ZVIJEZDA 'CSI-ja' PREMINULA U DOBI OD 44 GODINE Pronašli je mrtvu u stanu: 'Doživjela je mračne trenutke, ali borba, bol i tuga napokon su iza nje...'

Evan Peters, Eddie Cibrian i Lisa Sheridan u seriji Invazija
 Profimedia, Everett

Američka glumica Lisa Sheridan pronađena je mrtva u svome domu u New Orleansu, objavio je portal Daily Mail.

Vijest o glumičinoj smrti potvrdio je njezin menadžer Mitch Clem.

- Svi smo jako voljeli Lisu. Shrvani smo i tužni. Ovo je veliki gubitak... Umrla je u ponedjeljak ujutro, kod kuće, u svome stanu u New Orleansu. Čekamo izvješće mrtvozornika o uzroku smrti - izjavio je Clem.

Lisa Sheridan imala je samo 44 godine, a osim u popularnim TV serijama "CSI", "Mentalist" te "Invazija", glumila je i u desetak filmova.

Od nje se, između ostalih, dirljivom objavom na Instagramu oprostio i redatelj Michael Dunaway.

Prod DB © 20th Century Fox TV / DR
avec Lisa Sheridan, Image: 173687793, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO RESTRICTION, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Visual movies
Profimedia, Visual movies
Lisa Sheridan

- Moja srodna duša posljednjih nekoliko godina doživjela je jako mračne trenutke, a sad me samo donekle tješi saznanje da su borba, bol i tuga napokon iza nje... Bila je lijepa i neizmjerno talentirana glumica, još divnija prijateljica, osoba koja je isijavala nevjerojatnu i pozitivnu energiju te život, čak i kad joj je bilo najteže... - napisao je redatelj, koji je Lisu upoznao kad joj je bilo svega 14 godina.

A glumica Donna D’Errico (50), koja je sa Sheridan 2015. snimila film "Only God Can", objavila je sljedeće: "Dobre i nježne duše poput njezine teško se pronalaze".

Prerano preminula glumica svojedobno je bila zaručena za kolegu Rona Livingstona (51), kojeg gledatelji najviše pamte po ulozi u hit seriji "Seks i grad".

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She called me Big Brother, and for all intents and purposes I was. I met Lisa when she was fourteen years old, over thirty years ago. We were immediately attached at the hip, true soulmates from minute one. For the rest of the days of her life, she was a central part of mine. She was beautiful, obviously, and an immensely talented actor, and a wonderful friend, but more than anything she really did radiate this impossibly bright energy and life. Even in her dark moments. And she had plenty of those, especially over the last few years. During these later years she took to telling me, "You're the greatest big brother a girl could ever have." It was how we ended each conversation. I treasured it then, and I treasure it even more now knowing I'll never hear it again, this side of the river. So good night, my sweet little sister. No one will ever again be to me what you were, and are. I'm trying to take comfort in knowing your struggles and pain and grief are "at last, and last behind you." I love you with all my heart, yesterday, today, and forever. Sorry that I can't write more; it's just still too painful.

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