VIDEO: PORTRETI SLAVNIH NA AUKCIJI U BORBI PROTIV POSLJEDICA COVIDA-19 Autor: 'Karijeru sam izgradio na povezivanju ljudi i njihovim osobnim pričama'

Jennifer Lopez

Mark Seliger, fotograf slavnih osoba, političara i glazbenika, koji radi za časopise Rolling Stone i Vanity Fair, na online dražbi nudi svojih 25 fotografija poznatih osoba, poput Brada Pitta i Amy Schumer, a svrha mu je prikupiti novac za borbu protiv posljedica koronavirusa.

Seligerov studio i organizacija RAD (Red Carpet Advocacy) dražbu organiziraju u suradnji s američkom aukcijskom kućom Christie's u sklopu kampanje pod nazivom RADArt4Aid, piše Vanity Fair.

Pogledajte ovu objavu na Instagramu.

#RADArt4Aid bidding is officially OPEN! Join us in supporting critical COVID-19 relief for various charities on the frontlines of national and international relief: from food banks to PPE equipment, women's shelters to veterans, suicide prevention to the elderly. 100% of sales proceeds will go directly to charity!⁠ Bidding now open through June 12th Hit the link in bio to bid at @christiesinc or head to our IG Stories to donate to @newyorkcares today. Every dollar counts! I am supporting @newyorkcares. What they do: In the days before New York Cares, volunteering was unnecessarily complicated. The organization's founders believed that individuals could make a real difference in improving NYC by having the necessary tools. New York Cares has infused volunteerism with business acumen to enable anyone who volunteers through their programs to have an impact on New York City.⁠ That's why they're the City's go-to and mobilize 52,000 volunteers to mentor students, serve meals in soup kitchens, clean up parks, help the homeless get back on their feet, and dozens of other selfless acts.⁠ Why we love New York Cares: New York Cares provides a smarter way to volunteer and, in so doing, has a huge impact on our beloved city of New York. ⁠New York Cares partners with 1350 schools and non-profits across NYC⁠. Their staff plan and manage 1600 volunteer-led projects every MONTH⁠. Volunteers served 400,000 New Yorkers in need last year, and the portraits that will benefit New York Cares are @oprah, @officialkeef, #JohnLeeHooker, and #MikhailBaryshnikov.

Objavu dijeli Mark Seliger (@markseliger)

Radovi se na online aukciji nude od 28. svibnja do 12. lipnja.

Među portretima su fotografije Baracka Obame, Jennifer Aniston, Johnnyja Casha, Billie Eilish, Oprah Winfrey, Kurta Cobaina, Laure Dern, Leonarda DiCaprija, Dr. Drea, Toma Hanksa, Jennifer Lopez, Julije Louis-Dreyfus, Keitha Richardsa, Nicole Kidman, Jerryja Seinfelda, Snoop Dogga i Reese Witherspoon.

Pogledajte ovu objavu na Instagramu.

Which famous face would you like to see in your home? Now open for bidding! RADArt4Aid, a joint fundraising and advocacy campaign with partners Mark Seliger Studio and RAD (Red Carpet Advocacy), which features a dedicated global auction to benefit multiple COVID-19 relief organizations.⠀ .⠀⠀ This special online sale will feature 26 of photographer Mark Seliger’s most iconic celebrity portraits, including Jennifer Aniston, Kendrick Lamar, Lin-Manuel-Miranda, Kurt Cobain, Oprah Winfrey, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Billie Eilish.⠀ .⠀⠀ 100% proceeds of sale to be directed to COVID-19 related charities of each celebrity’s choice to raise awareness and vital funds for organizations that support relief for victims, front-line workers, and those impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.⠀ .⠀⠀ Where possible, the portraits will include a signed note from the sitter thanking the winning bidder.⠀ .⠀ Mark Seliger (b. 1959) ⠀ 'Jennifer Aniston, Los Angeles, CA, 1995'. Estimate: ,000 - 7,000.⠀ 'Kendrick Lamar, New York, NY, 2017'. Estimate: ,000 - 3,000.⠀ 'Lin-Manuel Miranda, New York, NY, 2016'. Estimate: ,000 - 3,000.⠀ 'Kurt Cobain, Kalamazoo, MI, 1993'. Estimate: ,000 - 6,000.⠀ 'Oprah Winfrey, Los Angeles, CA, 2015'. Estimate: ,000 - 7,000.⠀ 'Leonardo DiCaprio, Los Angeles, 1999'. Estimate: ,000 - 5,000.⠀ 'Billie Eilish, Los Angeles, CA, 2020'. Estimate: ,000 - 3,000.⠀ .⠀ RADArt4Aid — 28 May-12 June, online. ⠀⠀ .⠀⠀ @markseliger @Radvocacy @jenniferaniston @oprah @billieeilish @kurtcobain @hamiltonmusical @kendricklamar @leonardodicaprio⠀ .⠀⠀ #RADArt4Aid #charity #covid19relief #auction #markseliger #onlineauction #celebrityportraits #jenniferaniston #kurtcobain #leonardodicaprio #billieeilish #kendricklamar #oprah #oprahwinfrey #hamiltonmusical #linmanuelmiranda ⠀ .⠀ ⠀

Objavu dijeli Christie's (@christiesinc)

Nadmetanje za radove nastale u proteklih tridesetak godina odvijat će se na internetskoj stranici Christie'sa uz niz videa koji pojašnjavaju priče iza ponuđenih fotografija, objavljenih na naslovnicama časopisa Vanity Fair i Rolling Stone.

Prikupljena sredstva bit će uplaćena na račune raznih zaklada za pomoć osobama koje su zbog koronavirusa ostale bez posla, doma ili bez zdravlja.

- Svoju karijeru izgradio sam na međusobnom povezivanju i razumijevanju ljudi i na njihovim osobnim pričama te sam ih želio predstaviti na autentičan i u nekim slučajevima pomalo fantastičan način - stoji u Seligerovu priopćenju.

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18. siječanj 2025 14:09