TARU REID IZBACILI IZ AVIONA Glumica divljala zbog jastuka, ali kad su spomenuli psa, to je bila kap koja je prelila čašu: 'Uvijek se okome na mene'

 Profimedia, Mega Agency

Tara Reid našla se u središtu malog skandala zbog čega je odgođen let na kojem se našla. Glumicu (42) i njezinog psa uklonili su s leta za New York kompanije Delta, koji je kretao iz Los Angelesa u ponedjeljak zbog ‘uznemiravanja putnika’, stoji u službenom priopćenju.

Iz Delte su se ispričali ostalim putnicima na neugodnostima i zahvalili na strpljenju dok se situacija nije riješila. Zrakoplov je sa zakašnjenjem poletio za New York, ali bez glumice na njemu, piše ET.

Neposredno prije polijetanja zaposlenici kompanije pomogli su Reid i njezinom ljubimcu jorkširskom terijeru da izađu iz aviona. Kratki video rasprave prvi je objavio TMZ. Svjedoci su rekli da se Reid jako glasno bunila zbog pogrešnog sjedala u avionu te zbog nedostatka jastuka.

EXCLUSIVE: ** NO USA TV AND NO USA WEB **Tara Reid flew into a rage on a flight, shortly before takeoff ... prompting the captain to toss her, and her little dog, off the plane.
The incident went down Monday afternoon on Delta Flight 613 from LAX to NYC. Witnesses tell us Tara was pissed and loudly complained about being given the wrong seat. She later bitched about not getting a pillow. Flight attendants tried diffusing the situation ... but it was too little, too late.

We're told the pilot -- after pushing back from the gate -- announced he was turning around because of a customer service issue. In the video, you can see Tara being told she had to go. Cops were not called and Tara complied ... deplaning with her dog.

Tara's side of the story is she thought she had a window seat and was upset that wasn't the case. Further, she says she was cramped in her seat because the woman in front of her had reclined.

A Delta spokesperson tells us the flight eventually took off for NYC after a short delay. Tara boarded an alternate flight.
15 Oct 2018, Image: 391264211, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO United States, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

Glumica je pak u srijedu preko društvenih mreža objavila podulje priopćenje u kojem negira da su je izbacili s leta. Ona tvrdi da je svojevoljno napustila avion nakon što je stjuard vidio problem u tome što je sa sobom povela psa.

Držala se priče da joj tromjesečni ljubimac služi kao emocionalna potpora, no umjesto da joj dozvole da leti s njim, tražili su da ga smjesti ili u pretinac iznad glave ili u prtljažnik. S obzirom da su joj obje opcije apsurdne, odbila je i odlučila napustiti avion.

EXCLUSIVE: ** NO USA TV AND NO USA WEB **Tara Reid flew into a rage on a flight, shortly before takeoff ... prompting the captain to toss her, and her little dog, off the plane.
The incident went down Monday afternoon on Delta Flight 613 from LAX to NYC. Witnesses tell us Tara was pissed and loudly complained about being given the wrong seat. She later bitched about not getting a pillow. Flight attendants tried diffusing the situation ... but it was too little, too late.

We're told the pilot -- after pushing back from the gate -- announced he was turning around because of a customer service issue. In the video, you can see Tara being told she had to go. Cops were not called and Tara complied ... deplaning with her dog.

Tara's side of the story is she thought she had a window seat and was upset that wasn't the case. Further, she says she was cramped in her seat because the woman in front of her had reclined.

A Delta spokesperson tells us the flight eventually took off for NYC after a short delay. Tara boarded an alternate flight.
15 Oct 2018, Image: 391264210, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO United States, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

EXCLUSIVE: ** NO USA TV AND NO USA WEB **Tara Reid flew into a rage on a flight, shortly before takeoff ... prompting the captain to toss her, and her little dog, off the plane.
The incident went down Monday afternoon on Delta Flight 613 from LAX to NYC. Witnesses tell us Tara was pissed and loudly complained about being given the wrong seat. She later bitched about not getting a pillow. Flight attendants tried diffusing the situation ... but it was too little, too late.

We're told the pilot -- after pushing back from the gate -- announced he was turning around because of a customer service issue. In the video, you can see Tara being told she had to go. Cops were not called and Tara complied ... deplaning with her dog.

Tara's side of the story is she thought she had a window seat and was upset that wasn't the case. Further, she says she was cramped in her seat because the woman in front of her had reclined.

A Delta spokesperson tells us the flight eventually took off for NYC after a short delay. Tara boarded an alternate flight.
15 Oct 2018, Image: 391264208, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO United States, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

- U roku od nekoliko minuta bila sam u drugom avionu druge zrakoplovne kompanije (koja nema ništa protiv kućnih ljubimaca) koja je prihvatila ideju da se pas vozi sa mnom u krilu - napisala je.

U razgovoru za Extru rekla je da nije bilo nikakve drame, da se jednostavno nije složila s odlukom kompanije pa je napustila avion. No, mediji i čitatelji su stvorili dramu:

- Naravno da su sad svi napravili skandal od toga, ali navikla sam na to. Uvijek se nekako okome na mene - rekla je.

EXCLUSIVE: ** NO USA TV AND NO USA WEB **Tara Reid flew into a rage on a flight, shortly before takeoff ... prompting the captain to toss her, and her little dog, off the plane.
The incident went down Monday afternoon on Delta Flight 613 from LAX to NYC. Witnesses tell us Tara was pissed and loudly complained about being given the wrong seat. She later bitched about not getting a pillow. Flight attendants tried diffusing the situation ... but it was too little, too late.

We're told the pilot -- after pushing back from the gate -- announced he was turning around because of a customer service issue. In the video, you can see Tara being told she had to go. Cops were not called and Tara complied ... deplaning with her dog.

Tara's side of the story is she thought she had a window seat and was upset that wasn't the case. Further, she says she was cramped in her seat because the woman in front of her had reclined.

A Delta spokesperson tells us the flight eventually took off for NYC after a short delay. Tara boarded an alternate flight.
15 Oct 2018, Image: 391264205, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO United States, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency

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