GRAD ŽIVIH MRTVACA Ulicama hodaju poput zombija, samo mrmljaju, građani i vlasnici trgovina u strahu: 'Ponekad se zaključavam dok sam sama'


Britanski su mediji posljednjih dana ponovno pokrenuli raspravu o raširenosti droge Spice koja konzumente doslovce pretvara u zombije. Fotografije nastale na ulicama grada Lincolna zaprepastile su javnost, ‘još jedan grad preplavljen je ovisnicima’, pisalo se ovih dana.

Za razliku od nekih drugih droga, ova ima poseban odjek i na medije i na javnost zbog dehumanizirajućeg efekta koji je jasno vidljiv na eksplicitnim fotografijama. Ovisnici su snimljeni kako sjede ili leže po ulicama onesviješteni, prekriveni bljuvotinom, malaksali i komatozni.

Osobito su zabrinuti građani koji prolaze ‘zahvaćenim’ četvrtima, kao i vlasnici poslovnih objekata na tim mjestima.

- To je kao da gledate ‘Žive mrtvace’. Dolazim na posao u pet ujutro kad je još uvijek mračno i sama sam. Zna biti jako zastrašujuće. Ponekad se zaključavam dok sam sama - rekla je Debra Swain, vlasnica lokalnog kafića u Lincolnu.

Jeftino i dostupno

Novinari Daily Maila razgovarali su s Ryanom iz Manchestera, beskućnikom koji je upravo palio lulu ispunjenu duhanom i Spiceom. Već trenutak kasnije počeo se nekontrolirano znojiti, postao je nesuvisao i gotovo se uopće više nije mogao micati. Premda ima samo 24 godine, ispijenog lica, Ryan izgleda barem deset godina starije.

As the flowers and cards are removed from the Manchester Arena bomb memorial St Ann's Square the rough sleepers, homeless people and spice users have returned in even greater numbers. One man is collapsed by a bin with The Manchester Bee logo on in St Ann's Square on Wednesday afternoon, Image: 337752554, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO UK SALES, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Press Association
Profimedia, Press Association
Ovisnik na ulicama Manchestera

Manchester city centre, UNITED KINGDOM  - *EXCLUSIVE*  - A man roams the streets in Manchester in a zombie like state after it appears he has taken the 'spice' drug!!

Pictured: Spice Zombie 


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Ovisnici u Manchesteru

April 6, 2017 - Manchester, Greater Manchester, UK - Manchester , UK . A man appears disorientated and screams out incoherently as he sits forward on the pavement on Newton Street . An epidemic of abuse of the drug spice by some of Manchester's homeless population , in plain sight , is causing users to experience psychosis and a zombie-like state and is daily being witnessed in the Piccadilly Gardens area of Manchester , drawing large resource from paramedic services in the city centre, Image: 328465919, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: * United Kingdom Rights OUT *, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Zuma Press - News
Profimedia, Zuma Press - News
Ovisnici u Manchesteru

Mehaničar specijaliziran za motore konzumira Spice svakodnevno već dvije godine i kaže: - Uspava vas, pomaže vam zaboraviti u kakvoj se situaciji nalazite. Prije sam pušio travu, ali do ovoga se lakše dođe i jeftinije je - objašnjava mladić i kaže da za 10 funti (80 kuna) dobije droge dovoljno za cijeli tjedan.

Najveći problem sa Spiceom je taj što učinak gotovo nikad nije identičan, a konzumenti mogu doživjeti najrazličitije tipove i jačine halucinacija, znojenja i tjelesne paralize. U najtežim slučajevima konzumacija ove droge može dovesti do otkazivanja jetre, bubrega i smrti. Zombi efekt traje od 10 minuta do pola sata prije nego što korisnici ponovno ne dođu svijesti. Među ostalim simptomima javlja se paranoja i vrtoglavica koja može trajati i osam sati.

Put u zaborav

Leanne iz Birminghama, također beskućnica, kaže da je postala ovisna nakon što je prvi put prihvatila smotanu cigaretu. Nije ni znala da se u njoj nalazi droga.

A shocking time-lapse video showing the horrific effects on former legal highs like Spice on drug-abusers in Newcastle has been released by police. See Ross Parry story RPYSPICE; The footage was taken during the last two weeks in Newcastle, and is made up of two clips of people taking what is believed to be a new blend of Spice known as 'Power'. In one clip users can be seen lying comatose on the floor, while the other shows a junkie getting his hit and then struggling to stand, as his knees start to tremble underneath him and he slumps lower and lower to the ground. Superintendent Paul Knox says that the public should be reassured by the force's firm stance and hopes that by releasing the footage people can understand the dangers of the drugs., Image: 337645605, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: follow us on twitter - @swns
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Profimedia, SWNS
Ovisnik na ulicama Newcastlea

April 6, 2017 - Manchester, Greater Manchester, UK - Manchester , UK . Two men stand slouched over in a telephone box after consuming a rolled cigarette believed to contain spice . An epidemic of abuse of the drug spice by some of Manchester's homeless population , in plain sight , is causing users to experience psychosis and a zombie-like state and is daily being witnessed in the Piccadilly Gardens area of Manchester , drawing large resource from paramedic services in the city centre, Image: 328465865, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: * United Kingdom Rights OUT *, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Zuma Press - Archives
Profimedia, Zuma Press - Archives
Ovisnici u Manchesteru

April 6, 2017 - Manchester, Greater Manchester, UK - Manchester , UK . A man carefully cleans off the face of a woman , who appears disorientated as she sits on a bench wrapped in a duvet , as behind paramedics tend to a man lying on the ground . An epidemic of abuse of the drug spice by some of Manchester's homeless population , in plain sight , is causing users to experience psychosis and a zombie-like state and is daily being witnessed in the Piccadilly Gardens area of Manchester , drawing large resource from paramedic services in the city centre, Image: 328465859, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: * United Kingdom Rights OUT *, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Zuma Press - Archives
Profimedia, Zuma Press - Archives
Ovisnici u Manchesteru

- Onesvijestila sam se i dalje se više ne sjećam puno. Ali to je i razlog zašto je još uvijek uzimam - pomaže mi da zaboravim. Sad se više ne mogu skinuti jer sam toliko ovisna da se tresem, znojim i povraćam. Čim ponovno povučem dim, bolje mi je - kaže Leanne.

Zabilježen je i slučaj u centru Londona gdje su turisti u čudu gledali drogiranog muškarca koji je nepomično stajao i gledao u jednu točku deset minuta. Nakon toga je prošetao 50 metara i ponovno se ugasio. Nije čak bio sposoban ni reagirati kad su mu prolaznici ponudili pomoć.

Stručnjaci tvrde da se Spice uglavnom prodaje beskućnicima, ovisnicima i ljudima s mentalnim problemima jer nisu toliko svjesni pogubnih posljedica. Spice se prodaje u sto različitih varijacija zbog čega su i učinci nepredvidljivi.

April 6, 2017 - Manchester, Greater Manchester, UK - Manchester , UK . A passer by with medical training helps out by tending to two men , believed to have taken spice . An epidemic of abuse of the drug spice by some of Manchester's homeless population , in plain sight , is causing users to experience psychosis and a zombie-like state and is daily being witnessed in the Piccadilly Gardens area of Manchester , drawing large resource from paramedic services in the city centre, Image: 328465635, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: * United Kingdom Rights OUT *, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Zuma Press - News
Profimedia, Zuma Press - News

April 6, 2017 - Manchester, Greater Manchester, UK - Manchester , UK . A group of men huddle in a doorway on Piccadilly Gardens , one lies in an unresponsive state on the pavement , another stands slouched back against the wall . An epidemic of abuse of the drug spice by some of Manchester's homeless population , in plain sight , is causing users to experience psychosis and a zombie-like state and is daily being witnessed in the Piccadilly Gardens area of Manchester , drawing large resource from paramedic services in the city centre, Image: 328465922, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: * United Kingdom Rights OUT *, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Zuma Press - News
Profimedia, Zuma Press - News

Dr. Janos Baombe (41), liječnik na hitnom prijemu u bolnici u Manchesteru, kaže da tjedno u prosjeku zaprimi pet ljudi s ozbiljnim problemima i posljedicama Spicea. Međutim, puno gore slučajeve viđa na cesti.

- Nikad nisam vidio drogu koja je toliko opasna i moćna. U samo nekoliko dana možete razviti toleranciju i trebat će vam još više. ‘Spuštanje’ izgleda slično kao kod osoba na heroinu, ali o Spiceu postanete puno brže ovisni - rekao je Baombe.

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12. ožujak 2025 09:27