FOTO: POČEO JE OBRAČUN U HONG KONGU Policija je razbijala barikade maljevima, na prosvjednike bačen suzavac

A police officer shouts at a pro-democracy protester after he was hit with pepper spray in Hong Kong on October 15, 2014. Hong Kong has been plunged into the worst political crisis since its 1997 handover as pro-democracy activists take over the streets following China's refusal to grant citizens full universal suffrage. AFP PHOTO / ALEX OGLE
 Alex Ogle

HONG KONG - Jedna od glavnih ulica u Hong Kongu otvorena je u utorak za sav promet, nakon što je tamošnja policija uz pomoć čekića i motornih pila uspjela ukloniti barikade koje su postavili prosvjednici.

Prosvjednici su se vrlo brzo osvetili postavivši nove barikade od betonskih ploča i automobilskih guma u tunelu na jednoj od glavnih prometnica, pritom zaustavivši sav promet. Policija ih je pokušala istisnuti palicama i suzavcem, ali su se nakon neuspjeha povukli.

Spomenuti tunel na Aveniji Lung Wo nalazi se u blizini zgrade hongkonške vlade i zakonodavnih tijela.

U blizini tunela prosvjednici su postavili repliku nadgrobne ploče sa slikom prokineskog upravitelja Hong Konga Leunga Chun-yinga, na kojoj je stajao natpis: 'Nisi dobrodošao niti u paklu'.

Prometnica koja je ponovno otvorena za promet omogućuje vozačima da prođu direktno kroz financijsko središte, u kojemu se nalaze najmoćnije tvrtke.

- Mislim da nas vlada ne cijeni. Moraju s nama razgovarati i napraviti kompromis, inače nećemo odustati, izjavio je prosvjednik Kevin Chan.

No, nedugo nakon te njegove izjave počela su pristizati izvješća o novoj policijskoj akciji u kojoj je upotrijebljen i suzavac, a više je osoba uhićeno.

Alex Ogle
A police officer detains a pro-democracy protester after he was tackled to the ground in Hong Kong on October 15, 2014. Hong Kong has been plunged into the worst political crisis since its 1997 handover as pro-democracy activists take over the streets following China's refusal to grant citizens full universal suffrage. AFP PHOTO / ALEX OGLE

Police forces march toward pro-democracy protesters during a standoff outside the central government offices in Hong Kong on October 14, 2014. Hong Kong police vowed October 14 to tear down more street barricades manned by pro-democracy protesters, hours after hundreds of officers armed with chainsaws and boltcutters partially cleared two major roads occupied for a fortnight. AFP PHOTO / Philippe Lopez

Police forces arrest pro-democracy protesters outside the central government offices in Hong Kong on October 14, 2014. Hong Kong police vowed October 14 to tear down more street barricades manned by pro-democracy protesters, hours after hundreds of officers armed with chainsaws and boltcutters partially cleared two major roads occupied for a fortnight. AFP PHOTO / Philippe Lopez

Police forces keep vigil following a standoff with police outside the central government offices in Hong Kong on October 14, 2014. Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters clashed with police late Tuesday as they tried to occupy a main road and tunnel, with several demonstrators saying they were pepper sprayed. Dozens of police with helmets and riot shields tried to push back hundreds of protesters at one end of the tunnel, television footage showed. One or two were hit with batons, the South China Morning Post reported. Protesters speaking to AFP after the police had dispersed also said they had been pepper sprayed. AFP PHOTO / Philippe Lopez

Pro-democracy protesters set up barricades following a standoff with police outside the central government offices in Hong Kong on October 14, 2014. Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters clashed with police late Tuesday as they tried to occupy a main road and tunnel, with several demonstrators saying they were pepper sprayed. Dozens of police with helmets and riot shields tried to push back hundreds of protesters at one end of the tunnel, television footage showed. One or two were hit with batons, the South China Morning Post reported. Protesters speaking to AFP after the police had dispersed also said they had been pepper sprayed. AFP PHOTO / Philippe Lopez

Pro-democracy protesters set up barricades following a standoff with police outside the central government offices in Hong Kong on October 14, 2014. Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters clashed with police late Tuesday as they tried to occupy a main road and tunnel, with several demonstrators saying they were pepper sprayed. Dozens of police with helmets and riot shields tried to push back hundreds of protesters at one end of the tunnel, television footage showed. One or two were hit with batons, the South China Morning Post reported. Protesters speaking to AFP after the police had dispersed also said they had been pepper sprayed. AFP PHOTO / Philippe Lopez

Protesters celebrate following a standoff with police outside the central government offices in Hong Kong on October 14, 2014. Hong Kong police vowed October 14 to tear down more street barricades manned by pro-democracy protesters, hours after hundreds of officers armed with chainsaws and boltcutters partially cleared two major roads occupied for a fortnight. AFP PHOTO/ED JONES

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