FOTO: BIJEG POSLIJE SKANDALA Zgodna glumica zbog flerta s Justinom Timberlakeom postala je meta kritičara, a sad pokazuje zašto joj je teško odoljeti

Alisha Wainwright

Glumica Alisha Wainwright (30) u studenome prošle godine punila je novinske stupce nakon što je u New Orleansu snimljena u prisnom druženju s oženjenim pjevačem Justinom Timberlakeom (38).

Tulum, MEXICO  - *PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE*  - Alisha Wainwright enjoys a sun-filled getaway in Tulum. The 'Raising Dion' and 'Shadowhunters' actress relaxed and ordered a cold drink with a friend, seemingly putting the recent PDA scandal with Justin Timberlake behind her. The pair met on the set of the upcoming movie 'Palmer,' which is currently in post-production. Photos leaked of Timberlake holding hands and putting his hand on the knee of his co-star Wainwright at an after-work party, after which Timberlake issued an apology, citing too much alcohol causing a lapse of judgment leading to the PDA. Shot on 01/25/20.

*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 495153918, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: BACKGRID / Backgrid USA / Profimedia
BACKGRID / Backgrid USA / Profimedia
Alisha Wainwright

Tulum, MEXICO  - *PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE*  - Alisha Wainwright enjoys a sun-filled getaway in Tulum. The 'Raising Dion' and 'Shadowhunters' actress relaxed and ordered a cold drink with a friend, seemingly putting the recent PDA scandal with Justin Timberlake behind her. The pair met on the set of the upcoming movie 'Palmer,' which is currently in post-production. Photos leaked of Timberlake holding hands and putting his hand on the knee of his co-star Wainwright at an after-work party, after which Timberlake issued an apology, citing too much alcohol causing a lapse of judgment leading to the PDA. Shot on 01/25/20.

*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 495154121, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: BACKGRID / Backgrid USA / Profimedia
BACKGRID / Backgrid USA / Profimedia
Alisha Wainwright

Slavni glazbenik poslije se javno ispričao supruzi, glumici Jessici Biel (37), s kojom ima četverogodišnjeg sina Silasa, tvrdeći kako je te večeri zbog alkohola "prešao granicu, ali nije ju prevario".

Podsjetimo, Alisha i Justin snimljeni su kako se drže za ruke, zbog čega je atraktivna crnka postala meta kritičara, osobito Jessicinih obožavatelja, koji su je prozvali "razaračicom brakova".

Tulum, MEXICO  - *PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE*  - Alisha Wainwright enjoys a sun-filled getaway in Tulum. The 'Raising Dion' and 'Shadowhunters' actress relaxed and ordered a cold drink with a friend, seemingly putting the recent PDA scandal with Justin Timberlake behind her. The pair met on the set of the upcoming movie 'Palmer,' which is currently in post-production. Photos leaked of Timberlake holding hands and putting his hand on the knee of his co-star Wainwright at an after-work party, after which Timberlake issued an apology, citing too much alcohol causing a lapse of judgment leading to the PDA. Shot on 01/25/20.

*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 495154141, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: BACKGRID / Backgrid USA / Profimedia
BACKGRID / Backgrid USA / Profimedia
Alisha Wainwright

Tulum, MEXICO  - *PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE*  - Alisha Wainwright enjoys a sun-filled getaway in Tulum. The 'Raising Dion' and 'Shadowhunters' actress relaxed and ordered a cold drink with a friend, seemingly putting the recent PDA scandal with Justin Timberlake behind her. The pair met on the set of the upcoming movie 'Palmer,' which is currently in post-production. Photos leaked of Timberlake holding hands and putting his hand on the knee of his co-star Wainwright at an after-work party, after which Timberlake issued an apology, citing too much alcohol causing a lapse of judgment leading to the PDA. Shot on 01/25/20.

*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 495153925, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: BACKGRID / Backgrid USA / Profimedia
BACKGRID / Backgrid USA / Profimedia
Alisha Wainwright

No čini se da je Wainwright sve neugodnosti odlučila ostaviti iza sebe - naime, ovih dana mir je potražila u meksičkom Tulumu, gdje se odmara u društvu prijateljice.

Na plaži je, u minijaturnom bikiniju, pokazala atribute na koje ni Timberlake, iako zauzet, nije ostao imun.

Inače, Justin i Alisha upoznali su se na snimanju filma "Palmer".

Jessica nije javno komentirala suprugovo neprimjereno ponašanje, a par, tvrde bliski izvori, intenzivno radi na učvršćivanju braka.

Tulum, MEXICO  - *PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE*  - Alisha Wainwright enjoys a sun-filled getaway in Tulum. The 'Raising Dion' and 'Shadowhunters' actress relaxed and ordered a cold drink with a friend, seemingly putting the recent PDA scandal with Justin Timberlake behind her. The pair met on the set of the upcoming movie 'Palmer,' which is currently in post-production. Photos leaked of Timberlake holding hands and putting his hand on the knee of his co-star Wainwright at an after-work party, after which Timberlake issued an apology, citing too much alcohol causing a lapse of judgment leading to the PDA. Shot on 01/25/20.

*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 495154126, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: BACKGRID / Backgrid USA / Profimedia
BACKGRID / Backgrid USA / Profimedia
Alisha Wainwright

Tulum, MEXICO  - *PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE*  - Alisha Wainwright enjoys a sun-filled getaway in Tulum. The 'Raising Dion' and 'Shadowhunters' actress relaxed and ordered a cold drink with a friend, seemingly putting the recent PDA scandal with Justin Timberlake behind her. The pair met on the set of the upcoming movie 'Palmer,' which is currently in post-production. Photos leaked of Timberlake holding hands and putting his hand on the knee of his co-star Wainwright at an after-work party, after which Timberlake issued an apology, citing too much alcohol causing a lapse of judgment leading to the PDA. Shot on 01/25/20.

*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 495154154, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: BACKGRID / Backgrid USA / Profimedia
BACKGRID / Backgrid USA / Profimedia
Alisha Wainwright

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09. ožujak 2025 06:51