ŠOKANTNA NESREĆA Dvogodišnjakinja krenula zatvarati prozor automobila u trenutku kad je majka gurnula glavu prema njoj. Žena se udavila

 Profimedia, East2West News

Yuila Sharko pokušala je izvući kćer kroz otvoren prozor kraj suvozačevog sjedišta svog BMW-a kada se desila nezapamćena tragedija.

Dvogodišnjakinja je, u trenutku dok je ona gurnula glavu u vozilo, stisnula prekidač za spuštanje prozora. Prozor je stisnuo majčin vrat i udavio ju.

A young mother died on her 21st birthday after getting her neck wedged in theclosingwindow of her stationary BMW car. Yulia Sharko was trying to pull her two year old daughter from the vehicle through the half open front seat window. At this moment, the child pressed the automatic switch closing it - which garrotted her mother, say reports citing law enforcement. Her husband Artur found the mother-of-two unconscious soon after the freak accident., Image: 470450445, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, East2West News
Profimedia, East2West News

Nalazile su se kraj kuće prijatelja kojima su došle u posjet. Suprug Artur je ubrzo našao Yuliju onesviještenu.

Hitna pomoć je brzo stigla, ali joj nije bilo spasa.

Umrla je osam dana kasnije jer je izgubila previše kisika što joj je bespovratno oštetilo mozak.

A young mother died on her 21st birthday after getting her neck wedged in theclosingwindow of her stationary BMW car. Yulia Sharko was trying to pull her two year old daughter from the vehicle through the half open front seat window. At this moment, the child pressed the automatic switch closing it - which garrotted her mother, say reports citing law enforcement. Her husband Artur found the mother-of-two unconscious soon after the freak accident., Image: 470450432, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, East2West News
Profimedia, East2West News

Da užas bude još veći, nesretna žena preminula je na svoj 21. rođendan.

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05. ožujak 2025 03:11