COURTNEY LOVE IMA 24 GODINA MLAĐEG DEČKA Prva zajednička šetnja u javnosti, a procurile su i njegove fotografije iz prošlosti. Alex je bio goli batler


Pjevačica Courtney Love po prvi put fotografirana je s novim dečkom Alexom Hemsleyjem tijekom šetnje Londonom. Courtney i Alex tijekom pandemije koronavirusa u Londonu nisu se razdvajali jedno od drugog.

Taj danas 31-godišnji poduzetnik nekad je bio i goli batler, a u javnosti su se pojavile i njegove fotografije iz prošlosti.

Alex je 55-godišnju Love tijekom izolacije svakodnevno posjećivao u hotelu, ušuljao bi se na stražnja vrata, a jednom je čak i viđen kako je u šetnju izveo njezinog psa Bella. No, ovo je prvi put da je par zajedno viđen u šetnji.

London, UNITED KINGDOM  - *EXCLUSIVE*  - **No Mail Online** **No Subscriptions**

Courtney Love spotted for the first time with British toy boy Alex Hemsley who she has spent almost every day with during the Covid pandemic lockdown in London. Alex is a 31 year old 'entrepreneur' and used to be a naked butler! Alex has visited the hotel daily, sneaking in via the back door and was once even seen on doggy duty taking Courtney's beloved dog Bell out for a walk. Though 55 year old Courtney rarely ventures outside, the pair posted pictures on a romantic park walk in Battersea Park on May 9, though discretely posted themselves individually.

*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*,Image: 523986016, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN AUSTRIA, GERMANY, SWITZERLAND, UNITED KINGDOM,Naked Butler picture was found in Mail On Sunday 29/05/2011, Model Release: no

Iako je Love nakon smrti Kurta Cobaina bila u brojnim vezama, često napominje da je on ljubav njezina života. Tako je krajem veljače na svom Instagram profilu objavila fotografiju s njihovog vjenčanja prije 28 godina.

London, UNITED KINGDOM  - *EXCLUSIVE*  - **No Mail Online** **No Subscriptions**

Courtney Love spotted for the first time with British toy boy Alex Hemsley who she has spent almost every day with during the Covid pandemic lockdown in London. Alex is a 31 year old 'entrepreneur' and used to be a naked butler! Alex has visited the hotel daily, sneaking in via the back door and was once even seen on doggy duty taking Courtney's beloved dog Bell out for a walk. Though 55 year old Courtney rarely ventures outside, the pair posted pictures on a romantic park walk in Battersea Park on May 9, though discretely posted themselves individually.

*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*,Image: 523986023, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN AUSTRIA, GERMANY, SWITZERLAND, UNITED KINGDOM,Naked Butler picture was found in Mail On Sunday 29/05/2011, Model Release: no

Courtney i Kurt početkom devedesetih bili su kontroverzni par koji je privlačio pažnju javnosti sve do njegovog samoubojstva 1994. godine.

London, UNITED KINGDOM  - *EXCLUSIVE*  - **No Mail Online** **No Subscriptions**

Courtney Love spotted for the first time with British toy boy Alex Hemsley who she has spent almost every day with during the Covid pandemic lockdown in London. Alex is a 31 year old 'entrepreneur' and used to be a naked butler! Alex has visited the hotel daily, sneaking in via the back door and was once even seen on doggy duty taking Courtney's beloved dog Bell out for a walk. Though 55 year old Courtney rarely ventures outside, the pair posted pictures on a romantic park walk in Battersea Park on May 9, though discretely posted themselves individually.

*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*,Image: 523986175, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN AUSTRIA, GERMANY, SWITZERLAND, UNITED KINGDOM,Naked Butler picture was found in Mail On Sunday 29/05/2011, Model Release: no

Pjevačica je tada u svojoj objavi na Instagramu dodala da je njezin život već 28 godina kaotičan, s brojnim usponima i padovima i da javnost sve to prati, dodajući da je to "najgora stvar koja se nekome može dogoditi".

London, UNITED KINGDOM  - *EXCLUSIVE*  - **No Mail Online** **No Subscriptions**

Courtney Love spotted for the first time with British toy boy Alex Hemsley who she has spent almost every day with during the Covid pandemic lockdown in London. Alex is a 31 year old 'entrepreneur' and used to be a naked butler! Alex has visited the hotel daily, sneaking in via the back door and was once even seen on doggy duty taking Courtney's beloved dog Bell out for a walk. Though 55 year old Courtney rarely ventures outside, the pair posted pictures on a romantic park walk in Battersea Park on May 9, though discretely posted themselves individually.

*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*,Image: 523985926, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN AUSTRIA, GERMANY, SWITZERLAND, UNITED KINGDOM,Naked Butler picture was found in Mail On Sunday 29/05/2011, Model Release: no

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11. ožujak 2025 05:59