FOTO: TSUNAMI SUZA NA MODNOJ PISTI Najdugovječnije lice Victoria's Secreta reklo 'zbogom', publika ju je pozdravila ovacijama, kolegice plakale

Adriana Lima
 Profimedia, Xposurephotos

Brazilska ljepotica Adriana Lima (37) prvu reviju za popularni brend Victoria's Secret nosila je još 1999. kao 18-godišnjakinja, a ovih dana i službeno se oprostila od anđeoskih krila koja su joj u ovih skoro 20 godina obilježila manekensku karijeru i pretvorila je u svjetsku superzvijezdu.

Lima na oproštajnoj reviji nije mogla suspregnuti emocije - zaplakala je nasred piste, a publika ju je s iste ispratila gromoglasnim pljeskom, dok su se na velikom videozidu prikazivali isječci sa starih revija na kojima je Lima, naravno, bila glavna atrakcija.

Suza je bilo i u backstageu - Adrianin odlazak teško je pao njezinim kolegicama Cindy Bruni (24), Winnie Harlow (24) i Josephine Skriver (25).

S čak 18 odrađenih revija, zgodna Brazilka postala je najdugovječnija anđelica u povijesti brenda.

- Svaku minutu provedenu u Victoria's Secretu pamtit ću kao najljepšu u životu - izjavila je ganuta Lima.

BGUK_1422768 - ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED STATES ** Los Angeles, CA  - Adriana Lima tears up during her final Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. After nearly 20 years of rocking angel wings, Adriana Lima made her final walk down the runway during this year's Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. The 37 year-old supermodel received a standing ovation as she made her grand entrance during the show and was brought to tears as she blew a kiss to the audience while a montage of some of her past runway appearances played on screens for the crowd. The moment was a poignant one, and it wasn't just Lima who was getting choked up over her big farewell appearance. Several models backstage including Winnie Harlow, Josephine Skriver and Cindy Bruna also became emotional as Lima took to the catwalk. After 20 years and 18 fashion shows, Adriana was celebrated for being 'the greatest angel of all time' according to the show. The show put together a packe celebrating Adriana, who has been the longest running angel in the show's history. Adriana told the cameras:
Profimedia, Xposurephotos
Adriana Lima

BGUK_1422768 - ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED STATES ** Los Angeles, CA  - Adriana Lima tears up during her final Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. After nearly 20 years of rocking angel wings, Adriana Lima made her final walk down the runway during this year's Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. The 37 year-old supermodel received a standing ovation as she made her grand entrance during the show and was brought to tears as she blew a kiss to the audience while a montage of some of her past runway appearances played on screens for the crowd. The moment was a poignant one, and it wasn't just Lima who was getting choked up over her big farewell appearance. Several models backstage including Winnie Harlow, Josephine Skriver and Cindy Bruna also became emotional as Lima took to the catwalk. After 20 years and 18 fashion shows, Adriana was celebrated for being 'the greatest angel of all time' according to the show. The show put together a packe celebrating Adriana, who has been the longest running angel in the show's history. Adriana told the cameras:
Profimedia, Xposurephotos
Adriana Lima

BGUK_1422768 - ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN UNITED STATES ** Los Angeles, CA  - Adriana Lima tears up during her final Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. After nearly 20 years of rocking angel wings, Adriana Lima made her final walk down the runway during this year's Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. The 37 year-old supermodel received a standing ovation as she made her grand entrance during the show and was brought to tears as she blew a kiss to the audience while a montage of some of her past runway appearances played on screens for the crowd. The moment was a poignant one, and it wasn't just Lima who was getting choked up over her big farewell appearance. Several models backstage including Winnie Harlow, Josephine Skriver and Cindy Bruna also became emotional as Lima took to the catwalk. After 20 years and 18 fashion shows, Adriana was celebrated for being 'the greatest angel of all time' according to the show. The show put together a packe celebrating Adriana, who has been the longest running angel in the show's history. Adriana told the cameras:
Profimedia, Xposurephotos
Martha Hunt i Adriana Lima

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06. ožujak 2025 12:23