HRVAT I ŠVEĐANIN PRONAĐENI MRTVI U BRAZILU Imali vezane ruke i plastične vrećice na glavi!

RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - MAY 29: Brazilian federal police agents patrol Morro do Borel shantytown while giving security to police experts investigating the alleged execution of four of the shantytown's residents by Rio's military police May 29, 2003 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Witnesses allege the four were shot by police officers, who suspected they were drug dealers, before they were able to show the police officers their ID documents. Already used to living in a city with one Brazil's highest crime rates, Rio's residents are terrorized with a surge in violence since the beginning of the year, with a series of business shutdowns, bombings and gun battles promoted by the city's drug dealers, who control most of Rio's shantytowns. The state police, under armed, underpaid, poorly trained and riddled by corruption and accusations of human rights abuses has been ineffective in controlling the wave of violence. To control the situation and to fight organized crime, the federal government has devised a National Internal Security Plan. (Photo by Andre Vieira/Getty Photo)
 Getty Images / 2003 Getty Images

Brazilska policija jučer je pronašla tijela 57-godišnjeg Hrvata Ante Stanića i 78-godišnjeg Šveđanina Faika Nekića u gradu Jenipabu, piše Latino Fox News.

Žrtve su imale vezane ruke, a na sebi samo donje rublje, dok su na glavama imali plastične vrećice. Uz to, Staniću su u usta nagurali čarapu. Policija pretpostavlja da su se ugušili. Također, postoje indicije da se radilo o pljački jer nedostaju vrijednosti i njihov automobil.

Kako piše brazilski Globo, tijela su pronađena u Stanićevoj kući na plaži. Nekić je bio njegov prijatelj. Tijela je otkrio kućepazitelj koji je svratio do kuće nakon što se nitko nije javljao na telefon.

Navodno je jedan od susjeda u kući vidio ženu dan prije stravičnog ubojstva.

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20. rujan 2024 17:36