FOTO: SEKSI SNIMANJE U TOPLESU ZAVRŠILO NEZGODOM Izazovna manekenka izgubila ravnotežu dok je pozirala na stijenama pa završila u moru

 Profimedia, AKM-GSI

Izazovna Kate Upton odradila je snimanje u toplesu za poznati magazin Sports Illustrated na Arubi. Ljepotica je grudi sakrila rukama dok je pozirala na stijenama prekrasne plaže, no jaki valovi i vjetar učinili su snimanje još zanimljivijim.

Naime, manekenka je doživjela malu nezgodu. Dok je pozirala tako samo u gaćicama boje kože, poskliznula se na stijeni i izgubila ravnotežu. Premda u nizu fotografija djeluje kao da se mogla ozbiljno ozlijediti, Kate je odmah u pomoć priskočila ekipa, a nakon što se zagrnula ručnikom, ona se na koncu nezgodi i sama dobro nasmijala.

Osim toplesa za snimanje su odabrali i seksi crni kupaći kostim čiji dizajn podsjeća na paukovu mrežu.

Aruba, BAHAMAS  - *PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE* Kate Upton is spotted on the beach during a photoshoot for Sports Illustrated. The blonde, topless model is posing on top of a rock when a wave crashes and knocks her off. Someone on set tries to catch her, but it's too late. Kate didn't seem too bothered as she hopped up with a smile. She has minor injuries on her feet. The blonde bombshell changes looks a few times and sports an edgy, black cage swimsuit. *SHOT ON 10/09/2017*

Pictured: Kate Upton

BACKGRID USA 12 OCTOBER 2017, Image: 352717424, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

Aruba, BAHAMAS  - *PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE* Kate Upton is spotted on the beach during a photoshoot for Sports Illustrated. The blonde, topless model is posing on top of a rock when a wave crashes and knocks her off. Someone on set tries to catch her, but it's too late. Kate didn't seem too bothered as she hopped up with a smile. She has minor injuries on her feet. The blonde bombshell changes looks a few times and sports an edgy, black cage swimsuit. *SHOT ON 10/09/2017*

Pictured: Kate Upton

BACKGRID USA 12 OCTOBER 2017, Image: 352717354, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

Aruba, BAHAMAS  - *PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE* Kate Upton is spotted on the beach during a photoshoot for Sports Illustrated. The blonde, topless model is posing on top of a rock when a wave crashes and knocks her off. Someone on set tries to catch her, but it's too late. Kate didn't seem too bothered as she hopped up with a smile. She has minor injuries on her feet. The blonde bombshell changes looks a few times and sports an edgy, black cage swimsuit. *SHOT ON 10/09/2017*

Pictured: Kate Upton

BACKGRID USA 12 OCTOBER 2017, Image: 352717409, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

Aruba, BAHAMAS  - *PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE* Kate Upton is spotted on the beach during a photoshoot for Sports Illustrated. The blonde, topless model is posing on top of a rock when a wave crashes and knocks her off. Someone on set tries to catch her, but it's too late. Kate didn't seem too bothered as she hopped up with a smile. She has minor injuries on her feet. The blonde bombshell changes looks a few times and sports an edgy, black cage swimsuit. *SHOT ON 10/09/2017*

Pictured: Kate Upton

BACKGRID USA 12 OCTOBER 2017, Image: 352717406, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

Upton je krasila naslovnice Sports Illustrateda 2011., 2012., 2013. i 2017. Premda se prvenstveno bavi manekenstvom, glumila je u filmu ‘Osveta na visokim petama’ uz Cameron Diaz, Leslie Mann i Nikolaja Costera-Waldaua.

Kate je u vezi s Justinom Verlanderom već tri godine, a prošle su se godine zaručili. Nedavno je za Entertainment Tonight rekla da joj je planiranje vjenčanja jako stresno: ‘Cijela je stvar jako stresna. Uvijek mislite kako će vjenčanje biti jedna od onih magičnih stvari u životu koje podijelite s najdražim ljudima. No onda shvatite da svaku sitnicu morate odabrati i da sve morate isplanirati. To je naporan dio…’

Aruba, BAHAMAS  - *PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE* Kate Upton is spotted on the beach during a photoshoot for Sports Illustrated. The blonde, topless model is posing on top of a rock when a wave crashes and knocks her off. Someone on set tries to catch her, but it's too late. Kate didn't seem too bothered as she hopped up with a smile. She has minor injuries on her feet. The blonde bombshell changes looks a few times and sports an edgy, black cage swimsuit. *SHOT ON 10/09/2017*

Pictured: Kate Upton

BACKGRID USA 12 OCTOBER 2017, Image: 352717328, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

Aruba, BAHAMAS  - *PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE* Kate Upton is spotted on the beach during a photoshoot for Sports Illustrated. The blonde, topless model is posing on top of a rock when a wave crashes and knocks her off. Someone on set tries to catch her, but it's too late. Kate didn't seem too bothered as she hopped up with a smile. She has minor injuries on her feet. The blonde bombshell changes looks a few times and sports an edgy, black cage swimsuit. *SHOT ON 10/09/2017*

Pictured: Kate Upton

BACKGRID USA 12 OCTOBER 2017, Image: 352717330, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

Aruba, BAHAMAS  - *PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE* Kate Upton is spotted on the beach during a photoshoot for Sports Illustrated. The blonde, topless model is posing on top of a rock when a wave crashes and knocks her off. Someone on set tries to catch her, but it's too late. Kate didn't seem too bothered as she hopped up with a smile. She has minor injuries on her feet. The blonde bombshell changes looks a few times and sports an edgy, black cage swimsuit. *SHOT ON 10/09/2017*

Pictured: Kate Upton

BACKGRID USA 12 OCTOBER 2017, Image: 352717379, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

Aruba, BAHAMAS  - *PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE* Kate Upton is spotted on the beach during a photoshoot for Sports Illustrated. The blonde, topless model is posing on top of a rock when a wave crashes and knocks her off. Someone on set tries to catch her, but it's too late. Kate didn't seem too bothered as she hopped up with a smile. She has minor injuries on her feet. The blonde bombshell changes looks a few times and sports an edgy, black cage swimsuit. *SHOT ON 10/09/2017*

Pictured: Kate Upton

BACKGRID USA 12 OCTOBER 2017, Image: 352717976, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

Aruba, BAHAMAS  - *PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE* Kate Upton is spotted on the beach during a photoshoot for Sports Illustrated. The blonde, topless model is posing on top of a rock when a wave crashes and knocks her off. Someone on set tries to catch her, but it's too late. Kate didn't seem too bothered as she hopped up with a smile. She has minor injuries on her feet. The blonde bombshell changes looks a few times and sports an edgy, black cage swimsuit. *SHOT ON 10/09/2017*

Pictured: Kate Upton

BACKGRID USA 12 OCTOBER 2017, Image: 352718187, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

Aruba, BAHAMAS  - *PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE* Kate Upton is spotted on the beach during a photoshoot for Sports Illustrated. The blonde, topless model is posing on top of a rock when a wave crashes and knocks her off. Someone on set tries to catch her, but it's too late. Kate didn't seem too bothered as she hopped up with a smile. She has minor injuries on her feet. The blonde bombshell changes looks a few times and sports an edgy, black cage swimsuit. *SHOT ON 10/09/2017*

Pictured: Kate Upton

BACKGRID USA 12 OCTOBER 2017, Image: 352717955, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

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31. siječanj 2025 14:50