FOTO, VIDEO: 'BILA SAM U VINKOVCIMA, ALI NISAM VIDJELA OVAKVE PLANINE' Gledatelji se smiju kako je prikazana Slavonija u novom hit filmu o Poirotu

 Profimedia, Landmark

Jedan od očekivanijih ovogodišnjih filmskih hitova počeo je konačno igrati u kino dvoranama diljem svijeta pa su stigle i prve reakcije gledatelja.

Dobro poznata priča Agathe Christie ‘Ubojstvo u Orient Expressu’ ponovno je ekranizirana u režiji Kennetha Branagha s nizom glumačkih zvijezda. Kenneth Branagh, Johnny Depp, Penélope Cruz, Dereck Jacobi, Michelle Pfeiffer, Adam Garcia, Judi Dench, Willem Dafoe i Sergej Polunjin samo su neka od slavnih imena u filmu.

Premda su gledatelji uglavnom oduševljeni filmom, stigle su i prve kritike, no one se uglavnom odnose na (ne)logičnosti od kojih nijedan film nije cijepljen. Osim što su gledatelji generalno nezadovoljni izborom glumca slavnog detektiva Herculea Poirota (glumi ga Kenneth Branagh) navikli na Davida Sucheta (kojeg još uvijek nedjeljom ujutro gledamo na Hrvatskoj televiziji), zasmetala im je još jedna sitnica.

USA.  Kenneth Branagh, Michelle Pfeiffer, Josh Gad, Daisy Ridley ,Olivia Colman, Lucy Boynton,  Judi Dench, Kenneth Branagh, Penelope Cruz, Willem Dafoe and Manuel Garcia Rulfo  in the ©Twentieth Century Fox new movie: Murder on the Orient Express (2017). 
Plot: A lavish train ride unfolds into a stylish & suspenseful mystery. From the novel by Agatha Christie, Murder on the Orient Express tells of thirteen stranded strangers & one man's race to solve the puzzle before the murderer strikes again., Image: 353476039, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Supplied by Landmark Media. Editorial Only. Landmark Media is not the copyright owner of these Film or TV stills but provides a service only for recognised Media outlets., Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Landmark
Profimedia, Landmark
Glumačka ekipa: Kenneth Branagh, Michelle Pfeiffer, Josh Gad, Daisy Ridley ,Olivia Colman, Lucy Boynton, Judi Dench, Kenneth Branagh, Penelope Cruz, Willem Dafoe i Manuel Garcia Rulfo

Naime, na putu od Istanbula do Pariza legendarni vlak prolazi i hrvatskom prugom, kroz Slavoniju. Premda u opisu filma na IMDb-u stoji da vlak zaglavi ‘negdje na Balkanu’, taj trenutak se u originalnoj priči dogodi između Vinkovaca i Slavonskog Broda, a isto se može zaključiti i prema razgovorima likova u filmu.

Ono što upada u oči jesu planinski masivi kojih, naravno, u Slavoniji nema, a to su primijetili i strani gledatelji.

‘Bila sam u Vinkovcima prije nekoliko godina i u Slavonskom Brodu. Nisam vidjela ove fantastične planine’, napisala je Urška Skalicky u objavi na Facebooku, a korisnica s naših prostora joj je odgovorila: ‘U pravu si. Vinkovci i Brod su usred Slavonije, najveće ravnice u Hrvatskoj. Međutim, mislim da je redatelj ‘izmislio’ planine kako bi stvorio klaustrofobičnu i zastrašujuću atmosferu.’

U objavi jednog korisnika Facebooka koji je pohvalio film, ali i prozvao turističku zajednicu zašto ne komercijalizira činjenicu da se ubojstvo u Orient Expressu Agathe Christie dogodilo par desetaka kilometara od Slavonskog Broda, jedna je korisnica odgovorila: ‘Baš jučer odgledala, fascinatni planinski masivi i crnac policijski službenik u Brodu, a sve 1934!’ Drugi je korisnik otkrio još jednu zabavnu činjenicu: ‘U jednom od prijevoda mjesto se zove Slonovski Drob!’

USA. A poster for the ©Twentieth Century Fox new movie: Murder on the Orient Express (2017). 
Plot: A lavish train ride unfolds into a stylish & suspenseful mystery. From the novel by Agatha Christie, Murder on the Orient Express tells of thirteen stranded strangers & one man's race to solve the puzzle before the murderer strikes again., Image: 353475906, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Supplied by Landmark Media. Editorial Only. Landmark Media is not the copyright owner of these Film or TV stills but provides a service only for recognised Media outlets., Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Landmark
Profimedia, Landmark

USA. A scene from the ©Twentieth Century Fox new movie: Murder on the Orient Express (2017). 
Plot: A lavish train ride unfolds into a stylish & suspenseful mystery. From the novel by Agatha Christie, Murder on the Orient Express tells of thirteen stranded strangers & one man's race to solve the puzzle before the murderer strikes again., Image: 350457216, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Supplied by Landmark Media. Editorial Only. Landmark Media is not the copyright owner of these Film or TV stills but provides a service only for recognised Media outlets., Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Landmark
Profimedia, Landmark

USA. A scene from the ©Twentieth Century Fox new movie: Murder on the Orient Express (2017). 
Plot: A lavish train ride unfolds into a stylish & suspenseful mystery. From the novel by Agatha Christie, Murder on the Orient Express tells of thirteen stranded strangers & one man's race to solve the puzzle before the murderer strikes again., Image: 350457111, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Supplied by Landmark Media. Editorial Only. Landmark Media is not the copyright owner of these Film or TV stills but provides a service only for recognised Media outlets., Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Landmark
Profimedia, Landmark

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19. rujan 2024 03:41