SJEĆATE LI SE SLATKOG DJEČAKA IZ FILMA 'E.T.'? Glumac koji se proslavio ulogom u jednom od najvećih hitova 80-ih uhićen i proveo noć u pritvoru

 - / United Archives / Profimedia

Henry Thomas (48), poznat po ulozi dječaka Elliotta u hit-filmu 'E.T.' uhićen je u ponedjeljak u Oregonu, piše CNN.

Jennifer Massey, glasnogovornik policije, rekao je da su zabrinuti prolaznici pozvali hitnu službu nakon što se 'sumnjivo vozilo' parkiralo na zaustavnoj traci.

The star of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, Henry Thomas, has been arrested for a suspected DUI. Henry Thomas, 48, was arrested in Oregon on Monday October 21, after cops allegedly found him passed out behind the wheel of his car. The Tualatin Police Department was reportedly alerted to the incident after another motorist called 911 around 8:30 PM to report that someone was stopped in the middle of an intersection. When officers arrived on the scene, they allegedly found Thomas passed out in his car, prompting cops to wake him up. He was then taken to the Washington County Jail on suspicion of DUI. He was booked for misdemeanor driving under the influence of intoxicants. Thomas shot to fame as a child star after playing Elliot, the 10-year-old lead of Steven Spielberg's science fiction classic. Most recently he appeared in the Netflix hit the Haunting of Hill House.
22 Oct 2019, Image: 478437248, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: MEGA / Mega Agency / Profimedia
MEGA / Mega Agency / Profimedia

Uhitili su glumca koji je bio pod utjecajem opijata i odveli ga u stanicu gdje je prenoćio.

Thomasa je proslavio film Stevena Spielberga iz 1982. godine. To mu je bila prva uloga, a imao je 10 godina tijekom snimanja.

E.T. - Der Außerirdische / Henry Thomas, Image: 379568926, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Nur redaktionelle Nutzung im Zusammenhang mit dem Film. Editorial usage only and only related to the film., Model Release: no, Credit line: - / United Archives / Profimedia
- / United Archives / Profimedia

Kasnije se i dalje bavio glumom, ali s manje uspjeha. Prošle godine je glumio u Netflixovoj izvrsnoj seriji 'The Haunting of Hill House'.

McKenna Grace, Lulu Wilson, Henry Thomas, Julian Hillard, Paxton Singleton, Violet Mcgraw, Carla Gugino,
Netflix / The Hollywood Archive / Hollywood Archive / Profimedia
The Haunting of Hill House

Thomas se dvaput ženio i rastavljao, a ima jedno dijete.

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20. rujan 2024 16:23