NASTAVLJA SE RAT TAYLOR SWIFT I BIEBEROVOG MENADŽERA Pjevačica se u novom spotu transformirala u muškarca kako bi mogla bocnuti najvećeg neprijatelja

 Taylor Swift/YouTube / Ferrari / Profimedia

Američka pjevačica i kantautorica Taylor Swift (30) u spotu za svoju novu pjesmu "The Man" (u slobodnom prijevodu faca, frajer ili muškarčina) glumi poslovnog muškarca koji nepristojnošću ugnjetava suputnike u javnom prijevozu, puši cigare i odlazi u striptiz klub, piše BBC.

Riječ je o pjesmi s njezinog novog albuma "Ljubavnik", prvog koji je objavila nakon odlaska iz diskografske kuće Big Machine Records. Swift u spotu otvoreno napade muške magnate u glazbenoj industriji, a posebice Scootera Brauna, dugogodišnjeg menadžera Justina Biebera koji je prošle godine kupio sve njezine pjesme.

Ferrari Press Agency
The Man   1 
Ref 11457
See Ferrari text
Picture must credit: Taylor Swift/YouTube

Pop queen Taylor Swift transforms into a bearded man for her latest  video which takes aim at Leonardo DiCaprio’s sexist role in movie Wolf of Wall Street.But the shock reveal only happens at the end of the four minute promo as the credits roll accompanies by images of Swift’s gradual transformation –including brown colours contact lenses.She also shows support for multi-Grand Slam winning tennis legend Serena Williams to highlight sexism in all aspects of life.Swift . 30, wrote the script and makes her solo directorial debut with the promo for the  feminist empowerment track, The Man.She ditches her signature blonde locks and bold red lipstick in favour of facial prosthetics including new nose.She also sports a brown wig, s she portrays the many scenarios in which men are rewarded more than women who do the same.The video starts with Swift playing fiery male boss who shouts orders to his colleagues, but still manages to receive praise. 

OPS: Clip from Taylor Swift's music video The Man with her playing the title chracater. The reveal only comes at the end of the promo which she wrote and directed.The end credits reveal the make-over

Picture supplied by Ferrari, Image: 501464636, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Taylor Swift/YouTube / Ferrari / Profimedia
Taylor Swift/YouTube / Ferrari / Profimedia
Ferrari Press Agency
The Man   1 
Ref 11457
See Ferrari text
Picture must credit: Taylor Swift/YouTube

Pop queen Taylor Swift transforms into a bearded man for her latest  video which takes aim at Leonardo DiCaprio’s sexist role in movie Wolf of Wall Street.But the shock reveal only happens at the end of the four minute promo as the credits roll accompanies by images of Swift’s gradual transformation –including brown colours contact lenses.She also shows support for multi-Grand Slam winning tennis legend Serena Williams to highlight sexism in all aspects of life.Swift . 30, wrote the script and makes her solo directorial debut with the promo for the  feminist empowerment track, The Man.She ditches her signature blonde locks and bold red lipstick in favour of facial prosthetics including new nose.She also sports a brown wig, s she portrays the many scenarios in which men are rewarded more than women who do the same.The video starts with Swift playing fiery male boss who shouts orders to his colleagues, but still manages to receive praise. 

OPS: Clip from Taylor Swift's music video The Man with her playing the title character. 

Picture supplied by Ferrari, Image: 501464628, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Taylor Swift/YouTube / Ferrari / Profimedia
Taylor Swift/YouTube / Ferrari / Profimedia

Swift u špici za spot eksplicitno navodi da je ona spot režirala i producirala te da je ona njegova vlasnica.

Pjevačica u samom spotu kao "muškarac" urinira po zidu stanice podzemne željeznice na kojem su autolakom ispisana imena njezinih prvih šest albuma.

Njih sada posjeduje diskografska kuća Big Machine Records. Na zidu se nalazi i poster na kojem piše: "Nestali: ako ih pronađete, vratite ih Taylor Swift". Odmah pored tog postera nalazi se znak na kojem je prekrižen skuter, što je, dakako, aluzija na Scootera Brauna. Neke scene iz spota neodoljivo podsjećaju na kadrove iz filma "Vuk s Wall Streeta" Martina Scorsesea u kojem Leonardo DiCaprio igra korumpiranog trgovca dionicama Jordana Belforta koji je poznat po svom dekadentnom i drogama prepunom životu.

Ferrari Press Agency
The Man   1 
Ref 11457
See Ferrari text
Picture must credit: Taylor Swift/YouTube

Pop queen Taylor Swift transforms into a bearded man for her latest  video which takes aim at Leonardo DiCaprio’s sexist role in movie Wolf of Wall Street.But the shock reveal only happens at the end of the four minute promo as the credits roll accompanies by images of Swift’s gradual transformation –including brown colours contact lenses.She also shows support for multi-Grand Slam winning tennis legend Serena Williams to highlight sexism in all aspects of life.Swift . 30, wrote the script and makes her solo directorial debut with the promo for the  feminist empowerment track, The Man.She ditches her signature blonde locks and bold red lipstick in favour of facial prosthetics including new nose.She also sports a brown wig, s she portrays the many scenarios in which men are rewarded more than women who do the same.The video starts with Swift playing fiery male boss who shouts orders to his colleagues, but still manages to receive praise. 

OPS: Clip from Taylor Swift's music video The Man with her playing the title character. Yells at staff but still hailed a hero like Leonardo DiCaprio's character in Wolf of Wall Street

Picture supplied by Ferrari, Image: 501464660, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Taylor Swift/YouTube / Ferrari / Profimedia
Taylor Swift/YouTube / Ferrari / Profimedia
Ferrari Press Agency
The Man   1 
Ref 11457
See Ferrari text
Picture must credit: Taylor Swift/YouTube

Pop queen Taylor Swift transforms into a bearded man for her latest  video which takes aim at Leonardo DiCaprio’s sexist role in movie Wolf of Wall Street.But the shock reveal only happens at the end of the four minute promo as the credits roll accompanies by images of Swift’s gradual transformation –including brown colours contact lenses.She also shows support for multi-Grand Slam winning tennis legend Serena Williams to highlight sexism in all aspects of life.Swift . 30, wrote the script and makes her solo directorial debut with the promo for the  feminist empowerment track, The Man.She ditches her signature blonde locks and bold red lipstick in favour of facial prosthetics including new nose.She also sports a brown wig, s she portrays the many scenarios in which men are rewarded more than women who do the same.The video starts with Swift playing fiery male boss who shouts orders to his colleagues, but still manages to receive praise. 

OPS: Clip from Taylor Swift's music video The Man with her playing the title character. Living it up on a yacht like Leonardo DiCaprio's character in Wolf of Wall Street

Picture supplied by Ferrari, Image: 501464551, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Taylor Swift/YouTube / Ferrari / Profimedia
Taylor Swift/YouTube / Ferrari / Profimedia

Swift ovom spotom nastavlja ratovati protiv Brauna kojega je prethodno optužila da joj pokušava uništiti glazbeno nasljedstvo. Braun je pjevačičine pjesme prošlog lipnja kupio zaz 300 milijuna dolara.

Swift je u studenom prošle godine ustvrdila da su Braun i osnivač diskografske kuće Big Machine Records Scott Borchetta bili pokušali stopirati njezin nastup na dodjeli glazbenih nagrada American Music Awards. Pjevačica je na toj dodjeli trebala izvesti nekoliko svojih uspješnica, no kako ih više ne posjeduje, diskografska kuća Big Machine Records mogla joj je uskratiti mogućnost pjevanja tih pjesama.

Braun i Borchetta porekli su njezine tvrdnje i Swift je u konačnici nastupila na dodjeli.

Swift se tijekom izvedbe na dodjeli American Music Awards referirala na njihovu svađu. Na pozornicu je, naime, izašla u bijeloj majici na kojoj su pisala imena albuma koje sada posjeduje Braun. Inače, te je večeri kući odnijela šest nagrada, uključujući i onu za izvođača desetljeća. Dok je primala nagradu za izvođača desetljeća, Swift je prozvala Brauna i rekla da je način na koji su se ophodili prema njoj definicija "otrovene privilegiranosti bijelih muškaraca".

Braun je kasnije Swift zamolio da prestane javno govoriti protiv njega jer su on i njegova obitelj počeli dobivati prijetnje smrću.

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21. rujan 2024 12:51