FOTO: OTKRIVENO TKO JE NOVA DJEVOJKA SVJETSKOG PRVAKA! Paparazzi ga uhvatili s jedva punoljetnom bombom u zračnoj luci

 Profimedia, Backgrid USA

Novi par Lewis Hamilton (34) i Cindy Kimberly (20) snimljeni su zajedno prvi put u javnosti na aerodromu u Barceloni.

*EXCLUSIVE* ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN SPAIN ** Barcelona, SPAIN  - - First pictures of Formula One driver Lewis Hamilton and his new girlfriend Dutch model Cindy Kimberly as they arrive in Barcelona. The pair arrived on Lewis' private jet as he is in Barcelona to make a speech at the Mobile World Congress. Things must be going for the new couple as Cindy appears very close as well with Lewis' beloved dog Roscoe who was traveling with them.

Pictured: Lewis Hamilton, Cindy Kimberly

BACKGRID USA 26 FEBRUARY 2019, Image: 416084754, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid USA
Profimedia, Backgrid USA

*EXCLUSIVE* ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN SPAIN ** Barcelona, SPAIN  - - First pictures of Formula One driver Lewis Hamilton and his new girlfriend Dutch model Cindy Kimberly as they arrive in Barcelona. The pair arrived on Lewis' private jet as he is in Barcelona to make a speech at the Mobile World Congress. Things must be going for the new couple as Cindy appears very close as well with Lewis' beloved dog Roscoe who was traveling with them.

Pictured: Cindy Kimberly

BACKGRID USA 26 FEBRUARY 2019, Image: 416084719, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid USA
Profimedia, Backgrid USA

Prve fotografije vozača Formule 1 Lewisa Hamiltona i njegove nove djevojke, nizozemskog modela Cindy Kimberly snimljene su kad je par sletio u Barcelonu. Stigli su njegovim privatnim zrakoplovom, a Hamilton bi u Barceloni trebao održati govor na Svjetskom kongresu mobilne industrije.

Čini se da je novi par sretan zajedno, a Cindy je bliska i s Lewisovim psom Roscoeom koji je putovao s njima. Očito svjetskog prvaka nije poljuljao prošlotjedni skandal kada su na internet rocurile golišave fotografije njega i bivše djevojke Nicole Scherzinger.

Cindy Kimberly je postala senzacija na Instagramu nakon što je Justin Bieber objavio njezinu fotografiju i na svojem feedu upitao: 'O moj Bože, tko je ovo?'

Postala je model 2016. godine, a prije toga je bila dadilja. Obitelj joj je iz Costa Blance u Španjolskoj, a rođena je 16. studenog 1998. u Amsterdamu u Nizozemskoj.

*EXCLUSIVE* ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN SPAIN ** Barcelona, SPAIN  - - First pictures of Formula One driver Lewis Hamilton and his new girlfriend Dutch model Cindy Kimberly as they arrive in Barcelona. The pair arrived on Lewis' private jet as he is in Barcelona to make a speech at the Mobile World Congress. Things must be going for the new couple as Cindy appears very close as well with Lewis' beloved dog Roscoe who was traveling with them.

Pictured: Cindy Kimberly

BACKGRID USA 26 FEBRUARY 2019, Image: 416084778, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid USA
Profimedia, Backgrid USA

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