JE LI OVO RAZLOG ZAŠTO VICTORIA BECKHAM NIJE MOGLA PLAĆATI RADNIKE Otkriveno na što je slavna obitelj odlučila potrošiti 10 milijuna funti

 Splash News/MEGA / The Mega Agency / Profimedia

Nakon što je bivša pjevačica i članica grupe Spice Girls te poduzetnica u modnoj industriji Victoria Beckham razbjesnila javnost odlukom da od države traži poticaje kako bi isplatila primanja svojim zaposlenicima, a bogatstvo nje i njezinog supruga procjenjuje se na 335 milijuna funti, u javnost je procurio novi zanimljivi detalj, koji mnogo objašnjava.

Beckham je ovih dana 30 svojih zaposlenika poslala na plaćeni dopust koji financira britanska vlada putem sigurnosnog fonda za očuvanje radnih mjesta koja su pogođena pandemijom koronavirusa.

Činjenica da se plaće njezinih zaposlenika trenutno plaćaju iz proračuna znači da je Beckham uštedjela 225 tisuća funti.

Photo © 2020: One Thousand Museum via The Grosby Group

David Beckham has reportedly bought a $ 24 Million Dollar apartment in Miami. The new One Thousand Museum skyscraper building is one of the tallest in Miami and it has its own helipad. The Beckham's apartment has 5 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms. The building has 2 penthouses and its speculated that due to the price, the Beckham's bought one of them. The building also has a communal swimming pool on the top floor and a treatment spa, plus a hair and beauty salon. The building was designed by the late architect Zaha Hadid and completed in late 2019. The family has made Miami their permanent home now that David has launched his Inter Miami soccer team.

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The Grosby Group / Grosby Group / Profimedia

No, britanski mediji saznali su da su Beckhamovii uzeli zajam od 10 milijuna funti za kupnju novog luksuznog stana u Miamiju. S jedne strane mnogi se pitaju je li ta slavna obitelj u financijskim problemima jer su se odlučili na zajam, dok drugi tvrde da zbog kupnje novog stana i nije mogla plaćati svoje radnike.

Photo © 2020: One Thousand Museum via The Grosby Group

David Beckham has reportedly bought a $ 24 Million Dollar apartment in Miami. The new One Thousand Museum skyscraper building is one of the tallest in Miami and it has its own helipad. The Beckham's apartment has 5 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms. The building has 2 penthouses and its speculated that due to the price, the Beckham's bought one of them. The building also has a communal swimming pool on the top floor and a treatment spa, plus a hair and beauty salon. The building was designed by the late architect Zaha Hadid and completed in late 2019. The family has made Miami their permanent home now that David has launched his Inter Miami soccer team.

Please note: The Grosby Group does not claim any ownership including but not limited to Copyright or License in the attached material. Fees charged by The Grosby Group are for The Grosby Group's services only, and do not, nor are they intended to, convey to the user any ownership of Copyright or License in the material. By publishing this material you expressly agree to indemnify and to hold The Grosby Group and its directors, shareholders and employees harmless from any loss, claims, damages, demands, expenses (including legal fees), or any causes of action or allegation against The Grosby Group arising out of or connected in any way with publication of the material, Image: 510855172, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: The Grosby Group / Grosby Group / Profimedia
The Grosby Group / Grosby Group / Profimedia

Navodno su bivša spajsica i slavni nogometaš dobili pozajmicu od banke kako bi kupili luksuzni penthouse u poznatoj zgradi u Miamiju, One Thousand Museum, a stan ima pet spavaćih soba, bazen, kao i heliodrom na vrhu zgrade.

Ta vijest razljutila je mnoge te su komentirali da ako je Victoria mogla posuditi 10 milijuna funti za kupnju stana u Miamiju, ističu mnogi mogla je posuditi novac prije svega za isplatu plaća osoblju, a ne da se oslanja na novac poreznih obveznika.

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17. rujan 2024 20:19