SEDAM MJESECI NAKON SMRTI SUPRUGE ZAPROSIO SINOVU BIVŠU DJEVOJKU USRED SHOWA Šokirao dr. Oza: 'Pričao sam s bogom u wc-u, rekao mi je da to napravim'


Duane Dog Chapman (67) poznati je lovac na glave u američkoj reality seriji, a posljednji mjeseci su mu bili posebno teški.

Naime, u ljeto mu je preminula supruga Beth, koja je imala tumor u grlu, a onda i metastaze na plućima. Kad su joj liječnici rekli da joj nema spasa, odlučila je posljednje dane provesti u showu s Duaneom i, kako je rekla, 'živjeti život do kraja'.

Nakon njezine smrti Chapman je bio potpuno slomljen. U braku su bili 13 godina i imaju dvoje djece. Kontroverzni Duane dobio je ukupno 10 djece iz raznih veza, a pokojna Beth bila mu je peta žena.

7 April 2013 - Las Vegas, California - Duane Chapman, Beth Chapman, Dog The Bounty Hunter. 48th Annual Academy of Country Music Awards - Arrivals held at the MGM Grand Garden Arena. Photo Credit: Byron Purvis/AdMedia/ADMEDIA_adm_ACM2013AR_373/Credit:Byron Purvis/AdMedia/SIPA/1304080919, Image: 226416375, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Byron Purvis/AdMedia / Sipa Press / Profimedia
Byron Purvis/AdMedia / Sipa Press / Profimedia
Duane sa suprugom Beth 2013. godine

Iako se činilo da će se teško oporaviti od gubitka voljene žene, sada je zaprosio novu ljubav i to javno. Napravio je to usred showa Dr. Oz, gdje je pričao kako mu je teško otkad je postao udovac, a Oz ga je čak pitao razmišlja li o samoubojstvu, piše Daily Mail.

Los Angeles, CA  - Dog The Bounty Hunter stuns Dr Oz as he proposes to son's ex-girlfriend Moon Angell during interview just seven months after wife Beth died. Duane 'Dog the Bounty Hunter' Chapman proposed to his son's ex-girlfriend Moon Angell just seven months after the death of his wife Beth. The 66 year-old reality TV star appears to pop the question in a teaser clip from The Dr. Oz Show. An emotional Dog can be seen turning to his girlfriend and asks: 'Moon Angell, will you marry me? leaving her looking completely stunned. Host Dr Mehmet Oz is also shown looking shocked. However according to one US report on TMZ the proposal was not 'official. Sources close to Dog told TMZ that the reality star was 'caught up in the moment' and that he did not give her a ring during the taping last week thus they are 'not engaged'. But production staff on the set of The Dr Oz Show believed the proposal was actually legit at the time according to TMZ. .Their sources also claim that Dog revealed he was talking to God in the bathroom during a break and that God told him that he should propose.  The surprising proposal comes after weeks of bickering among the family and months after the death of his fifth wife Beth in June, 2019 after battling throat and lung cancer for two years.  Moon Angell acknowledges the rift as she says in the clip:
The Dr Oz Show / BACKGRID / Backgrid UK / Profimedia
Moon Angel

Par je sjedio u studiju, a Chapman je usred razgovora rekao: 'Moon Angel, hoćeš li se udati za mene?'. Buduća mladenka bila je prilično u šoku.

Zanimljivo je da je njegova nova odabranica 2006. godine bila djeveruša na njegovom vjenčanju s Beth s kojom je bila bliska kao sa sestrom. Pomagala joj je i oko vođenja računa. Kasnije je bila u vezi s jednim Chapmanovim sinom.

Navodno je Duane rekao da je pričao s Bogom u wc-u u pauzi snimanja showa i on mu je rekao da ju zaprosi. Obitelj nije presretna njegovim izborom.

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20. rujan 2024 13:49