MEDIJI SE DOKOPALI KONTROVERZNIH MAILOVA MEGHAN MARKLE Na vjenčanju je dijelila paketiće marihuane: 'Ovo su vrećice za travu, na njima piše ‘ššš’'

Meghan Markle i Trevor Engelson
 Profimedia, Mega Agency

Meghan Markle se navodno hvalila prijateljima kako će na svojem prvom vjenčanju dijeliti paketiće marihuane. Informaciju je doznao britanski tabloid Sun koji je došao u posjed mailova u kojima vojvotkinja od Sussexa otkriva kako je pripremila marihuanu za vjenčanje s Trevorom Engelsonom na Jamajci.

Kad su joj prijatelji u odgovorima savjetovali da kupi i posebne vrećice za travu, navodno je odgovorila:

- Već sam ih naručila. Sitne su za travu i na njima piše ‘ššš’. 37-godišnja bivša američka glumica tako je opisala male vrećice od muslina koje je naručila, piše Daily Mail. Izvori tvrde da je Meghan čak pomogla gostima koji su imali problema s motanjem, a u vrećicu je priložila i filtere.

EXCLUSIVE: ***PREMIUM RATES APPLY*** These are the world exclusive photographs of Meghan Markles first wedding.
The suits star - who is dating Prince Harry - tied the knot in September 2011 to movie producer Trevor Engelson.
Meghan, now 35, married Trevor on a beach in Ocho Rios, Jamaica after dating for seven years.
But the couple divorced in August 2013 after just two years of marriage citing irreconcilable differences.
Now these pictures, first published in US magazine Star show Meghan and guests enjoying the sun-drenched ceremony at the Jamaica Inn.
Meghan can be seen in a yellow bikini while her mother Doris Ragland also hits the beach.
In one shot, guests can been lifting Meghan and Trevor in the hora, a traditional Jewish chair dance.
04 Jan 2017, Image: 356251617, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency
Prvo vjenčanje Meghan Markle na Jamajci

Meghan i bivši muž marihuanu su navodno kupili od jednog zaposlenika hotela u kojem su odsjeli. Markle i Engelson su se vjenčali na Jamajci u rujnu 2011. Razveli su se dvije godine kasnije. Ranije ovaj mjesec Thomas Markle je također otkrio da su na vjenčanju dobili paketiće marihuane. Rekao je da on ne puši travu pa je svoj paketić nekome poklonio, a koliko zna, ne puši ni Meghan.

EXCLUSIVE: ***PREMIUM RATES APPLY*** These are the world exclusive photographs of Meghan Markles first wedding.
The suits star - who is dating Prince Harry - tied the knot in September 2011 to movie producer Trevor Engelson.
Meghan, now 35, married Trevor on a beach in Ocho Rios, Jamaica after dating for seven years.
But the couple divorced in August 2013 after just two years of marriage citing irreconcilable differences.
Now these pictures, first published in US magazine Star show Meghan and guests enjoying the sun-drenched ceremony at the Jamaica Inn.
Meghan can be seen in a yellow bikini while her mother Doris Ragland also hits the beach.
In one shot, guests can been lifting Meghan and Trevor in the hora, a traditional Jewish chair dance.
04 Jan 2017, Image: 356251619, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency
Meghan Markle i Trevor Engelson

Ranije ove godine doznalo se da je Meghanin nećak Tyler Dooley (25) uzgajivač marihuane u Oregonu. Nakon kraljevskog vjenčanja u svibnju pokrenuo je novi proizvod nazvan ‘Markle Sparkle’.

EXCLUSIVE: ***PREMIUM RATES APPLY*** These are the world exclusive photographs of Meghan Markles first wedding.
The suits star - who is dating Prince Harry - tied the knot in September 2011 to movie producer Trevor Engelson.
Meghan, now 35, married Trevor on a beach in Ocho Rios, Jamaica after dating for seven years.
But the couple divorced in August 2013 after just two years of marriage citing irreconcilable differences.
Now these pictures, first published in US magazine Star show Meghan and guests enjoying the sun-drenched ceremony at the Jamaica Inn.
Meghan can be seen in a yellow bikini while her mother Doris Ragland also hits the beach.
In one shot, guests can been lifting Meghan and Trevor in the hora, a traditional Jewish chair dance.
04 Jan 2017, Image: 356251620, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency
Meghan Markle (u žutom bikiniju) okružena prijateljima i obitelji na prvom vjenčanju

EXCLUSIVE: ***PREMIUM RATES APPLY*** These are the world exclusive photographs of Meghan Markles first wedding.
The suits star - who is dating Prince Harry - tied the knot in September 2011 to movie producer Trevor Engelson.
Meghan, now 35, married Trevor on a beach in Ocho Rios, Jamaica after dating for seven years.
But the couple divorced in August 2013 after just two years of marriage citing irreconcilable differences.
Now these pictures, first published in US magazine Star show Meghan and guests enjoying the sun-drenched ceremony at the Jamaica Inn.
Meghan can be seen in a yellow bikini while her mother Doris Ragland also hits the beach.
In one shot, guests can been lifting Meghan and Trevor in the hora, a traditional Jewish chair dance.
04 Jan 2017, Image: 356251618, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency
Zabava na Jamajci, Meghan Markle u žutom bikiniju

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10. ožujak 2025 03:14