I DALJE TVRDI DA JE NEVIN Javnost zgrožena Cosbyjevim porukama iz zatvora, svoju ćeliju naziva penthouseom: 'Nećete čuti da se kajem...'

Zatvorska fotografija Billa Cosbyja
 Courtesy Montgomery County Correctional Facility / REUTERS

Američki komičar Bill Cosby prije nešto više od godinu dana proglašen je krivim po svim točkama optužnice za zlostavljanje Andree Constand, žene koja je radila kao službenica ženske košarkaške momčadi Sveučilišta Temple na čijem su se kampusu i upoznali preko zajedničkog prijatelja, prenosi Slobodna Dalmacija.

Constand je tada, 2004., imala 29 godina, Cosby gotovo 60. Osuđen je na zatvorsku kaznu od 10 godina zbog drogiranja i seksualnog iskorištavanja žrtve u svom domu te iste godine.

Nakon što je nekad omiljeni komičar, tata iz serije koja je nosila ime po njemu, završio u zatvoru u Pennsylvaniji, američki su mediji događaj nazvali 'jednim od najvećih srozavanja u povijesti američke kulture'.

Bill Cosby has entered general population at the Pennsylvanian where the convicted sex offender began his sentence four months ago.
The 81-year-old former actor was initially placed in special housing at SCI Phoenix  a new maximum security prison that opened last year.
Now Cosby  who is legally blind  is in a single cell in a two-storey unit at the facility in Montgomery County.
Fellow inmates have been assigned to assist him throughout the day due to his age and disability, according to state prison spokeswoman Amy Worden.
The 3,830-bed, handicap-accessible facility is staffed by 1,200 full-time employees and sprawls across 164 acres inside its double ring of razor wire fences and has a 1.5 mile perimeter.
The prison offers programs including sex offender treatment, victim awareness and impact of crime classes.
Cosby was sentenced to three to 10 years in prison on September 25, 2018, following his conviction earlier that year for drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constrand in 2004.
07 Feb 2019, Image: 389501542, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Department of Corrections/ MEGA / Mega Agency / Profimedia
Department of Corrections/ MEGA / Mega Agency / Profimedia
Ćelija u kakvoj boravi Bill Cosby

Prošlo je više od godinu dana, a Cosby je svoje srozavanje po prvi put prokomentirao u medijima. CNN prenosi intervju koji je, u najmanju ruku, šokantan.

Glumac, naime, ne samo da ne pokazuje ikakvo žaljenje i kajanje zbog onoga što je učinio, već svoju ćeliju naziva penthouseom i osjeća se povlašteno što se nalazi u zatvoru, govori on za BlackPressUSA.

EXCLUSIVE: Disgraced comedian, Bill Cosby's prison garb, seen here, is a far cry from the expensive Coogi sweaters he was used to wear on the outside. Among the items is the 81 year-old's toothbrush, well-used. In the clothing department, all of the outer garments are in the color of Maroon, including, two wool hats (one with the top torn out,)a pair of size large Hobby Jeans marked with the ID NN7687, a cotton sweater,  and a cap. Rounding out the clotting is a pair of white tube socks. Cosby is being held at SCI Phoenix in Pennsylvania, a 3,830-bed facility with a garment and shoe-making industry on-site.
11 Jun 2019, Image: 450044709, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: AMI/MEGA / Mega Agency / Profimedia
AMI/MEGA / Mega Agency / Profimedia
Zatvorska odjeća i potrepštine Billa Cosbyja

'Imam odraditi još osam godina i devet mjeseci. Nećete od mene čuti da se kajem. Bio sam tamo. Ne zanima me što o svemu misli grupa ljudi koja nije bila tamo. Oni ne znaju što se dogodilo', rekao je.

82-godišnjak se ranije žalio na presudu uz argument da 'su svjedočenja onih koji ga optužuju potpuno različita'. Sud njegovu žalbu nije uvažio, no glumac i danas tvrdi kako nije kriv.

Bill Cosby has entered general population at the Pennsylvanian where the convicted sex offender began his sentence four months ago.
The 81-year-old former actor was initially placed in special housing at SCI Phoenix  a new maximum security prison that opened last year.
Now Cosby  who is legally blind  is in a single cell in a two-storey unit at the facility in Montgomery County.
Fellow inmates have been assigned to assist him throughout the day due to his age and disability, according to state prison spokeswoman Amy Worden.
The 3,830-bed, handicap-accessible facility is staffed by 1,200 full-time employees and sprawls across 164 acres inside its double ring of razor wire fences and has a 1.5 mile perimeter.
The prison offers programs including sex offender treatment, victim awareness and impact of crime classes.
Cosby was sentenced to three to 10 years in prison on September 25, 2018, following his conviction earlier that year for drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constrand in 2004.
07 Feb 2019, Image: 412561947, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Department of Corrections/ MEGA / Mega Agency / Profimedia
Department of Corrections/ MEGA / Mega Agency / Profimedia
Zatvor u Pennsylvaniji gdje kaznu služi Bill Cosby

Njegov glasnogovornik Andrew Wyatt rekao je kako se Cosby 'osjeća privilegiranim' te da ga 'ne mogu slomiti ni utjecati na njegov duh'.

'Odem u svoj penthouse, legnem i počnem razmišljati... Kako da prenesem svoju poruku, da ljudi malo počnu stvarno čuti, osjećati', nepovezano je izjavio u svom prvom intervjuu otkad je završio u zatvoru Cosby.

Bill Cosby has entered general population at the Pennsylvanian where the convicted sex offender began his sentence four months ago.
The 81-year-old former actor was initially placed in special housing at SCI Phoenix  a new maximum security prison that opened last year.
Now Cosby  who is legally blind  is in a single cell in a two-storey unit at the facility in Montgomery County.
Fellow inmates have been assigned to assist him throughout the day due to his age and disability, according to state prison spokeswoman Amy Worden.
The 3,830-bed, handicap-accessible facility is staffed by 1,200 full-time employees and sprawls across 164 acres inside its double ring of razor wire fences and has a 1.5 mile perimeter.
The prison offers programs including sex offender treatment, victim awareness and impact of crime classes.
Cosby was sentenced to three to 10 years in prison on September 25, 2018, following his conviction earlier that year for drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constrand in 2004.
07 Feb 2019, Image: 389503035, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Department of Corrections/ MEGA / Mega Agency / Profimedia
Department of Corrections/ MEGA / Mega Agency / Profimedia
Bill Cosby

Constand je Cosbyja prijavila 2005. godine, no tek kad su i ostale žrtve izašle u javnost sa svojim pričama, poduzete su mjere protiv nekad omiljenog glumca. Cosby je nakon dugog i iscrpljujućeg suđenja proglašen krivim.

EXCLUSIVE: Disgraced comedian, Bill Cosby's prison garb, seen here, is a far cry from the expensive Coogi sweaters he was used to wear on the outside. Among the items is the 81 year-old's toothbrush, well-used. In the clothing department, all of the outer garments are in the color of Maroon, including, two wool hats (one with the top torn out,)a pair of size large Hobby Jeans marked with the ID NN7687, a cotton sweater,  and a cap. Rounding out the clotting is a pair of white tube socks. Cosby is being held at SCI Phoenix in Pennsylvania, a 3,830-bed facility with a garment and shoe-making industry on-site.
11 Jun 2019, Image: 450044748, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: AMI/MEGA / Mega Agency / Profimedia
AMI/MEGA / Mega Agency / Profimedia
Zatvorenička odjeća Billa Cosbyja

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23. veljača 2025 14:19