FOTO: DVOJE MRTVIH U POTRESU Tresle se zgrade, aktivirana klizišta u glavnom gradu

Two men stare at the Catequilla mine, near Quito, following a landslide after a 5.1-magnitude earthquake rattled the Ecuadoran capital and the surrounding area causing buildings and homes to shake violently, on August 12, 2014. The quake triggered landslides that killed at least two people and left three others trapped while another eight people were also injured at quarries on the outskirts of Quito. AFP PHOTO/JUAN CEVALLOS

QUITO - Najmanje dvoje ljudi poginulo je a osam je ranjeno u potresu jakosti 5,1 po Richteru koji je u utorak pogodio ekvadorski glavni grad Quito, javljaju lokalni mediji.

Epicentar potresa bio je na dubini od 12 kilometara, 22,5 kilometara sjeveroistočno od Quita, grada s oko 1,6 milijuna stanovnika, izvijestio je lokalni geofizički institut.

Potres je snažno zatresao zgrade i izazvao klizišta u području Quita.

Locals walk in Catequilla, San Antonio de Pichincha, near Quito, after a 5.1-magnitude earthquake rattled the Ecuadoran capital and the surrounding area causing buildings and homes to shake violently, on August 12, 2014. The quake triggered landslides that killed at least two people and left three others trapped at quarries on the outskirts of Quito, while another eight people who were also injured were already admitted to hospital. AFP PHOTO / RODRIGO BUENDIA

View at the Catequilla mine, near Quito, following a landslide after a 5.1-magnitude earthquake rattled the Ecuadoran capital and the surrounding area causing buildings and homes to shake violently, on August 12, 2014. The quake triggered landslides that killed at least two people and left three others trapped while another eight people were also injured at quarries on the outskirts of Quito. AFP PHOTO/JUAN CEVALLOS

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21. rujan 2024 04:52