FOTO: EVO KAKO IZGLEDA ZGARIŠTE KOJE JE NEKAD BILO DOM MILEY CYRUS Snimke iz zraka otkrivaju štetu dva i pol milijuna vrijedne vile

Dom Miley Cyrus i Liama Hemswortha
 Profimedia, Mega Agency

Tisuće domova uništeno je u razornim požarima koji su u studenom harali Kalifornijom. Skupe vile pretvorile su se u zgarišta, a među njima su kuće Miley Cyrus, Liama Hemswortha, Kim Basinger, Robina Thickea, Gerarda Butlera, Neila Younga i drugih.

Miley Cyrus i danas njezin muž Liam Hemsworth izgubili su dva i pol milijuna dolara vrijedan dom u Malibuu nakon što ga je progutala vatra. Pjevačica i glumac već su tad na društvenim mrežama dijelili grozne fotografije spaljenih ostataka.

Na najnovijim fotografijama njihova doma slikanog iz zraka vidi se kako se vegetacija oko kuće obnavlja.

EXCLUSIVE: Miley Cyrus' destroyed Malibu home is barely recognizable despite its tell tale swimming pool and glass gate.
12 Mar 2019, Image: 419051931, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency
Dom Miley Cyrus i Liama Hemswortha

EXCLUSIVE: Miley Cyrus' destroyed Malibu home is barely recognizable despite its tell tale swimming pool and glass gate.
12 Mar 2019, Image: 419051920, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency
Dom Miley Cyrus i Liama Hemswortha

- Ja sam među sretnicama. Moji kućni ljubimci i ljubav mog života uspjeli su sigurno pobjeći od požara i to je sve što je zasad važno - napisala je tada Miley na Instagramu.

Pjevačica je kasnije priznala da unatoč činjenici što su u vezi bili čak 10 godina, upravo je gubitak doma bio faktor koji ih je potaknuo da se vjenčaju.

EXCLUSIVE: Miley Cyrus' destroyed Malibu home is barely recognizable despite its tell tale swimming pool and glass gate.
12 Mar 2019, Image: 419051949, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
Profimedia, Mega Agency
Dom Miley Cyrus i Liama Hemswortha

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It’s been a heartbreaking few days. This is what’s left of my house. Love. Many people in Malibu and surrounding areas in California have lost their homes also and my heart goes out to everyone who was affected by these fires. I spent the day in Malibu yesterday and it was amazing to see the community pulling together to help each other out in any way they can. Malibu is a strong community and this event is only going to make it stronger. Thankful for the all the great local guys that helped keep smaller fires out around my property. I love u guys. I love you Malibu. Thank you to all the hero firefighters around California. It’s going to be a journey to rebuild. Stay strong all. To help/donate visit @malibufoundation and @happyhippiefdn

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31. siječanj 2025 09:38