FOTO: MILIJARDER I VELIKI OBOŽAVATELJ HRVATSKE UHVAĆEN U ŠOPINGU S 45 GODINA MLAĐOM Prolaznici začuđeno gledali Bernieja: 'Što mu se dogodilo!?'

 Profimedia, Backgrid UK

Paparazzi su Bernieja Ecclestonea (88) uhvatili u trenutku kad je sa suprugom Fabianom Flosi (43) završavao sa šopingom u jednom dućanu u Londonu.

Pritom je bivši čelnik Formule 1 imao problema s desnim okom koje nije mogao otvoriti. Nije poznato što se dogodilo.

London, UNITED KINGDOM  - *EXCLUSIVE*  - Bernie Ecclestone, 88, seems to have a problem opening his right eye as he was seen shopping at Royal's favorite yoga clothing shop Lululemon with his wife of nearly 7 years Fabiana Flosi who is 47 years his junior. They married on August 2012.

*PICTURES TAKEN ON 13/07/2019*

BACKGRID UK 16 JULY 2019, Image: 459038441, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid UK
Profimedia, Backgrid UK

Ecclestone se rodio gotovo slijep na to desno oko, zbog čega je cijeli život nosio dioptrijske naočale.

London, UNITED KINGDOM  - *EXCLUSIVE*  - Bernie Ecclestone, 88, seems to have a problem opening his right eye as he was seen shopping at Royal's favorite yoga clothing shop Lululemon with his wife of nearly 7 years Fabiana Flosi who is 47 years his junior. They married on August 2012.

*PICTURES TAKEN ON 13/07/2019*

BACKGRID UK 16 JULY 2019, Image: 459038425, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid UK
Profimedia, Backgrid UK

Prošle se godine u Londonu podvrgnuo operaciji skidanja dioptrije, no ne zna se koliko je to pomoglo njegovom urođenom poblemu.

London, UNITED KINGDOM  - *EXCLUSIVE*  - Bernie Ecclestone, 88, seems to have a problem opening his right eye as he was seen shopping at Royal's favorite yoga clothing shop Lululemon with his wife of nearly 7 years Fabiana Flosi who is 47 years his junior. They married on August 2012.

*PICTURES TAKEN ON 13/07/2019*

BACKGRID UK 16 JULY 2019, Image: 459038452, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid UK
Profimedia, Backgrid UK

Flosi i Ecclestone u braku su od kolovoza 2012.

London, UNITED KINGDOM  - *EXCLUSIVE*  - Bernie Ecclestone, 88, seems to have a problem opening his right eye as he was seen shopping at Royal's favorite yoga clothing shop Lululemon with his wife of nearly 7 years Fabiana Flosi who is 47 years his junior. They married on August 2012.

*PICTURES TAKEN ON 13/07/2019*

BACKGRID UK 16 JULY 2019, Image: 459038601, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid UK
Profimedia, Backgrid UK

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23. veljača 2025 15:10