'ZNAČI LI TO DA IMAM I RAK KOSTIJU?' Poznata glumica otkrila najveći strah oboljelih nakon što se jednom izvuku iz pakla bolesti

Shannen Doherty (desno)
 @theshando / Instagram

Poznata glumica Shannen Doherty (46), koju najviše prepoznajemo iz uloge u Beverly Hillsu, zadnjih godina je prolazila kroz tešku borbu s rakom dojke.


U trenucima kad je zbog kemoterapija bila jedva prepoznatljiva, o svemu je pisala na svojim društvenim mrežama, jer je tako održavala kontakt s obožavateljima diljem svijeta, ali i drugima koji prolaze kroz isto.

Ovu bitku je pobijedila, no među zadnjim izjavama je priznala kako ju je još uvijek strah.

- Zatekneš se kako razmišljaš 'Ah, bole me kosti. Znači li to da imam i rak kostiju? Ne prođe dan, a da se nakon buđenja ne zapitam je li sve normalno? Onda kao da pljusnem samu sebe i kažem si da je sve u redu i da sam smiješna - razmišljanja su glumice koja sigurno dijele i drugi koji su prošli kroz pakao ove bolesti.

Shannen Doherty (theshando): Have I mentioned how much I hate needles? This was prep for today's petscan. I don't care how much a person has been poked and prodded, it never gets easier. @kurtiswarienko tells me I have a high threshold for pain but I don't see it that way. Here's the thing.. even with positive results, it's the next five years that determine so much. So, let's see how today turns out and then day by day. Live life to the fullest. Cherish every second. Love fiercely. And thank God for every second. I'll keep you all posted and thank you for your positive energy and prayers. ýÝ and yes.. that is a puff ball on top of my head. Just happy it's growing!!, Image: 330470261, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Face To Face A
Profimedia, Face To Face A

Glumica trenutačno, nakon osam ciklusa kemoterapije i zračenja kao i mastektomije jedne dojke, čeka na posljednju rekonstruktivnu operaciju.

- Oblačenje kupaćeg kostima će biti moje malo slavlje, jer ću znati da je sve isto kao nekad - zaključila je Shannen.

Feeling a little like Alice... #wonderland

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Na objavama se vidi i kako izgleda puno bolje, a dok je prolazila kroz liječenje, isprobavala je razne perike i pokazivala neke od bolnih trenutaka poput brijanja kose na glavi i ležanja na kemoterapiji.

Breast Cancer Awareness month. Last year....My hair was falling out in huge clumps. It was time to just shave it off. Like super woman, my friend @annemkortright came over with the tools and attitude to shave my head. And though I’m laughing thru it (mainly because she always makes me laugh) you can clearly see how sad I am. Cancer has so many moments of deep realization. Realizing you have cancer, realizing it’s not a simple fix, realizing it’s altering you in both superficial ways and deeply profound ways, realizing you are changed forever. I will forever remember this moment and my brave loving friend who was there no matter what. It’s the people around you that help lift you up. And she did. Cancer isn’t something you “step up” to help a person fight. It’s about being constant, engaged in the journey before, during and after. Some people take the easy road and others, like this beautiful human, stay on the road regardless of the bumps. @annemkortright I love you. To the moon and back. #breastcancerawareness #friendship

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20. rujan 2024 13:59