FOTO: SEKS-IKONU '80-ih DANAS BI RIJETKO TKO PREPOZNAO Fanovi se složili: 'Zapustila se, ali barem nije jedna od onih ovisnica o estetskim zahvatima'

Kelly McGillis
 Profimedia, Mega Agency

Nakon što je 1986. s Tomom Cruiseom (55) snimila hit film "Top Gun", u kojemu je glumila instruktoricu letenja Charlotte 'Charlie' Blackwood, Kelly McGillis postala je seks-ikona o kojoj su maštali mladići diljem svijeta.

Ova američka glumica za nešto manje od mjesec dana proslavit će 61. rođendan, a iako je lani snimila triler "Maternal Secrets", rijetko se pojavljuje u javnosti.

No nakon što je objavljeno kako se 32 godine poslije premijere "Top Guna" radi njegov nastavak, svi su se zapitali gdje je Kelly te hoće li se ona uopće i pojaviti u drugome dijelu filma. Službenih informacija o njezinu angažmanu i dalje nema, ali najnovije fotografije nekad fatalne plavuše, snimljene u Hendersonvilleu u Sjevernoj Karolini, razočarale su mnoge obožavatelje "Top Guna".

McGillis, za razliku od drugih holivudskih dama u najboljim godinama, danas ne izgleda nimalo glamurozno - dok su joj neki itekako zamjerili što se udebljala i općenito zapustila, drugi su stali na njezinu stranu tvrdeći kako je "ona zapravo jedna od rijetkih žena koja nije postala ovisna o estetskim zahvatima i starenje je prihvatila kao najnormalniju pojavu u životu svakoga čovjeka".

Inače, svjetska premijera "Top Guna 2" najavljena je za srpanj 2019. godine.

EXCLUSIVE: Its been 32 years since she shot to super-stardom opposite Tom Cruise in Top Gun, one of the most iconic movies of all time. And while its already clear Cruise will be back as Maverick in the long-awaited sequel, speculation has remained over whether Kelly McGillis role as love interest, Charlotte Charlie Blackwood, an astrophysicist and civilian instructor, would be reprised. In an interview in 2014, McGillis said she would happily cameo in a Top Gun sequel. But from these exclusive pictures, its obvious McGillis, now 60, is not with Cruise and the other cast members whove already started filming Top Gun: Maverick, at a military base in San Diego, California. The actress, who stepped away from the limelight years ago, spent Sunday helping out at the morning service at the First Congregational Church, near her rural home in Hendersonville, North Carolina. She headed home after stopping off to lunch alone at the nearby Pops Diner. The church describes itself as a blend of four principal traditions: Congregational, Christian, Evangelical, and Reformed. McGillis came out as a lesbian in 2009, while still married to former husband Fred Tillman, with whom she has two daughters, though she is no longer with her partner from the time. After turning her back of her film career, she ran a bar in Key West, Florida; worked with drug addicts and alcoholics; and taught acting. In 2016, she was left scratched and bruised after being reportedly assaulted by a woman who broke into her North Carolina home on June 17, 2016. She said the attack, as well as others she has experienced in the past, led her to apply for a concealed carry gun permit to protect herself. It wasnt the first time McGillis has been the victim of assault; she and her girlfriend at the time were raped in 1982. She has said the experience led her to play the role of attorney Kathryn Murphy in the 1988 film
Profimedia, Mega Agency
Kelly McGillis

EXCLUSIVE: Its been 32 years since she shot to super-stardom opposite Tom Cruise in Top Gun, one of the most iconic movies of all time. And while its already clear Cruise will be back as Maverick in the long-awaited sequel, speculation has remained over whether Kelly McGillis role as love interest, Charlotte Charlie Blackwood, an astrophysicist and civilian instructor, would be reprised. In an interview in 2014, McGillis said she would happily cameo in a Top Gun sequel. But from these exclusive pictures, its obvious McGillis, now 60, is not with Cruise and the other cast members whove already started filming Top Gun: Maverick, at a military base in San Diego, California. The actress, who stepped away from the limelight years ago, spent Sunday helping out at the morning service at the First Congregational Church, near her rural home in Hendersonville, North Carolina. She headed home after stopping off to lunch alone at the nearby Pops Diner. The church describes itself as a blend of four principal traditions: Congregational, Christian, Evangelical, and Reformed. McGillis came out as a lesbian in 2009, while still married to former husband Fred Tillman, with whom she has two daughters, though she is no longer with her partner from the time. After turning her back of her film career, she ran a bar in Key West, Florida; worked with drug addicts and alcoholics; and taught acting. In 2016, she was left scratched and bruised after being reportedly assaulted by a woman who broke into her North Carolina home on June 17, 2016. She said the attack, as well as others she has experienced in the past, led her to apply for a concealed carry gun permit to protect herself. It wasnt the first time McGillis has been the victim of assault; she and her girlfriend at the time were raped in 1982. She has said the experience led her to play the role of attorney Kathryn Murphy in the 1988 film
Profimedia, Mega Agency
Kelly McGillis

#topgun #kellymcgillis #tonyscott #80smovies

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