NI KRIVA NI DUŽNA, A NA CESTI JU TRAŽE AUTOGRAME Majka dvoje djece zapanjujuće nalikuje slavnoj glumici, svojom pojavom izaziva nevjericu prolaznika

 Profimedia, Caters News

Legenda kaže da svatko ima svog dvojnika na planeti, a Angelina Jolie očito ih ima na stotine.

Svakih nekoliko mjeseci u medijima se pojavi žena koja tvrdi da svojom pojavom izaziva nevjericu prolaznika koji su uvjereni da pokraj njih prolazi fatalna glumica, humanitarka i bivša supruga Brada Pitta Angelina Jolie.

Jedna od posljednjih u nizu koja smatra kako nalikuje Angelini 'kao jaje jajetu' je i Melissa Baizen, 34-godišnja majka dvoje djece iz Wisconsina – piše Daily Mail.

PIC FROM MERCURY PRESS (PICTURED: ANGELINA JOLIE LOOKALIKE MELISSA BAIZEN, 34) An ordinary mum-of-two claims she looks so much like Angelina Jolie that she is overwhelmed with attention from strangers - who mistake her for the Hollywood movie star.Melissa Baizen lives a regular life with her partner and two children but says her uncanny resemblance to the A-list beauty has been given a taste of the actress glamorous life. Despite having the same high cheek bones and full lips as Mr and Mrs Smith star, Melissa is often critical of her appearance but claims the comparison has boosted her self-esteem. The optical manager, whose look is constantly turning heads, describes herself as a normal girl and claims that the attention can be overwhelming and embarrassing.The 34-year-old, from Hales Corners, Wisconsin, US, has always looked up to the film star and even dressed up as her character Maleficent for the Medieval-themed Bristol Renaissance Faire last year.  SEE MERCURY COPY, Image: 328235222, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

Melissa je novinarima ispričala kako je poput većine žena ponekad imala problema sa samopouzdanjem, no usporedbe sa slavnom glumicom učinile su ju sigurnijom u samu sebe.

- Oduvijek sam se divila njezinoj ljepoti i radu. Smatrala sam ju uzorom, a naša prirodna fizička sličnost samo je simpatičan dodatak cijeloj priči – pojasnila je Melissa medijima.

PIC FROM MERCURY PRESS (PICTURED: ANGELINA JOLIE LOOKALIKE MELISSA BAIZEN, 34) An ordinary mum-of-two claims she looks so much like Angelina Jolie that she is overwhelmed with attention from strangers - who mistake her for the Hollywood movie star.Melissa Baizen lives a regular life with her partner and two children but says her uncanny resemblance to the A-list beauty has been given a taste of the actress glamorous life. Despite having the same high cheek bones and full lips as Mr and Mrs Smith star, Melissa is often critical of her appearance but claims the comparison has boosted her self-esteem. The optical manager, whose look is constantly turning heads, describes herself as a normal girl and claims that the attention can be overwhelming and embarrassing.The 34-year-old, from Hales Corners, Wisconsin, US, has always looked up to the film star and even dressed up as her character Maleficent for the Medieval-themed Bristol Renaissance Faire last year.  SEE MERCURY COPY, Image: 328235251, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

Iako joj usporedbe gode, ponekad su joj pogledi prolaznika naporni i neugodni. Ipak, ne zazire od toga da se ponekad potrudi izgledati što sličnije Angelini pa se prigodno odjene i u likove koje je Jolie tumačila u svojim filmovima, kao primjerice na prošlogodišnjem festivalu u Bristolu.

PIC FROM MERCURY PRESS (PICTURED: ANGELINA JOLIE LOOKALIKE MELISSA BAIZEN, 34 DRESSED AS THE CHARACTER JOLIE PLAYED FROM THE FILM MALEFICENT) An ordinary mum-of-two claims she looks so much like Angelina Jolie that she is overwhelmed with attention from strangers - who mistake her for the Hollywood movie star.Melissa Baizen lives a regular life with her partner and two children but says her uncanny resemblance to the A-list beauty has been given a taste of the actress glamorous life. Despite having the same high cheek bones and full lips as Mr and Mrs Smith star, Melissa is often critical of her appearance but claims the comparison has boosted her self-esteem. The optical manager, whose look is constantly turning heads, describes herself as a normal girl and claims that the attention can be overwhelming and embarrassing.The 34-year-old, from Hales Corners, Wisconsin, US, has always looked up to the film star and even dressed up as her character Maleficent for the Medieval-themed Bristol Renaissance Faire last year.  SEE MERCURY COPY, Image: 328235030, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

Još od tinejdžerskih dana ljudi su joj govorili da nalikuje glumici, a na poslu ju oslovljavaju Angelininim imenom, što joj je, kaže, poprilično neugodno.

PIC FROM MERCURY PRESS (PICTURED: ANGELINA JOLIE LOOKALIKE MELISSA BAIZEN, 34) An ordinary mum-of-two claims she looks so much like Angelina Jolie that she is overwhelmed with attention from strangers - who mistake her for the Hollywood movie star.Melissa Baizen lives a regular life with her partner and two children but says her uncanny resemblance to the A-list beauty has been given a taste of the actress glamorous life. Despite having the same high cheek bones and full lips as Mr and Mrs Smith star, Melissa is often critical of her appearance but claims the comparison has boosted her self-esteem. The optical manager, whose look is constantly turning heads, describes herself as a normal girl and claims that the attention can be overwhelming and embarrassing.The 34-year-old, from Hales Corners, Wisconsin, US, has always looked up to the film star and even dressed up as her character Maleficent for the Medieval-themed Bristol Renaissance Faire last year.  SEE MERCURY COPY, Image: 328234979, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News
Profimedia, Caters News

Njezina je obitelj također svjesna zapanjujuće sličnosti, osobito suprug koji nije oduševljen s količinom pažnje koju njegova draga svakodnevno dobiva.

- Nikad nije priznao, ali znam da je duboko u sebi ljubomoran na poglede na ulici – izjavila je Melissa i otkrila kako se nikada nigdje nije pokušala predstaviti kao slavna glumica, no za budućnost, ta joj pomisao u nekom šaljivom kontekstu nije strana.

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20. rujan 2024 10:23