Britanska kraljevska kovnica izdala je komemorativan novčić s rock grupom Queen

 Courtesy of Royal Mint/ MEGA / The Mega Agency / Profimedia

Britanska kraljevska kovnica izdala je komemorativan novčić s rock grupom Queen, u čast pokojnom Freddieju Mercuryju i ostalim članovima benda.

"Ovo je jedan 'tko bi rekao' trenutak. Imamo kovanicu našeg kraljevstva, vrijednu pet funti, koju je izradila kraljevska kovnica", kazao je gitarist grupe Brian May.

"Na jednoj strani je The Queen (kraljica Elizabeta), a na drugoj je Queen. To se nikad prije nije dogodilo".

Sve britanske kovanice i novčanice sadrže lice monarha.

Na kovanici je logo grupe i instrumenti koje su članovi svirali: Mercuryjev Bechsteinov klavir, "Red Special" gitara Briana Maya, Ludwigov bubanj Rogera Taylora i Fenderova bas gitara Johna Deacona.

Rockers Queen have teamed up with the Royal Mint to release a series of commemorative coins.
The legendary band join Queen Elizabeth II on the set, released to celebrate the group and their lasting legacy, as the start of a series of Music Legends.
The coins detail the instruments of all four members of the band, including the Bechstein piano played by Freddie Mercury at the top of the coin.
Brian May, guitarist for the band, posed with the coins and said: Here we have the first-ever Queen and Queen coin.
Courtesy of Royal Mint/ MEGA / The Mega Agency / Profimedia

Rockers Queen have teamed up with the Royal Mint to release a series of commemorative coins.
The legendary band join Queen Elizabeth II on the set, released to celebrate the group and their lasting legacy, as the start of a series of Music Legends.
The coins detail the instruments of all four members of the band, including the Bechstein piano played by Freddie Mercury at the top of the coin.
Brian May, guitarist for the band, posed with the coins and said: Here we have the first-ever Queen and Queen coin.
Courtesy of Royal Mint/ MEGA / The Mega Agency / Profimedia

Kovanica je izdana u zlatnoj i srebrnoj varijanti, cijena varira od 13 funta za srebrnjak do 2100 za zlatnik.

Ovo je prva kovanica u planiranoj seriji "Glazbene legende", objavila je kraljevska kovnica.

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18. siječanj 2025 07:00