FOTO: SLAVNI KOMIČAR SE ODUZEO NA 40. ROĐENDAN Ponijela ga je proslava pa se na izlazu morao držati za suprugu, nije ni oči mogao držati otvorene

 Profimedia, Backgrid USA

Američki glumac i komičar Kevin Hart zdušno je proslavio okrugli, 40. rođendan. Štoviše, bilo mu je tako dobro da se zaboravio i pretjerao s alkoholom, a možda i koječim drugim, pa se na izlasku iz kluba pridržavao za suprugu.

Hart je okrugli rođendan odlučio proslaviti u popularnom restoranu i klubu TAO u Los Angelesu. Kako je izgledala privatna zabava, ne možemo znati, no paparazzi su ih strpljivo čekali na izlasku i ovjekovječili fajrunt.

Los Angeles, CA  - Comedian, Kevin Hart celebrated his 40th birthday with a bang! Kevin is spotted being escorted with his arms around his Wife Eniko Hart, who is also being lead by a friend, to their car. Kevin is clearly heavily intoxicated as he is barely able to keep his eyes open while being guided to his car. Once the two got safely to the car Kevin can be seen slowly falling a sleep.

BACKGRID USA 7 JULY 2019, Image: 455152490, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid USA
Profimedia, Backgrid USA

Hart nije mogao hodati pa je obgrlio suprugu Eniko Hart koja je hodala ispred njega, također lica skrivenog iza tjelohranitelja. Slavni je par brzo ušao u automobil gdje je Hart jedva oči držao otvorene, a onda se učinilo i da je zadrijemao...

Los Angeles, CA  - Comedian, Kevin Hart celebrated his 40th birthday with a bang! Kevin is spotted being escorted with his arms around his Wife Eniko Hart, who is also being lead by a friend, to their car. Kevin is clearly heavily intoxicated as he is barely able to keep his eyes open while being guided to his car. Once the two got safely to the car Kevin can be seen slowly falling a sleep.

BACKGRID USA 7 JULY 2019, Image: 455152475, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid USA
Profimedia, Backgrid USA

Glumac se prije nešto manje od dvije godine našao u središtu skandala kad je američki portal TMZ objavio snimku na kojoj se Hart zabavlja sa striptizetom.

Los Angeles, CA  - Comedian, Kevin Hart celebrated his 40th birthday with a bang! Kevin is spotted being escorted with his arms around his Wife Eniko Hart, who is also being lead by a friend, to their car. Kevin is clearly heavily intoxicated as he is barely able to keep his eyes open while being guided to his car. Once the two got safely to the car Kevin can be seen slowly falling a sleep.

BACKGRID USA 7 JULY 2019, Image: 455152455, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid USA
Profimedia, Backgrid USA

Premda su i on i striptizeta Montia Sabbag negirali da su oni na snimci, Hart se ipak nakon sudskih prijetnji odlučio ispričati supruzi koja je u to vrijeme bila trudna.

Los Angeles, CA  - Comedian, Kevin Hart celebrated his 40th birthday with a bang! Kevin is spotted being escorted with his arms around his Wife Eniko Hart, who is also being lead by a friend, to their car. Kevin is clearly heavily intoxicated as he is barely able to keep his eyes open while being guided to his car. Once the two got safely to the car Kevin can be seen slowly falling a sleep.

BACKGRID USA 7 JULY 2019, Image: 455152509, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid USA
Profimedia, Backgrid USA

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13. ožujak 2025 10:53