VELIKA TRAGEDIJA ZADESILA TINU TURNER Ubio se sin legendarne pjevačice, Tinu vijest zatekla na modnoj reviji


Najstariji sin Tine Turner, Craig Raymond Turner, pronađen je mrtav, a kao razlog smrti navodi se samoubojstvo pištoljem.

59-godišnjak je pronađen u utorak u svojem domu u Studio Cityju u Kaliforniji.

Pomoćnik glavnog mrtvozornika Los Angelesa, Ed Winter, rekao je kako je očito riječ o samoubojstvu iako autopsija još nije obavljena.

Pjevačka legenda Tina (78) Craiga je rodila kad joj je bilo samo 18 godina, prije nego se udala za Ikea Turnera. Nakon vjenčanja, Ike je posvojio Craiga i dao mu svoje prezime.

Zanimljivo, Craigov biološki otac, Raymond Hill, bio je saksofonist benda Kings of Rythm, i svirao je zajedno s Ikeom Turnerom.

Raymond i Tina, koju su tada svi zvali Mala Ana, bili su u vezi od 1957. kad je ona imala samo 17 godina i bila je jedna od pratećih vokala u Ikeovom bendu.

WORLDWIDE - Reports are that Tina Turner's firstborn son Craig Raymond Turner, 59, was found dead today of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound at his 3 bedroom/2 bathroom Studio City apartment seen in these pictures on Troost Avenue.  Craig Turner worked as a real estate agent for Rodeo Realty in the San Fernando Valley.  His mother,  the R & B icon Tina, is currently traveling in Europe.  Tina Turner was 18 when she had her son Craig with his biological father saxophonist Raymond Hill, Hill performed in the late Ike Turner's band Kings of Rhythm.  Ike Turner later adopted Craig when he married Tina. Coroners car here seen leaving the scene. LA, CA,  July 3rd 2018., Image: 376824821, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: MAVRIXONLINE.COM - +1 305 542 9275.
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Profimedia, Mavrixphoto
Stan Craiga Turnera

Raymond je umro s 62 godine od zatajenja srca.

Tina je bila udana za Ikea od 1962. i 1978. s kojim ima i zajedničkog sina, 57-godišnjeg Ronniea Turnera.

2013. Tina se udala za dugogodišnjeg partnera Erwina Bacha s kojim živi u Švicarskoj.

26 August 2013 - Los Angeles - USA


Tina Turner sits down for an interview wtih Oprah Winfrey's Next Chapter - during her honeymoon. The What's Love Got To Do With It singer had tied the knot just one week earlier with boyfriend of 27 years Erwin Bach.  Oprah attended the wedding in Switzerland and then met up with the couple while they were on honeymoon in the South of France at the famous Hotel Du Cap. Several minutes of wedding footage including behind the scenes of the big day, were aired during the hour long show. And Turner, who still looks fabulous at 73, didn't hold back during the candid interview - revealing that while her ex-husband Ike Turner died more than five years ago but rock and roll legend Tina Turner remains haunted by their dysfunctional marriage. Turner revealed that Ike changed her name from Anna Mae Bullock to Tina Turner so he could always own her. She told Oprah:
Profimedia, Xposurephotos
Erwin Bach i Tina Turner

Nešto ranije istoga dana kad je Craig pronađen mrtav, Tina je prisustvovala modnoj reviji Giorgia Armanija u Parizu.

Tina Turner attending the Giorgio Armani Haute Couture Paris Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 held in Paris, France on july 03, 2018., Image: 376824914, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Abaca
Profimedia, Abaca
Tina Turner

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13. ožujak 2025 22:32