U 101. GODINI OBORIO REKORD U SKAKANJU PADOBRANOM Sudjelovao je u desantu na Normandiju, a sad je postao najstarija osoba koja je skočila padobranom

 Profimedia, SWNS

Ratni veteran Verdun Hayes (101) koji je kao pripadnik britanske vojske sudjelovao u slavnom desantu na Normandiju na Dan D, u nedjelju je oborio svjetski rekord u kategoriji najstarije osobe na svijetu koja je skočila padobranom, pišu britanski mediji.

Uz neustrašivog Verduna iz zrakoplova su u nedjelju u Honitonu na jugozapadu Englesku sa 4500 metara skočili i članovi njegove obitelji: sin, unuk, praunuk i praunuka.

U 101. godini života, preciznije 101. godini i 38 dana, Hayes je oborio Guinnessov rekord koji je dosad držao Kanađanin Armand Gendreau. On je pri skoku padobranom 2013. imao 101. godinu i tri dana.

Po doskoku je Hayes novinarima kazao kako je "apsolutno oduševljen" svojim postignućem.

D-Day veteran Verdun Hayes, 101, completes his world record breaking tandem skydive. May 14 2017.  See SWNS story SWDIVE; A D-Day hero has become the world's oldest tandem skydiver - aged 101 and 37 days.  Daredevil Verdun Hayes leapt from a plane to glide into the record books yesterday (Sat).  The great-granddad jumped with ten other people, including three generations of his family and the doctor who signed him off. Last year Second World War veteran Verdun, who served during the D-Day invasion of Gold Beach, became the oldest Brit to complete the feat aged 100. This year, he stole the world title after knocking Canadian Armand Gendreau, who was 101 and three days when he jumped in 2013, off the top spot., Image: 332259323, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: follow us on twitter - @swns
browse our website -
email, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, SWNS
Profimedia, SWNS

D-Day veteran Verdun Hayes, 101, completes his world record breaking tandem skydive. May 14 2017.  See SWNS story SWDIVE; A D-Day hero has become the world's oldest tandem skydiver - aged 101 and 37 days.  Daredevil Verdun Hayes leapt from a plane to glide into the record books yesterday (Sat).  The great-granddad jumped with ten other people, including three generations of his family and the doctor who signed him off. Last year Second World War veteran Verdun, who served during the D-Day invasion of Gold Beach, became the oldest Brit to complete the feat aged 100. This year, he stole the world title after knocking Canadian Armand Gendreau, who was 101 and three days when he jumped in 2013, off the top spot., Image: 332259314, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: follow us on twitter - @swns
browse our website -
email, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, SWNS
Profimedia, SWNS

Vitalni je veteran kazao da je njegov skok imao humanitarni karakter. Naime, omogućio je prikupljanje novca za organizaciju veterana Royal British Legion.

Verdun je novinarima otkrio i da je želio skakati padobranom još kad je navršio 90, no od nakane ga je odgovorila njegova pokojna supruga. Prvi je put skočio kad je navršio stotu.

Hayes je tijekom Drugoga svjetskog rata bio u sastavu britanske vojske, a za junaštvo je odlikovan ordenom francuske Legije časti.

D-Day veteran Verdun Hayes, 101, completes his world record breaking tandem skydive. May 14 2017.  See SWNS story SWDIVE; A D-Day hero has become the world's oldest tandem skydiver - aged 101 and 37 days.  Daredevil Verdun Hayes leapt from a plane to glide into the record books yesterday (Sat).  The great-granddad jumped with ten other people, including three generations of his family and the doctor who signed him off. Last year Second World War veteran Verdun, who served during the D-Day invasion of Gold Beach, became the oldest Brit to complete the feat aged 100. This year, he stole the world title after knocking Canadian Armand Gendreau, who was 101 and three days when he jumped in 2013, off the top spot., Image: 332259310, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: follow us on twitter - @swns
browse our website -
email, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, SWNS
Profimedia, SWNS

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