OTAC MU SPAVA U VILI POD BALDAHINOM, A ON SE NOĆU GURA SA 30 MUŠKARACA POD DEKOM Sin poznatog pjevača je beskućnik i očajnički želi upoznati oca

Tom Jones i Jonathan Berkery
 Profimedia, Mega Agency, Press Association

Kad je Sir Tom Jones priopćio da je prošli tjedan prodao 6,6 milijuna funti vrijedan dom u Hollywoodu, obožavatelji nisu prestajali komentirati fotografije njegovog raskošnog doma, ispunjene skulpturama i tepisima, na kojima se vidi i zlatni krevet s baldahinom. Kuća također ima balkone s pogledom na Los Angeles te savršeno uređene vrtove s fontanom i bazenom.

Legendarni velški pjevač više se nije osjećao ugodno u vili nakon smrti supruge Linde pa je rekao da je zato prodao kuću s pet spavaćih soba i sedam kupaonica, zajedno sa svim namještajem, piše Slobodna Dalmacija.

No, tako elitan život ne vodi njegov sin, Jonathan Berkery, koji spava na prostirci u skloništu za beskućnike u New Jerseyju i smatra se sretnim ako zgrabi jedan od pokrivača, koji dijeli s još 30 muškaraca pokraj kojih leži svake noći.

Dvadesetdevetogodišnjak je glazbenik umjetničkog imena Jon Jones i nikada nije upoznao Sir Toma ili primio od njega telefonski poziv, božićni dar ili rođendansku čestitku, ali nikada nije odustao od nade da će 77-godišnja pop zvijezda jednog dana pristati barem popričati s njim.

- Htio bih s njim razgovarati o normalnim stvarima, poput: 'Kako ste' - kaže Jon.

- Želim ga vidjeti prije nego što bude prekasno - kazao je.

EXCLUSIVE: Singer Sir Tom Jones' love child Jonathan Berkery, who is currently living rough on the streets of New Jersey, USA. The 29-year-old aspiring musician, who goes by the name of Jon Jones, has never met Sir Tom or received so much as a telephone call, a Christmas present or a birthday card, and yet he never gives up hope that the 77-year-old pop star might one day agree to see him. Sir Tom, who returned to our TV screens last week as a judge on the latest series of The Voice UK, did not even publicly admit to having a second child until 2008, despite DNA tests proving his paternity. The former coal miner from Pontypridd in South Wales was 47 when he had a three-day fling with aspiring model Katherine Berkery, 24, after meeting her in a New York nightclub in October 1987. The married star invited her to watch his show the next night, after which they had dinner together before heading back to his suite at Manhattans Ritz-Carlton Hotel.
Three months later, after Katherine had discovered she was pregnant, she phoned his office only to be told by an aide: Thats showbiz, darling. Do what you have to do. Baby Jonathan was born on June 27, 1988, but Sir Tom, who has admitted sleeping with up to 250 women a year at the height of his fame, denied the child was his until a judge ordered him to undergo a DNA test which proved otherwise. He was subsequently ordered to pay �1,700-a-month for Jons upkeep for the first 18 years of his life, a drop in the ocean given his vast wealth  he is worth around �155 million. But despite paying up, Sir Tom made it clear that he wanted nothing else to do with his offspring. It wasnt something I had planned, said Sir Tom when he finally spoke about the matter in 2008. If I had planned it, I would have done something more than just financially. But it wasnt. I just fell for it. I just fell for the seduction. Id like to talk to him about normal stuff, like: Hows your life been? This is mine,  says Jon. I want to see him before its too late..
11 Jan 2018
Pictured: Sir Tom Jones lovechild Jonathan Berkery Jones who is living on the streets of New Jersey., Image: 360455810, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency
Odjeća koju posjeduje Jonathan Berkery

Međutim, kako stvari stoje, njegov susret s biološkim ocem samo je daleki san. Sir Tom, koji se prošli tjedan vratio na male ekrane kao sudac na najnovijoj seriji 'The Voice UK', nije javno priznao da ima još jedno dijete do 2008. godine, unatoč DNK testovima koji dokazuju njegovo očinstvo.

Bivši rudar ugljena iz Pontypridda u Južnom Walesu imao je 47 godina kada je imao trodnevnu aferu s modelom Katherine Berkery, koja je tada imala 24 godine, a koju je upoznao u noćnom klubu u New Yorku u listopadu 1987. godine.

Oženjena zvijezda tada ju je pozvala da gledaju njegovu emisiju, nakon čega su zajedno večerali prije nego što su se vratili u apartman u hotel Ritz-Carlton.

EXCLUSIVE: Singer Sir Tom Jones' love child Jonathan Berkery, who is currently living rough on the streets of New Jersey, USA. The 29-year-old aspiring musician, who goes by the name of Jon Jones, has never met Sir Tom or received so much as a telephone call, a Christmas present or a birthday card, and yet he never gives up hope that the 77-year-old pop star might one day agree to see him. Sir Tom, who returned to our TV screens last week as a judge on the latest series of The Voice UK, did not even publicly admit to having a second child until 2008, despite DNA tests proving his paternity. The former coal miner from Pontypridd in South Wales was 47 when he had a three-day fling with aspiring model Katherine Berkery, 24, after meeting her in a New York nightclub in October 1987. The married star invited her to watch his show the next night, after which they had dinner together before heading back to his suite at Manhattans Ritz-Carlton Hotel.
Three months later, after Katherine had discovered she was pregnant, she phoned his office only to be told by an aide: Thats showbiz, darling. Do what you have to do. Baby Jonathan was born on June 27, 1988, but Sir Tom, who has admitted sleeping with up to 250 women a year at the height of his fame, denied the child was his until a judge ordered him to undergo a DNA test which proved otherwise. He was subsequently ordered to pay �1,700-a-month for Jons upkeep for the first 18 years of his life, a drop in the ocean given his vast wealth  he is worth around �155 million. But despite paying up, Sir Tom made it clear that he wanted nothing else to do with his offspring. It wasnt something I had planned, said Sir Tom when he finally spoke about the matter in 2008. If I had planned it, I would have done something more than just financially. But it wasnt. I just fell for it. I just fell for the seduction. Id like to talk to him about normal stuff, like: Hows your life been? This is mine,  says Jon. I want to see him before its too late..
11 Jan 2018
Pictured: Sir Tom Jones lovechild Jonathan Berkery Jones who is living on the streets of New Jersey., Image: 360455645, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency
Jonathan Berkery

Tri mjeseca kasnije, nakon što je Katherine otkrila da je trudna, telefonirala mu je te joj je njegov asistent rekao:

- To je showbuzz, draga. Učinite ono što morate učiniti.

Jonathan je rođen 27. lipnja 1988., ali Sir Tom, koji je priznao da je spavao sa 250 žena godišnje na vrhuncu svoje slave, porekao je da je dijete njegovo dok mu sudac nije naredio da se podvrgne DNA testu koji je pokazao drugačije.

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22. veljača 2025 17:59