.

An image grab taken from a propaganda video uploaded on June 11, 2014 by jihadist group the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) allegedly shows ISIL militants gathering at an undisclosed location in Iraq's Nineveh province. Militants took control of the Iraqi city of Tikrit and freed hundreds of prisoners today, police said, the second provincial capital to fall in two days. AFP PHOTO / HO / ISIL

- Nastavite svoj marš, bitka još nije dosegla vrhunac - govori glas Abu Mohammed al-Adnanija, glasnogovornika Levanta, u audio poruci dugoj 17 minuta objavljenoj u srijedu kasno navečer na internetskoj stranici te teorističke skupine. CNN je kazao kako ne može potvrditi autentičnost snimke, kao ni datum kad je snimljena.

- Bjesnit će u Bagdadu i Karbali. Budite spremni na to. Navucite prsluke i pripremite se - dodaje.

An image grab taken from a propaganda video uploaded on June 11, 2014 by jihadist group the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) allegedly shows ISIL militants gathering at an undisclosed location in Iraq's Nineveh province. Militants took control of the Iraqi city of Tikrit and freed hundreds of prisoners today, police said, the second provincial capital to fall in two days. AFP PHOTO / HO / ISIL

Vladine snage nakratko su uspjele zaustaviti prodor islamista u blizini Samarre, grada samo 110 kilometara udaljenom od Bagdada.

(FILES) - A file picture taken from a video released on January 4, 2014 by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)'s al-Furqan Media allegedly shows ISIL fighters marching at an undisclosed location. ISIL gunmen seized Mosul, Iraq's second-largest city, on June 10, 2014 as troops threw away their uniforms and abandoned their posts, officials said, in another blow to the Iraqi authorities, who appear incapable of stopping militant advances. AFP PHOTO / AL-FURQAN MEDIA --- RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / AL-FURQAN MEDIA " - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS FROM FROM ALTERNATIVE SOURCES, THEREFORE AFP IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DIGITAL ALTER ---

No militanti su danas nastavili put prema svom krajnjem cilju, a to je svrgnuti zapadom poduprtu šiitsku vlat i stvoriti islamski emirat koji će se protezati s obje strane granice Irak-Sirija.

An image made available by the jihadist Twitter account Al-Baraka news on June 11, 2014 allegedly shows militants of the jihadist group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) hanging the Islamic Jihad flag on a pole at the top of an ancient military fort after they cut a road through the Syrian-Iraqi border between the Iraqi Nineveh province and the Syrian town of Al-Hasakah. AFP PHOTO / HO / ALBARAKA NEWS=== RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / HO / ALBARAKA NEWS" - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS ===

U međuvremenu je irački premijer Nuri al-Maliki tajno zatražio od američke administracije predsjednika Baracka Obame da razmotri mogućnost zračnih udara na područja pod kontrolom ekstremista nakon što je prijetnja koju predstavljaju sunitski islamisti prošlog mjeseca naglo porasla.

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21. rujan 2024 00:44