VIDEO: DOGRABILE SE SLAVNE SESTRE! Letjele šake, Kim s krvavim ogrebotinama završila na podu: 'Ne želim biti ni blizu tvoje je**ne debele guzice!'

Kourtney i Kim Kardashian
 E! Entertainment / Ferrari / Profimedia

Milijuni gledatelja diljem svijeta još od 2007. godine prate američki reality show "Keeping Up With The Kardashians", a aktualna sezona počela je ozbiljno razotkrivati narušene obiteljske odnose unutar spomenutog klana.

Svi koji su barem donekle upoznati sa životima glavnih aktera popularne TV emisije, već odavno znaju da je 40-godišnja Kourtney svojevrsna "crna ovca" među sestrama - ona je, naime, jedina koja nerado iznosi svoju intimu pred kamerama, zbog čega se često svađa s dominantnom Kim (39), ali i Khloé (35) te majkom Kris Jenner (64), koja je godinama i menadžerica vlastitoj djeci.

Ferrari Press Agency
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Ref 11582
See Ferrari pictures
Picture credit: E! Entertainment; 

Reality TV star Kim Kardashian has told how her on screen  fight with sister Kourtney left her with bloody scratches and shut down filming for a weekKim , 39, grappled with Kourtney 40,  in the first episode on season 18 of the Keeping up with the Kardashians series,Kim claimed Kourtney  scratched her so hard, she was bleeding.She revealed the detail from her mother  Kris Jenner's “glam room”, for a special self-isolating interview with US talk show host Jimmy Fallon.She said: '”t was pretty intense. I feel it was a lot of built up resentment from Kourtney or just feeling like she doesn't want to film anymore.“Kim revealed  her mother Kris ,64, cried watching the fight break out on film.

OPS: The scene from season 18 of Keeping up with the Kardashians, episode 1, where Kim and Kourtney grapple while sister Khloe ,35, tries to intervene

Picture supplied by Ferrari, Image: 510869240, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: E! Entertainment / Ferrari / Profimedia
E! Entertainment / Ferrari / Profimedia
Khloé, Kourtney i Kim Kardashian

A višemjesečno sestrinsko prepiranje sad je kulminiralo - i to, naravno, na najgori mogući način - pred televizijskim kamerama. Iznervirana jer Kourtney sve manje sudjeluje u snimanju showa, Kim joj je poručila da jednostavno - ode.

- Neću svaki je**ni dan dolaziti u ovo negativno okruženje! Ne želim biti ni blizu tvoje je**ne debele guzice! - govori Kourtney, vidno uzrujana i na rubu suza.


Kim & Kourtney's Feud Gets Physical on new season of the TV show
E! / Planet / Profimedia
Kourtney i Kim Kardashian

A sve je zapravo počelo kad je Kim prigovorila najstarijoj sestri: "Ne mariš, nije te briga za posao", nakon čega joj je Kourtney odbrusila: "Je**no ću ti začepiti usta ako opet to spomeneš! Je**no umukni i prestani se tako smijati, izgledaš kao nakaza!".

Ubrzo je uslijedio i pravi mali fizički obračun - poletjele su šake, u jednom trenutku Kim je čak završila na podu, Khloé je pokušala razdvojiti podivljale sestre, a Kendall je samo u šoku i nevjerici gledala što se to oko nje zbiva.

Ferrari Press Agency
Scratches   1
Ref 11582
See Ferrari pictures
Picture credit: E! Entertainment; 

Reality TV star Kim Kardashian has told how her on screen  fight with sister Kourtney left her with bloody scratches and shut down filming for a weekKim , 39, grappled with Kourtney 40,  in the first episode on season 18 of the Keeping up with the Kardashians series,Kim claimed Kourtney  scratched her so hard, she was bleeding.She revealed the detail from her mother  Kris Jenner's “glam room”, for a special self-isolating interview with US talk show host Jimmy Fallon.She said: '”t was pretty intense. I feel it was a lot of built up resentment from Kourtney or just feeling like she doesn't want to film anymore.“Kim revealed  her mother Kris ,64, cried watching the fight break out on film.

OPS: The scene from season 18 of Keeping up with the Kardashians, episode 1, where Kim and Kourtney grapple while sister Khloe ,35, tries to intervene

Picture supplied by Ferrari, Image: 510869207, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: E! Entertainment / Ferrari / Profimedia
E! Entertainment / Ferrari / Profimedia
Kourtney i Kim Kardashian

Reality zvijezda Kim u naguravanju je zadobila i nekoliko krvavih ogrebotina.

- Da više nikad nisi zarila te svoje je**ne nokte u mene! Koliko ti je godina? Koliko ti je je**no godina? - urlala je Kim pa krenula u osvetnički pohod u kojem je sestru dvaput udarila šakom u lice. Ova dramatična epizoda showa "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" prikazat će se danas (četvrtak) navečer.

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09. rujan 2024 21:24