FOTO: I BOGATI PLAČU Tuga, nevjerica, očaj... Pogledajte reakciju Piercea Brosnana kada se nakon pet dana vratio u svoju kuću na plaži

 Profimedia, AKM-GSI

Požari u kojima je smrtno stradalo najmanje 59 osoba, po najnovijim podacima, nastavili su u srijedu harati Kalifornijom gdje vlasti pokušavaju pronaći oko 130 osoba koje se još uvijek smatra nestalima.

Tisuće ljudi ostali su bez ičega, a pošteđeni nisu bili ni bogati i slavni kojima je vatra progutala skupocjene vile u elitnim predgrađima Los Angelesa. Njima će definitivno biti puno lakše prebroditi gubitke, ali koliko god bili bogati, nije im bilo svejedno vidjeti kako uništene kuće u kojima su proveli dobar dio života.

Malibu, CA  - *EXCLUSIVE*  - Couple Pierce Brosnan and his wife Keely Shaye Smith are seen returning home after being evacuated over the weekend when the Woolsey fire swept through Malibu. Pierce looked to be in good spirits as he checked out the scene. Keely could be seen wearing a respirator mask so she wouldn't breathe in any of the harmful smoke and ash that is still in the air.

Pictured: Pierce Brosnan, Keely Shaye Smith

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Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 395920372, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

Možda najbolji dokaz toj tezi bila je reakcija Piercea Brosnana kojeg su prije nekoliko dana evakuirali iz Malibua. Glumac se vratio pred svoju kuću i ostao u potpunom šoku. Uhvatio se za glavu, a potom sjeo u svoj automobil i gledao u pod. Čak njegova 3,5 milijuna dolara vrijedna vila nije ni stradala, ali kada je ugledao svoje susjedstvo, zvijezda Jamesa Bonda je potpuno zanijemila. Nije ostalo ništa...

- Ovdje sam 35 godina, svjedočimo sam mnogim požarima, ali nikada nije bilo ovako strašno. Moji susjedi su ostali bez svega i ja vas u ime mojih prijatelja, njihovih obitelji i djece preklinjem da spasite ovu zajednicu - rekao je Brosnan u govoru pred čelnim ljudima okruga Los Angeles.

Double-O heaven: Have a licence to chill for Ł160,000 a month as Pierce Brosnan's Malibu estate is up for rent this summer
It is one of the most exclusive stretches of real estate in the world.
And now former James Bond star Pierce Brosnan is putting his magnificent Malibu estate in California up for rent this summer Đ for a staggering Ł160,000 a month.
Brosnan, 59, built the sprawling property, called Orchid House, on MalibuŐs ÔbillionairesŐ rowŐ Broad Beach after demolishing the original house. Neighbours include Steven Spielberg, Mel Gibson, Goldie Hawn, Sylvester Stallone and Robert Redford.
Last summer, David and Victoria Beckham rented SpielbergŐs property for Ł100,000 a month.
Estate agent Bob Rubenstein, who is handling the Brosnan property, told The Mail on Sunday: ÔThis is the nicest house on the nicest beach in Malibu. We are asking 0,000 a month. That is the going rate for a property of this calibre in this area. 
ÔThe house went on the rental market on Friday and we had six serious enquiries the first day. I have no doubt we will rent it soon at the full asking price. It is a magnificent property.Ó
Brosnan and his wife, Keely Shaye Smith, an eco-activist, are believed to be spending their summer on location. The actor has four new films in pre-production.
Mr Rubenstein said the property would be available for rental for July and August but when asked if Brosnan set the rental price, he laughed and said: ÔNo comment.Ő
The four-bedroom, 13,000 sq ft property boasts its own exercise room, spa, sauna, art studio and bar. It has a self-contained guest chalet and a large saltwater swimming pool. 
Irish-born Brosnan bought the property in 2000 for Ł6.5 million but only moved in at the end of last year with his wife and their sons, Dylan,15 and Paris, 10. He tore down the house that was on the land to create his dream home.
The listing describes the house as having 120ft of beachfront Ôwith sublime ocean and mountain views. This magical seaside estate features contemporary Thai/Balinese architecture, soaring ceilings, walls of glass and lush tropical gardens.Ő
There is a private cinema, music room and library. The house is Ôfilled with fine art and French antiquesŐ.
The actor is a staunch ecological campaigner and helped design the property to make it as ÔgreenŐ as possible. It has so many solar panels that Brosnan is able to heat the house and pool and sell electricity back to the local grid. There is a state-of-the-art water recycling plant on site and a revolving compost heap.
©Exclusivepix, Image: 131181535, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Exclusivepix
Profimedia, Exclusivepix

Malibu, CA  - *EXCLUSIVE*  - Couple Pierce Brosnan and his wife Keely Shaye Smith are seen returning home after being evacuated over the weekend when the Woolsey fire swept through Malibu. Pierce looked to be in good spirits as he checked out the scene. Keely could be seen wearing a respirator mask so she wouldn't breathe in any of the harmful smoke and ash that is still in the air.

Pictured: Pierce Brosnan

*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 395920442, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI
Profimedia, AKM-GSI

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12. ožujak 2025 06:29